UK: Survey finds men have lost their role in society

Story here. Excerpt:

"More than half of men believe the world is dominated by females and that they have lost their traditional role in society, according to recent research.
The research also shows that just as many women feel their work-life balance has been stretched to breaking point.
Men say they "feel handcuffed" by political correctness - only 33 per cent feel they can speak freely and say what they think, whereas two thirds find it safer and easier to keep their opinions to themselves."

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...or the cheap panty hose wearing Gestapo is going to get you!

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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If they say "we have lost our role", and then also say, "women rule society", well..that is obviously tantamount to saying that men used to rule, which is a myth as we know from reading Farrell.


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"The research also shows that just as many women feel their work-life balance has been stretched to breaking point"

It must be there for "balance", since the writer is a woman. Did the researchers ask the men about THEIR work-life balance? Probably not, since it's usually just assumed that men don't need such a thing..their only option is to work their asses off. And/or women's "awareness has been raised" on the issue much more than men's.


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Why do they always have to interject with some fraudulent "women are suffering too" nonsense instead of just admitting men have it bad?

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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The news media is extremely power-mongering. They have flagrant bias, and unethical, irresponsible methods and reporting.

But occasionally, when appropriate, they do something that appears ethical when it is in their own best interests - for example inject this statement to "balance" the article. This makes it appear that they are being neutral (and so being ethical), whereas their goal is in this case is to assuage any negative feelings of their women readers (for example the feeling that men are "getting too much attention", thus taking away from women).

The best example of the media's hypocracy in recent times, was during the Scooter Libby case, during which a reporter was briefly jailed for failing to reveal important information to officials. I'm not saying whether I agree she should have been jailed or not, but instead my point is that while she was in jail, the media was spending huge amounts of time and space on how their profession is to properly report the news; they were all of a sudden talking like their profession is some wonderfully ethical entity, totally separate from opinion and politics.

The sad thing is that no one who matters will ever scrutinize the news media, since anyone who does so will be decried a fascist, someone who is trying to control the press.


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On the other hand (just to play devil's advocate which I resist...) --

Any article that makes a connection between men's suffering at the hands of misandrist injustice, and women's suffering because of it, is like a lightening bolt across the demented lace curtain of MSM feminism.

It's like feminists are finally enrolling in high school Logic 101 class!

If they ever graduate, they can enroll in a 200-level course on the philosophy of equality.

I'd even be willing to have my taxes raised to see these lost girls given some modest sense of intellectual direction.

Maybe if they pass the Logic course they could get a gift card to Nordstrom's?

Pass the Equality course and get free birth control pills for a year?

Or maybe free stiletto high heels from Nordstrom's with implanted birth control hormones in the shoe leather that are absorbed into their systems?

Think about it. It's not as silly as it sounds...

You gotta appeal to womens' most basic instincts -- i.e. shoes.

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The only reason the media is all about "equality" in suffering now is because they want women to still "get their share." The media wants the suffering market cornered by women. Don't think this "one article" is indicative of any change in that mission.

When the media was covering imagined "female suffering" we heard nothing about men. Now that someone is finally writing about a group of people that "really suffer" suddenly it is all about equality of suffering.

You can play "devil's advocate" just don't play the fool while you're at it.

With that said the media can get bent. Most women aren't suffering from anything but their own greed, delusional histrionic behavior and laziness.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I see the same response on every web site where men confront female bullshit.

Whenever a female poster gets cornered with facts, she will give in, but always add the phrase "but it happens to women too, so we should learn to work together".

It boils my blood when I read that. females are so 2-faced, and selfish, it amazes me that so many men feel that women are harmless and nurturing.

They are harmless and nurturing, as long as they are getting exactly what they want.

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There is a reason that when women are surveyed about whether they would prefer to work for a male boss or a female one, the vast majority say they would want to work for a man.

Two reasons come to mind immediately:

1) Women are suspicious of other women because they see them as competitors, just like all their high school "best friends" who stole their boyfriends.

2) Women assume they can much more easily manipulate a male boss than a female one.

Women are not two-faced.

If you look closely, they display their predatory face 100% of the time.

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