Rudov: "Hello Kitty for Boys Will Feminize Them"

Marc Rudov destroys yet another woman's pathetic, misandric argument on Your World with Neil Cavuto. In a debate over women wanting boys to wear "Hello Kitty" shirts -- which were originally made for girls -- and play with dolls.

According "to the woman taking part in the debate" boys are extremely violent and playing with girls toys, wearing girls clothes -- and basically becoming girls in everyway possible -- will make them "less violent."

At one point the woman asks for proof that mothers are more violent towards their children than men. Mr. Rudov cites a government statistic that supports his claim and as always the woman then dismisses it as not being relevant.

I suppose even the network got tired of hearing her fraudulent, pathetic, biased, pro-woman argument because the station cut her off towards the end of the debate!

Also, is that Lis Wiehl "hosting" the debate?

Watch the video.

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He wants boys to be cast into a stereotypical mold. She wants boys to be girls. They both have the wrong idea.

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According "to the woman taking part in the debate" boys are extremely violent and playing with girls toys, wearing girls clothes -- and basically becoming girls in everyway possible -- will make them "less violent."

What nonsense. Girls and women's violent ways are swept under the carpet by the media. It is a "hidden culture" of hatred and aggression that females get away with daily.

Here is what a woman had to say about a book on girl's violence: "Females fight with what is called "relational aggression": the silent treatment, exclusion, mean looks, rumor spreading, ganging up on a girl, manipulating relationships. In a girl's world, friendship is a weapon. A fist is weak when compared to the humiliation of a day of silence and rejection. There is no gesture more devastating than the back turning coldly away. Simmon offers advice on how to help young girls deal with this huge problem in our society.

My only real disappointment is we assume this vicious behavior stops when girls grow up and become women. This simply is not true. I know too many grown women who behave this way. My neighbor's behavior fits the definition of "relational aggression" to a `T' from the silent treatment and exclusion of her victims to the way she is overly concerned with her façade as a likable neighbor, wife, and mother. She is a wolf in lambs clothing. While the naïve decry school age girls as ruthless, I beg to differ, in adulthood, women are even worse, they are only more sophisticated at disguising their ruthless maneuvers.

Let's not cite the stabbings, shootings, drownings, and child murders women have a monopoly on either. Girls and women are "Non-violent".....what a joke.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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The remarks above refer to Rachel Simmon's book ODD GIRL OUT, a mandatory read for MRAs. (There's also a sequel that is a collection of interviews with girls about relational aggression, bullying, etc.)

Simmons has yet to write an obvious extention to her research -- making the connection between girl-on-girl aggression and how mature women use refined variations of their adolescent warfare tactics in their relations with men.

The easiest connection would be to examine what happens during and after divorce, when women go ballistically passive-aggressive and use the power of the feminist legal system to do their dirty work.

Parental alienation syndrome is another obvious weapon that grows directly out of women's sophisticated understanding of emotional violence -- shunning, social ostracizing, isolating, destroying reputations, etc.

The reason that women prefer passive-aggression is because it allows them to maintain a facade of innocence while still using their power.

Being a responsible adult begins with an acknowledgment of one's power (agency and ability to make choices) - which is precisely why feminism insists on the exact opposite - the cult of victimization.

Victims can't (by definition) be responsible for their circumstances, right?

See how easy it is to think like a LaCrosse Wisconsin county district attorney? "My client is not guilty, your honor, because there is a vagina involved..."

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Roy Mens rights activism is eventually going to need a book club, and a simmilar book review ratings, one not unlike the NY. Times book review.
As someone who reads and respects you're opinion, I would back you,

As worthy of ...A noted opinion!!

One could start to carve a niche for themselves, and potentially get some media attention for the cause to boot!

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Roy mens rights, from where I'm standing, can only be interpreted as a growth industry!!

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Which may take awhile, since I need to actually choose a domain name.

For now though, those whom wish to join the site can get the temporary URL here:


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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There is somewhat of a resemblance, but the lady in this video is heftier than Wiehl - that is the main give-away. She's not quite as hot as Lis, but on the other hand she knows how to be a professional, UNlike Lis. I really can't picture Wiehl moderating a debate on an issue like this anyway, without her jumping in full force and effectively dominating the "conversation" with her nutty opinions.


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Then again the majority of responsibility dodging, "women are victims" XX chromosomes are all starting to look the same to me.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Wow, thanks for that video man.

How pathetic, she is actually saying all the statistics on single mother households and the skyrocketing divorce rate are all wrong!

How convienant, she says the household is a 2 parent household, when there is a problem with raising the child (i.e. boys), but when the child is doing good, then suddenly it becomes a single parent household, with that parent being the women who not only raises the child ALL BY HERSELF, but also does ALL the housework and has a career to boot.

Do women really think we don't understand this double standard they keep shoveling? And all the giggling in the background by both women while Marc is talking, it's so immature, and women actually want us to believe they are the more mature and intelligent of the two genders?

What we need is to get this stuff out in mass. Nobody in thier right mind is gunna believe the shit that is put out by these feminist pigs. How much is a TV spot? Newspaper ads?

This shit has to end, if not for me, then for my son, who is only 17.

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With thanks, are you advising me to get another job?

It is so much work to read all those books, and then compose intelligent commentary.

Mike LaSalle over at "Tokyo-at-Night" splash 'n pop-up city @ MND would have to guarantee me a paycheck, and he's already broke. (See his site's monthly server lease begging? Sad.)

An MRA book reviewer would be a marketable commodity.

It could even be in a debate format, like the Marc & Lis schtick on Fox.

Problem is, I'm not for sale.

The concept is solid though, given the right promo and willing MRA shill...

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