Female Rapist Allowed To Offer "her side" On The Today Show

Convicted rapist Debra Lafave has been granted permission to sit down with Matt Laurer and explain "her side" regarding the rape of a 14-year-old student. How many television interviews has anyone seen regarding a male who had sex with a 14 year old girl? She uses her bipolar disorder as an exuse. Millions of people suffer from a bipolar disorder, how many of them rape? I watched the interview (morbid curosity) and here is a direct qoute from the rapist: "He wanted it, so I gave it to him"!

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Remember these wise words:
"Bipolar disorder makes good people do bad things."


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The arch-feminist and social-Marxist (still dead) Betty Freidan got it right in her tome Feminine Mystique where she said that society does not demand or expect much from women. I believe this situation with this female rapist proves that. A man would not of course be given house arrest for statutorily raping a 14 yo female even though he had a bipolar disorder and she "wanted" it. Society expects and demands that men follow a higher standard of behavior when around underage children and young adults especially when it comes to matters sexual. That is why women get softer sentences and men get harsher ones. It is like if your 5 year old took a candybar from a store and got caught s/he would be dealt with much more leniently than you if you an adult had taken the same candybar because you are assumed to have a more mature and developed sense of right and wrong. Women in this society are really considered oversized children with diminished responsibility and we need to get over that!

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Contrast the treatment of Debbie the rapist with the men on that other Dateline program "To catch a Predator"

They are treated like the worst monsters alive (and they have not raped anyone).

Does anyone for half a second think that a decoy who's sole purpose for being on the internet is to lure men interested in sex with a young girl is not ACTING LIKE SHE WANTS IT or BEING OVERTLY SEXUAL HERSELF IN THE CONVERSATIONs? Yet Dateline neve quotes one single word that the person alleging ot be a young girl on line said or even who started the conversation with who. Why? Because there is NO EXCUSE for why a man would have sex with a young girl even if SHE SEDUCES HIM (which I would bet is the likely case with stunts like "To Catch a Predator")

But Debbie gets to blame everything under the sun for why she did it.
I was young to
I was raped by a boyfriend when I was 13 (but the teacher who walked in on it thought it was innocent so it must not have been as violent as Debbie makes it out to be)
It wasn't violent
The police abused me
I did not think of it as rape
I don't know how it happend (again and again and again and again)

Sexuality and what is and is not sexual abuse is the sickest double standard on the planet. One side it is ALWAYS rape and the other side it is NEVER rape

That NBC interview with Debbie is the most sympathetic piece I have ever seen. It totally gives the impression from start to finish that poor Debbie - the married woman that she was - was the real victim in all this.

She even gets to accuse the police of raping her whil collecting evidence against her. Aw, everyone abused poor Debbie.

Discusting!! Just unbelievably discusting!!!

No male would ever recieve that type of treatment of their story if the genders were reversed but all other factors were the same.

But just ask Debbie, it's ok now that she's the rapist and it wasn't ok when she was raped (which I doubt seriously she ever was) becuase "A 14 year old today is not like a 14 year old 10 years ago"

That excuse took the cake of them all in my book.

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her interview on the today show has had tremendous media coverage throughout cable news. it not just being "reported", but discussed by influencial media individuals. in every broadcast i've seen the question of "the double standard" is mentioned. everyone, the broadcasters and contributing experts all agree, it is absolutely unfair. they often raise the question of "why" and what needs to be done about this double standard.

it is rare you witness discussion by the media regarding any issue that is unfair to men. this could lead to the acceptance of discussing more men's issues throughout the media. this creates tremendous awareness among society. its will also have an impact on feminists. they want all social issues focused on just women. discussing double standards and the inequity men face in society destroys their philosophy that men are the "privilidged" gender.

just a thought


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That is an aspect of this whole thing that would be beneficial to men. The more conversation in the general public, schools, and media about sexual double standards the better if we ever truly wish to achieve equality between the sexes.

I think it will be better when the next step is taken and people start to look at why this is that women are never guilty of sex crimes even when they are. That may well be the straw that breaks the cammels back of femenism. After all, perhaps the highest rule in femenist doctorine is that all heterosexual sex is rape of the female and that only sapphic love can save the female soul.

