Man Loses Job For Failing To Register For Draft: Sues Demanding Equal Protection

In an article appearing in the Saturday January 5th, 2008 edition of the Boston Globe the story of a man being filed for failing to register for the draft appears. After working for the IRS since 1991, Michael Elgin was fired when it was discovered that he had not registered for the draft. Despite letters written on his behalf by Senators Kennedy and Kerry, and a son who completed an 18-month tour of duty in Iraq, Michael Elgin's termination by the IRS was enforced.

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I remember reading in another user's post that in "The Manipulated Male", Esther mentions:
-men can be conscripted, women cannot

Case and point. This guy was screwed over by this inequality, when he failed to sign up for the draft. I must say it's kind of pathetic that the US thinks that someone refusing to be treated like a human chess piece in a pointless war for someone's amusement is grounds to fire them from their job. Of course, this type of injustice could only be dealt to a man.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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There is only one point in his lawsuit I disagree with and that is the draft registration requirement at 18 implies that women are second class citizens. That is femi-fascist logic. It is men who are demeaned by being the only gender required to register for the draft not women. Since women have the option of joining the military and going into almost any field that men go into implies that women are a privileged group. And there are affirmative action programs to get women into fields traditionally blocked to women in the military in addition to getting promoted over men with more seniority. Only men required by law to register implies that the government owns a piece of men's lives just because they happen to have been born male. It is a modern day form of serfdom and should be done away with.

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    Luek said: There is only one point in his lawsuit I disagree with and that is the draft registration requirement at 18 implies that women are second class citizens. That is femi-fascist logic.

Of course you are absolutely correct Luek. However, this is a brilliant way to word your argument if your goal is to get the attention of courts who have constantly shown a propensity to bend over backwards whenever it can be shown that women are being discriminated against in some way.

Why should women be denied the "honor" and "privilege" of being part of the selective service system which has discriminated against them for so long, making them into second class citizens. It's about damn time women should be included. You go girl!

Wonder why NOW has never argued against such an obviously oppressive patriarchal system as the selective services. :-) Would love to see them come up with some contorted reason to oppose this - but I suspect we won't hear a peep.

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...that throughout the article it was stated that women "are not allowed to register for the draft," both by the female author of the article and the guy's lawyer. Again, it makes it seem as if women are being deprived of something they really want.

I'd bet any amount of money that if given a choice between, say, losing the right to abortion or losing the privilege of exemption from being conscripted into combat, by far more women would choose the former.

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