Middle-aged Princess Laments: Feminism Ruined My Life

A confessional essay truly worth reading. Excerpt:

"I had become a fat, unpleasant, middle-aged princess because I had refused to grow up. Sure, I had taken on grown-up responsibilities (marriage, career, house, motherhood) but at the core of my psyche was a 13-year-old girl who stamped her feet and whined when she didn’t get her way. Of course, I had stopped whining years ago but I simply replaced the whining with emotional manipulation and ornery bitchiness. No wonder I was still single and my two teenaged sons spent all their free time with their father... being a dilettante feminist, I swallowed the standard line that women can have it all... I had lots of blame to dole out. There was no way that the current state of my life was the result of my decisions. My single girlfriends all told me that, many, many times over copious cocktails in sundry singles bars. I read a lot of women’s magazines and the advice I got said pretty much the same thing - a woman is never to blame... Looking back in brutal honesty, I was a stark, raving bitch."

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There's too much in this long essay to cause me to feel that there's no way this could be made up, but I still find it really, really hard to believe that an American woman could put out so much logic and wisdom after having suddenly changed her perceptions and feelings and now sees so clearly through so many of the feminist lies over the years that always ostensibly appeared to support women as totally superior beings.

I wonder. Are there really many instances out there where women, such as is described in this essay, are swatted down when bringing frivolous discrimination lawsuits and when crying for more child support?

Do we only hear the horror stories? I wonder what percentage go one way and what percentage the other.

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The majority of women here will never admit they are wrong. They just become more and more bitter and try to hide it behind "being strong."

Then again this woman may be the small exception of women that woke up and thus don't like -- and can't stand -- other women and their manipulative ways.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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... thus far though it has yet to appear. The comments are moderated.


Interesting study too in human nature, more valuable for that than anything re feminism-- note what is actually motivating the change in this woman-- not a sudden realization born of a sense of humanity and insight driven by thoughtful self-analysis, but instead, a realization that she is "worth" much less to the men around her whom she has been using and abusing with her (former) sexiness. She is no Oscar Schindler. She is still fundamentally selfish and self-centered. She isn't changing so much as she is changing strategies at dealing with men. She is still looking for someone to come along and solve her problems for her, hence her focus on getting back into shape (ie, being a man-trap again, easy to do when 20, much harder at 45), and re-tooling her outlook on men ("ie, they're nice, not bad") all because it is useful. She can't get away with being a bitch anymore because her looks don't let her.

If she was REALLY penitent, she would write a long letter of apology to her ex-husband and refund the $200k+ in money she has taken from him via divorce and child support, beg for his forgiveness and then leave him the f*ck alone for the rest of his life. She isn't serious here about making changes or making amends. She is however serious at changing strategies for ensnaring a man again and setting him to work for her.

That's all that's happening here.

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Thanks for removing the rose-er-chivalry-colored glasses from my eyes.

When I first read this essay, I thought this sorry shelf-date-expired female was confessing that she had actually learned something.

Your remarks quite correctly point out that all she did was adjust her predatory strategies....

She's not sorry that she ruined good men.

She just wants to make sure she doesn't accidentally fail to exploit any of the fools she can still entice into her peri-menopausal web.

A 45 year-old divorced woman is my definition of a true horror...

Kudos for the reality check-up!

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note what is actually motivating the change in this woman-- not a sudden realization born of a sense of humanity and insight driven by thoughtful self-analysis, but instead, a realization that she is "worth" much less to the men around her whom she has been using and abusing with her (former) sexiness. She is no Oscar Schindler. She is still fundamentally selfish and self-centered. She isn't changing so much as she is changing strategies at dealing with men. She is still looking for someone to come along and solve her problems for her, hence her focus on getting back into shape (ie, being a man-trap again, easy to do when 20, much harder at 45), and re-tooling her outlook on men ("ie, they're nice, not bad") all because it is useful. She can't get away with being a bitch anymore because her looks don't let her.

If she was REALLY penitent, she would write a long letter of apology to her ex-husband and refund the $200k+ in money she has taken from him via divorce and child support, beg for his forgiveness and then leave him the f*ck alone for the rest of his life. She isn't serious here about making changes or making amends. She is however serious at changing strategies for ensnaring a man again and setting him to work for her.