If the world begines to recognise female sexual abuse women would flee from the femenist party lines as it would no longer offer them protection from the responsabilaties of their sexual lives.

Let the debate continue and grow as it can only lead to doom for femenist ideals that have saught to destroy half of the worlds population

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"Society expects and demands that men follow a higher standard of behavior when around underage children and young adults especially when it comes to matters sexual."

The word is -- CHIVALRY.

The very same principle that all male slaves have observed throughout time ...

sacrifice yourself for the "fairer sex."

Once upon a time.... feminism proposed that when women achieved "equality" with men, then the world would be good.

What does every feminized Western society have today, forty-plus years into this experiment?

Human roadkill everywhere.

Family destruction.

Gender wars at work, at home, in the political arena.

Men afraid to glance at a female for fear of a sexual harrassment allegation.

Women wailing -- "Where are all the good men?"

Feminism was never about the utopian tranquility of a promised gender equality.

It's always been a zero-sum con-game.

No wonder VAWA 2005 passed unanimously.

Men have accepted that they are disposable.

Now the fems are just haggling over the net worth of all the dead men walking....

Only MWGTOW will escape this dystopian nightmare.

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In addition to the gender issues involved, it is also a pet peeve of mine for someone to give such a bullshit account of things to the public, where intelligent viewers must know that she knows she is lying, and that she is getting away with it.
I saw part of it where Lauer asks, "so at the time, you didn't know you were doing anything wrong?", and Lafave replies, "no, I don't think so...of course not, or I wouldn't have done it!!".
That manner of answering alone, should make anyone suspicious, even if he or she knew hardly anything else about the case.
Then Lauer brings up the written record of the boy's statement, where he (the boy) says that during sex one time, "she told me 'we really shouldn't be doing this'".
So Lafave responds by flatly denying that she said that.
Why would the boy make up such a thing??
You can be sure that if a the victim was a girl, and she made such a statement about a male perpetrator, it would easily be taken for granted that she was telling the truth. Of course the man would already BE in jail, presumed guilty, so the issue would be of little consequence anyway!

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I completely agree that she is obviously not being truthfull in her recollections. Leter on in the interview they play parts of the police recorded phone conversations where Debbie the rapist makes the boy swear rereatedly that:

1) It's not "over" between them
and that if she comes over for more sex
2) "pinky swear" that his mother is not home

Sounds pretty darn clear to me she knew she was in the wrong. Then theres that whole SHE WAS MARRIED THING that got down played through out the whole interview. Her ex-husband is also a victum here.

Even her recollection (11 years after the fact mind you) of the alleged rape when she was 13 by her at the time teenaged boyfriend. She slipped up and said htat the teacher who walked in "Let us off the hook". Lauer caught it and questioned her on her choice of words and all of a sudden she couldn't tell the teacher she was being raped because she was "terrified" I don't know about anyone else, but I have never failed to notice when a child has a look of terror on their face. Was this teacher that caught them blind?

The problem is we let women get away with this. Even when we know absolutely that a woman is lying through her teeth to cover her own tracks we as a society accept the womans lies.

Men are questioned to the point where they are willing to confess to anything just to make the interrogation stop, but women always get to tell their side of things which is accepted as truth even if it - obviously to even the most casual observer - is utter fiction.

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It was not considered an aspect of the case as such, but how many of you guys knew that at the same time the trial was going on, LAFAVE BECAME ENGAGED TO ANOTHER MAN!! (Her first husband divorced her once the initial accusations appeared valid). Yeah sure, Lafave was certainly going through a massive upheaval psychologically, and did a lot of "soul-searching" during this whole process. That guy who will next marry her must be a real sucker, with low moral standards to boot!

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That's another problem (though that one kind of holds true of either gender) that Debbie the rapist was able to bolster her position of being a decent person because some old high school crush was still willing to have her.

I know that male psychos usually have absolutely no problems getting women either, but I still find it a little sick that anyone would want to be with her after what she had done both to her victim and to her husband. Can you really trust some one in marrage that totally humiliated and destroyed her last husband by raping a teenaged boy?

And why would a man want to marry an adult woman who claimed to be around 13 mentally anyway? I know I would not want to be my wifes father figure as she acted like a pubessant brat.

I guess some men really do only care about the packaging even when what's inside is obviously severely broken.

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