ACFC Announces New President
Announcement here. Excerpt:
'The most significant change going into 2008 takes place with respect to the office of ACFC President. As many of you know, Dr. Stephen Baskerville has returned to academic pursuits, taking a position as associate professor of government at Patrick Henry College in Virginia.
Our search committee members considered and discussed the position with several candidates and are pleased to announce ACFC's new President for 2008, Dr. Linda Nielsen.
For the past two decades Dr. Nielsen has been a proponent of Shared Parenting. She is a tenured faculty member at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Her background as a social researcher combined with her training as an adolescent psychologist, make hers a voice which cannot be ignored in the expanding debate over the need for Shared Parenting and the important necessity of a Fathers contribution in child rearing.
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A professor in a "women's studies" program?
As a professor in Wake Forest's women studies program
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
Dr. Nielsen - Real Deal or Trojan Horse?
From her personal web site at WFU... (that's kind of disconcerting already....)
"A nationally recognized expert on father-daughter relationships, Dr. Nielsen has been teaching, conducting research and writing about adolescents and father-daughter relationships since 1970. Since 1991 she has been teaching her "Fathers & Daughters" course - the only college course in the country that focuses exclusively on father-daughter relationships. Her special interest is helping estranged fathers and daughters reunite or strenghthen their relationships."
(On her appointment as ACFC's President) -
"By disseminating accurate information from our most recent and most reputable research, I will continue to promote shared parenting. Yes, there are challenges: to break down myths and stereotypes that undermine shared parenting, to change laws and policies that don’t reflect what the research clearly demonstrates is best for children, and to provide more support and encouragement for co-parenting families. Through education and legislation we can remove these barriers and empower parents to remain actively involved in their children’s lives. As our society and our legal system move towards fully accepting the fact that both parents are equally vital to the well-being of their children, we will all benefit."
Her book is titled -
"Embracing Your Father: How to Build the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted with Your Dad"
See her glam photo and resume at -
The main impetus for placing
The main impetus for placing this story here was not to announnce the new president (who may or may not be as effective as the last one).
But to announce Dr. Steven Baskersville announcement to cross back over the Rubicon (so to speak) back into academia where he belongs!!
As luek said in a prior
As luek said in a prior posting, "she's a women, orgainizations and board meetings will have to listen to her."
I guess all women aren't harpies
It certainly is a breath of fresh air to for once see a woman who agrees that a man's role in raising his child is as important as the mother's role. I mean, let's face facts. Over the past few decades, the divorce rate has skyrocketed, and many kids have been forced to grow up without a father. What in turn has happened as a result of this? Well, I'm certain the crime rate has skyrocketed too, and this is thanks mainly to many kids growing up without a strong male role model. I was beginning to wonder if all women out there were too self-absorbed and narcisisitic to aknowledge the necessity of a father in a child's life. I'm glad to see that I was wrong regarding that.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
gender's studies?
oregon dad
well, I just read the Wake Forest University website, and it states that the "women's and gender studies" program at Wake Forest University offers all students rigorous academic courses that examine and question cultural, biological, political, and social constructions of femininity and masculinity. Our program is interdisciplinary in content and approach. Whether you enroll in a course that explores women’s history, women’s literature, or women’s issues, or a class devoted to the sociology or politics of gender, masculinities studies, or gay and lesbian studies, you will find yourself in the company of teachers and learners who encourage critical thinking and dialogue, and who validate complex and diverse perspectives. Committed to active involvement in the community, we have developed a strong internship program that allows students to translate their knowledge into practice."
While the site states there are "masculinities studies" there are no courses listed.
How can you have a Women's AND Gender studies program without a "masculinities studies" class?
I presume you do everything from the female perspective.
We need to press the good Dr. Neilsen into leadership in providing a Men's Studies course framework. Surely she would be open to suggesting this to the University.
Ivory Jungle Dances
From WFU's web site, describing their Womenz' Studies program --
"... you will find yourself in the company of teachers and learners who encourage critical thinking and dialogue, and who validate complex and diverse perspectives."
This translates into --
"You will find yourself in the classroom where aging and rigid ideological harpies will indoctrinate you into the feminist cult of infantilism and victimization"...
To pass the class with an "A" or "B", you will be required to mimick the delusionary thinking of your feminist professor.
If you are really astute as an aspiring ass-licking stooge, you will visit his/her during regular office hours, to suck up and express your undying admiration for the one book she/he wrote before being granted tenure.
Above all, do not be critical, and try not to think, during your conversation with your mentor.
The Ivory Jungle is not a pleasant place anymore.... for students or their faux-teachers.
Now that is funny!
"You will find yourself in the classroom where aging and rigid ideological harpies will indoctrinate you into the feminist cult of infantilism and victimization"...
To pass the class with an "A" or "B", you will be required to mimick the delusionary thinking of your feminist professor.
If you are really astute as an aspiring ass-licking stooge, you will visit his/her during regular office hours, to suck up and express your undying admiration for the one book she/he wrote before being granted tenure.
Above all, do not be critical, and try not to think, during your conversation with your mentor.
The Ivory Jungle is not a pleasant place anymore.... for students or their faux-teachers.
Zing! Gentlemen and whores we have a winner!
The domain of Mr. Reality
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
this is bad
IMHo if she is a feminist then no good will come of this. privileged people can accomplish nothing stepping on the necks of the afflicted, lower classes (that's us).
feminism, like a virus, infects the host, takes control and changes or destroys what does not fit it's needs.
so she claims to be an expert on what has always been known as common sense for thousands of years? what else does she "believe" through her
if we are voting: Trojan in origin.
Zing? Not.
When you quote some one at length, it is customary, and considered polite and gentlemanly, to explicate one's positive or critical views with a minimally descriptive referential passage, with at least one attribution.
Your enthusiastic (!!) comment was either incomplete, or a self-referential odd confession of sorts.
"Zing!" is not precisely the art of writing, though it may lead to that, in the event that your cleverness can no longer be contained ....
Write man. Actually write!
My main interest in men's rights at the present time is to thank good writers, because the mainstream media (conventiaonal journalism) is falling apart, and every articulate MRA voice will soon have its fourteen minutes of fame.
Strategy is everything.
You again?
I would have hoped you had better things to do with your time rather than fish for arguments.
I guess I was wrong. Oh yeah....Zing.
The domain of Mr. Reality
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
I think we could make a fortune at --
I would require a regular salary to put up with your diatribes and ADHD personality.
Fishing is my favorite hobby.
Arguing... only when the fish don't bite.
MrReality... I'm at the end of my patience with your refusal to actually WRITE.
Put pen to actual paper man!