That's all that's happening here.

Excellent post Matt. Very True.

The truth is in the very title of her letter: "Feminism ruined MY Life"

What a chickenhead bitch.

Notice the word "my"? No regard for others lives she has ruined with her manipulative pro-woman tirades.

"Feminism" ruined her life. Bitch YOU ruined your life by living it according to man-hating/pro-female bullshit! Bitches kill me looking for some "outer force" that did something "to" them. Give it a rest. She made the decision to live her life according to the tenets of a hate movement created by women like "her."

The Ameriskank realizes she can't afford to "be nasty" anymore -- since she did not take care of herself and is out of shape and ugly(being older does not make you unattractive, being out of shape and sloppy does.) -- it's not going to get her a free ride anymore, so now she is implementing the "be nice" tactic. I have another example of a predatory bitch; it was posted on a so-called "Pro-male" website.

The men -- and women -- were speaking of bitches that do negative shit to control men. I can't find it at the time but one of the posters -- a supposedly "pro-male" woman -- says she "acts nice" to her man and "controls him" by doing the things he likes.

She said she "makes him think he is in control even though SHE is the one in control." The sad thing is most of the beatdown "I joined the MRAs because I need a woman" jokers there agreed with this stinking bitch. I have noticed a very small amount of MRAs are actually seeking to take care of women and are actually fighting to get these whores back into their homes. The men on this site -- whom fit said bill -- acted as if a woman that acts nice when she manipulates a man is better than a woman that manipulates a man through getting on his fucking nerves. They somehow -- mistakenly might I add -- think this sneaky "nice" skank is different in someway.

Men with a brain know that this so-called female MRA that "acts nice" and "controls him that way" is in-fact the same woman -- mentally -- as the woman that manipulates a man through negative acts. They are both manipulative whores that use men for what they want. Which is not love, but exploitation.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Great article. Even if it's fake, it's still true.

I too came away with the thought that her new philosophy about life isn't necessarily due to a desire for equality. Instead, it appears to be more from the realization that she's now too old to get her way simply because she's a woman.

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Well, Mr.R, you have pointed out two truths.

(1) Women are infants, not because men wish them to be, but because they insist upon being relieved of adult responsibilities.

(2) Love is commerce.

1 + 2 = (Mr)reality check for men, right?

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Another thing I noticed about this woman that bothered me after thinking about it a while is her blaming her lack of success in finding a new man on her overweight, an indirect attack on men.

I hear this lament all the time as another among many criticisms of men. She seems to give the "OK" to this practice of only desiring good-looking, attractive women because she herself prefers only good-looking, attractive men. This is, of course, shallow thinking and certainly not true of men in general, but she still hasn't learned this because she is shallow herself.

If this were true of men, we would certainly be able to tell which women are married and which aren't based on which are over a certain weight as compared to their height or by their dress size.

Anyone here find that that's possible?

No, initially men may prefer thin, good-looking women, but personality trumps looks more often than it doesn't. She says her personality has changed, but I suspect not by enough. At least, not enough to make her attractive to many men in spite of her overweight. That guy who told her he wasn't attracted to her because of her weight, I suspect, did so because she didn't have the personality to trump her overweight as part of her overall "package".

I say she needs to work on her personality and attitudes more than she needs work on her figure. Are the needed changes possible? After a lifetime of brainwashing by the feminists all throughout the media, I strongly doubt it.

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What women effectively do is blame other sources for their negative behavior. Whether it be magazines, the government, men, schooling, childhood, etc. Anything can be used as the "fall guy" -- even other women -- if no other sources to take the blame are present. This is where feminism comes in. Women know that feminism is simply the byproduct of their negative attitudes and behavior. In all actuality feminism is something else women can lay the blame on once they find out the monster they created -- feminism -- is no longer effective in pillaging the locals(i.e. men).

Once they start to see feminism failing to bring in the money they will go back to being "wives and mothers." Why? Wives and mothers still get taken care of and have little to no responsibility as far as the majority of women are concerned. Women are masters at lying and manipulating so when one scheme(i.e. feminism) fails they simply switch to the next scheme. They are all masks women use to lure men into their web of deceit. Whether claiming to be feminists, mothers, wives, girlfriends, etc. if you are still dealing with a manipulative woman you will be taken.

