Las Vegas Teen Murderess: "I didn't think anyone would miss anybody like that"

Truly shocking story. I'm not sure if you've covered this in the past:

"When Lobato, now 23, realized Bailey didn't have any drugs, she pulled out a butterfly knife, cut off his penis and killed him with a combination of stabbings and blows to the head with a baseball bat, according to Kephart."

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Any time there is a news story involving a man and a woman, look for the inevitable hints and accusations that the man had either raped or been violent to her or some other woman. Works every time!

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is this a trend? this woman and andrea yates have had second trials. than again, the US doesn't really give a shit about homeless people anyway. could this be because that the VAST majority of the homeless population are male? the sad reality? this piece of shit of a human being might be right. "I didn't think anyone would miss anyone like that"

homeless and male: as long as the attacker is a female, the legal system will "bend over backwards" to keep this sicko out of jail, or at the very least, give her a joke of a sentence. with this second trial this could very well happen.

the obvious increase of violent crimes perpetuated by females and the rise of the female prison population can't be ignored forever.


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