Men should stop wishing for women to be fair. They are not going to be. There are exceptions but they are few and far in between. Arm yourselves appropriately gentlemen our feminine opponent is a master chameleon and assassin. She has slain many men before you and shall continue to do so. Entertain her at your own peril...


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Just my bad ...

I don't feel attracted to fat chicks.

I've had some, but they're not really fun in bed.

I know that makes me an evil misogynist.

It's just, they are ... crushing my futon.

I need a firm and fluffy futon. More than I need a fat chick.

Wrong, bad, wrong. I know.....

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The good thing to come of this article isn't to find redemption in this particular woman. Perhaps she's repentant, perhaps she's not. I certainly agree with the opinions expressed that she seems to just be finding new ways to get the men she wants. The hope here should be that some young girl/woman out there reads this before they're too indoctrinated. The corrollary to 'Feminism ruined my life' is 'it could ruin your life too'.

Advice like this from women to the younger generation, WHATEVER the motive, will be critical if the general way that women are raised to regard men is going to change. So while I join the rest of you in questioning the real motives, and suggest that she continue her self-exploration, I will applaud her efforts, to let others learn from her mistakes.

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Roy ...haha.. nothing wrong with not being attracted to a fat chick.

Being grossly overwieght says alot about a persons lifestyle too, and we should have the same choices that women do, except when women say they dont like a fat man, its her choice.

When a man says he doesnt like a fat chick, hes being sexist...

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I will applaud her efforts, to let others learn from her mistakes.

Oh please.

Feminism is simply being made out to be the "fall guy", just like men were made out to take the blame.

Who is really to blame here? The woman, for accepting and aligning herself with a hate movement created and ran by women.

Everyone with a brain knows feminism is a hate movement. Not many accept that this hatred existed privately within the psyche of the average western female though. So-called "nice wives and girlfriends" created feminism. Feminism is the dependent variable nurtured and cared for by women, not the independent variable. With this woman saying "be nice" and men are "ok" there will be no real change in the misandric/racist mentalities that "created" feminism. Thus if men are so quick to latch on to any bone women throw at them -- like starving dogs -- we can't blame women when they start yet another hate movement meant to exploit and destroy men.

No women need to hear alot more than what she's saying. What women need to hear most of all is "WE(As in "women") fucked up, WE need to take responsibility, WE are the reason men don't want to be bothered with women, WE need to change, WE created feminism -- which is a hate movement -- and WE need to get rid of it, WE need to apologize to men and help them as they helped us for hundreds of years, WE are full of shit and need to change our attitudes before WE ruin the world completely with our male slaves."

If women blame anything else other than themselves for their behavior they are simply doing what they have always done; eluding responsibility for their actions.


Bottom line get some motherfucking courage you raggedy bastards. Stop being doormats!


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I have been searching the availables over the internet for an Oriental girlfriend from overseas for some time now (just browsing) in anticipation for when I get my divorce which I plan to do within the next year or so and every once in a while, I check out the older, not so good-looking ones to see if they are really as good or better than the good looking ones.

Not! I don't care what you've heard. The good-looking ones are more often sweeter and more feminine and more interested in love than the older, heavier women. Almost without exception. And I'm not referring to looks in my analysis. I'm talking about what they say in their ads. In fact, even older American women (in their fifties) who you would think would be less picky have very high income requirements for their prospective men more often than not.

There's just no comparison. I firmly believe that a woman's appearance is a direct indication of what's going on inside. You can't tell a book by its cover? I think in most cases, we can. For some things we have to dig deeper, but I believe that everything is tied to everything else. And looks are an accurate indicator of what you're getting overall.

In my opinion, that old song that goes, "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife." is bogus from the word "go". A good friend taught me this many years ago when I was a teenager. I'm not saying that all good-looking women are good mates. I'm saying that your odds are better if you stick to this group and then throw away the bad ones as you get to know them better.

And totally avoid American women, no matter what they say or look like.

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The woman who wrote the essay has apparently awoken from a societal coma. Feminist manipulation has given her a life of unhappiness. Unfortunately it also had a negative impact on her husband and children lives. I don't blame the woman, I blame feminism. She was brainwashed and as a result, suffered. I am a strong advocate of redemption and forgiveness. The only thing left is to make amends with her ex-husband and sons. More women should be as aware. With that said, I applaud her epiphany and now her life actually begins. She has freed herself from the shackles of feminism.


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Isn't that touching?

*Throws up*

Here why don't you hold this flag -- with a vagina sketched on it -- and die for your country(which happens to be a woman's body)?

People make choices in life.

She chose to adhere to feminism. No "brainwashing" occurred. This woman is not a victim, she's a willing participant. Your defense of this woman insults all women by claiming she was just too dumb to think on her own. Women choose to hate men and act on it. Noone forces them to do so. She did what she wanted to do and still has not learned her lesson; which is evident in the letter. Men making excuses for her -- which probably happened alot in her lifetime -- only keeps her shitting in her panties and pissing on the floor rather than going to the bathroom and sitting her fat ass on the toilet like an adult. You going to warm her milk bottles up too for her?

Men need to shut the fuck up and let women "grow the fuck up." She hasn't even acknowledged that "she" was to blame. No she blames some outside force as if someone possessed her and made her hate men. Get the fuck out of here. If you believe that "Get out of responsibility free" card she just played then you will believe anything.

Here's one I hope you believe it and send the money too : Send me a million bucks via Western Union and I will pay you back tomorrow....I swear.

There is absolutely "nothing" to pity here other than the men she used and abused along with her partner in crime; feminism(which happens to be spearheaded by women). When will men learn to stop making excuses for women?

Try closing your mouths sometimes and letting women face the full consequences of what they have done. It works.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Which one do you prefer? Call it Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde.

1. Let me start by stating I always enjoy your posts. I also feel you have very little patience in regards to opinions you don't agree with. Don't get me wrong, disagreement is a vital and beneficial aspect to any debate or when analyzing another's ideology. I often read posts that I dont agree with. They happen to be some of my favorites. I often read these comments several times and use the input as a way to evolve my theory on gender issues. This is the main reason why I sometimes post stories and articles. I'm intrigued by what you guys have to say about them. Of coarse they're are theories I adimantly disagree with. I also think we have a completely different perspective on women. Notice I used the word "perspective" and didn't insinuate either is incorrect. Instead of completely disrespecting my opinion, maybe you can offer respectful insight on why you disagree. I'm not in competition with anyone here, I simply digest the info. as I continue to find gender issues fascinating.

2. I need to state something that will further your aggression. I believe you hate women. I could be wrong, but that's simply my impression. I see it this way, you can fire back with a nasty post or simply find an intellectual way to prove me wrong. Your choice, respect or attempted intimidation. Maybe its time to replace your anger with just a miniscule amount of maturity. I'm not much of a betting man but the Vegas odds suggests you'll respond. I'm looking forward to it! I won't be back on this site until tomorrow, so be patient. You see, I'm taking the woman out for a bite to eat tonight. You'll love this one. I make a lot more money than her so "GASP!", I'm paying. [oh, the horror, right?] A girlfriend? Only attainable if you DON'T hate women! Hating women makes it difficult to get laid. Remember sex with a woman? Feels good. Damn Good! Mr. Reality you need some pussy. Masturbating to Kim Gandy will only thrust you into a deeper hole of sexual frustration. If your short on cash I'll lend you a couple of bucks. I know a great French brothel in Manhattan. Mr Reality, please tell me MRA's are allowed to have sex.

Happy New Year!



Ask me what I think about Marc Rudov. You'll love it!

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You're certainly entitled to your opinion, which you seem quite eager to express, however I have to say your behavior as of late is quite disturbing. I don't know what events precipitated this behavior of yours, but I suggest you seek counseling. You seem to have a downright excessive amount of angst and are taking it out on your fellow MRAs, and other board members just expressing their own, equally valid opinions.

We're not all required to share your opinion on these matters. You're vitriolic responses serve no good whatsoever, except to drive people away from the board. If you expect us all to be as polarized as you I suspect you'll find few people in agreeance. Your 'us versus them' attitude is rather reminiscient of the feminist movement itself.

I know I'll get a longwinded response for this, and if that helps you vent some of your anger then perhaps good shall come of it, but I strongly suggest you try some introspection and try to find where all this is coming from.

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Is Anthony your real name? You sure sound like a woman to me.

When I was a teenager, a looooong time ago, I always hated it when a date would start psychoanalyzing me whenever she didn't like something I said or did.

What a drag! If you don't like something someone says, disagree. But please leave the psychoanalysis to female passive-aggressives and the feminist, woman-only forums.

By the way, I'll bite. What do you think of Marc Rudov? Let's hear it all. Don't leave anything out, other than my and Marc's psychoanalysis, please!

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Is Dan your real name? You sure sound like a woman to me.

>"You're certainly entitled to your opinion."

>"We're not all required to share your opinion on these matters."

What insight! What wisdom! You have got to be a woman!

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I've been affiliated with MANN for about two years. I believe I am a positive aspect to this movement.

Am I a woman? That's classic. I think I offended another virgin.. My suggestion is start with pornography and work your way up to your first kiss.

Rudov? He supports virtually every issue we do, but he ruins our philosophy because he complains, bitches, and whines. His defeats of Lis Weil is based more on her stupidity than his ability. Rudov is perceived as a clown, nothing more than a media whore. Again, he knows the topics, but ultimately emabrrases our movement with many arguments that are nothing more than his desire for fame. He cares more about himself than us. If he's the face of our movement than someone give me plastic surgery.


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>I think I offended another virgin.. My suggestion is start with pornography and work your way up to your first kiss.

Ha! Ha! Ha! I don't know how old you are but based on your posts and the quality of your perceptions, I suspect I've been married a lot longer than you've been on this earth.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

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Please tell me about your wife. I suspect she despises you. I shouldn't have mentioned sex to a married man who jerks off to his wife's copy of COSMOPOLITIAN.


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MrReality over the last few days has been heavily bashing other site members and trying to put forth his own anger filled message as being the only one MRAs should adopt. My post to him was out of concern. If you want to think there's something else to it, fine, but please think about your own motivations for posting. I hardly think I've done anything to deserve your scorn.

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>>She hasn't even acknowledged that "she" was to blame.

Where is the evidence for this? When I read the article she/he seems to take a good deal of blame and acknowledges his/her narcissism, shallowness, pettiness, manipulativeness, taking advantage of a man's desire for sex and more. Here's just a short example:

    I’ve made some profound changes in my life since then. First and foremost, I stopped blaming everyone else for my own problems. This was the hardest. For my entire life I was told - and I believed - that as a woman, I could do no wrong, that I was not responsible, that I was always the victim in some way. Over and over I had to tell myself that only I am responsible for my happiness.

It seems to me that what we have here is someone who is acknowledging their mistakes and is on the path towards letting go of their hatred of men. I am not saying she/he should get accolades but I do think that failing to note that this is someone who is beginning to take responsibility is missing the mark.

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Men also use "anti-male shaming tactics." Here are a few recent ones posted on this thread alone.

need to state something that will further your aggression. I believe you hate women.

Charge of Misogyny (Code Black)

Discussion: The target is accused of displaying some form of unwarranted malice to a particular woman or to women in general.

"You misogynist creep!"
"Why do you hate women?"
"Do you love your mother?"
"You are insensitive to the plight of women."
"You are mean-spirited."
"You view women as doormats."
"You want to roll back the rights of women!!"
"You are going to make me cry."

Response: One may ask the accuser how does a pro-male agenda become inherently anti-female (especially since feminists often claim that gains for men and women are "not a zero-sum game"). One may also ask the accuser how do they account for women who agree with the target's viewpoints. The Code Black shaming tactic often integrates the logical fallacies of "argumentum ad misericordiam" (viz., argumentation based on pity for women) and/or "argumentum in terrorem" (viz., arousing fear about what the target wants to do to women).

Rudov? He supports virtually every issue we do, but he ruins our philosophy because he complains, bitches, and whines.

Charge of Hypersensitivity (Code Blue) - The Crybaby Charge

Discussion: The target is accused of being hysterical or exaggerating the problems of men (i.e., he is accused of playing "Chicken Little").

"Stop whining!"
"Get over it!"
"Suck it up like a man!"
"You guys don't have it as nearly as bad as us women!"
"You're just afraid of losing your male privileges."
"Your fragile male ego ..."
"Wow! You guys need to get a grip!"

Response: One who uses the Code Blue shaming tactic reveals a callous indifference to the humanity of men. It may be constructive to confront such an accuser and ask if a certain problem men face needs to be addressed or not ("yes" or "no"), however small it may be seem to be. If the accuser answers in the negative, it may constructive to ask why any man should care about the accuser's welfare since the favor will obviously not be returned. If the accuser claims to be unable to do anything about the said problem, one can ask the accuser why an attack is necessary against those who are doing something about it.

You seem to have a downright excessive amount of angst

Charge of Irascibility (Code Red)

Discussion: The target is accused of having anger management issues. Whatever negative emotions he has are assumed to be unjustifiable.

"You're bitter!"
"You need to get over your anger at women."
"You are so negative!"

Response: Anger is a legitimate emotion in the face of injustice. It is important to remember that passive acceptance of evil is not a virtue.



I’ve made some profound changes in my life since then. First and foremost, I stopped blaming everyone else for my own problems. This was the hardest. For my entire life I was told - and I believed - that as a woman, I could do no wrong, that I was not responsible, that I was always the victim in some way. Over and over I had to tell myself that only I am responsible for my happiness.

She's blaming feminism for her problems. Not that I disagree that feminism is a hate movement, but she never had to accept it. That was her choice to accept it and ultimately by blaming it she's still the same person playing the victim card.

You seem to have blatantly left out that the very title of the letter is "feminism" ruined my life rather than "I" ruined my life. This is similar to women that say they want to be wined and dined -- and treated special as women -- and yet claim to want to be equal. You can't "stop blaming everyone for your own problems" and take responsibility and subsequently "blame something for your own problems."

I thought you would be smart enough to see that. I guess not.

Nuff said..


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Wow! Was I ever right! Meeeeeeeooooooooowwwwww!

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It is curious that you don't seem to see how this person is citing feminism and its teachings as the source of her difficulties but is then taking responsibility on herself for the mess she is in. Here's another quote:

    "But as the tears streamed down my face, I came to the conclusion that I had never grown up. I never learned about compromise, trust, tolerance, niceness. I was a bitch, pure and simple. I know now that being a bitch is not about strength or independence. Being a bitch is about being repellent, unpleasant, unhappy, and lonely. Being a bitch is nothing more than being a spoiled princess who is too selfish or stupid to accept the joy in life.

    I had become a fat, unpleasant, middle-aged princess because I had refused to grow up. Sure, I had taken on grown-up responsibilities (marriage, career, house, motherhood) but at the core of my psyche was a 13-year-old girl who stamped her feet and whined when she didn’t get her way. Of course, I had stopped whining years ago but I simply replaced the whining with emotional manipulation and ornery bitchiness. No wonder I was still single and my two teenaged sons spent all their free time with their father."

Notice all of the "I" words. "I had never grown up." "I was a bitch pure and simple" "my psyche was a 13-year-old girl who stamped her feet and whined when she didn’t get her way." (lol) This is not a person who is blaming anyone else. This is a person who is starting to take some responsibility for their narcissism.

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American woman, stay away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don’t come hangin’ around my door
I don’t wanna see your face no more
I got more important things to do
Than spend my time growin’ old with you
Now woman, I said stay away,
American woman, listen what I say.

American woman, get away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don’t come knockin’ around my door
Don’t wanna see your shadow no more
Coloured lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else’s eyes
Now woman, I said get away
American woman, listen what I say.

American woman, said get away
American woman, listen what I say
Don’t come hangin’ around my door
Don’t wanna see your face no more
I don’t need your war machines
I don’t need your ghetto scenes
Coloured lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else’s eyes
Now woman, get away from me
American woman, mama let me be.

Go, gotta get away, gotta get away
Now go go go
Gonna leave you, woman
Gonna leave you, woman
You’re no good for me
I’m no good for you
Gonna look you right in the eye.
Tell you what I’m gonna do
You know I’m gonna leave
You know I’m gonna go
You know I’m gonna leave
You know I’m gonna go, woman
I’m gonna leave, woman
Goodbye, American woman
Goodbye, American chick
Goodbye, American broad ...

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When this piece was accepted for posting, I had no idea it would prove so contentious.

It's taken me a long time to start to get beyond my preferred polarized "either/or" mindset to one that includes the notion of "and/both."

So, I agree with Tom that the female writer is indeed exploring "taking responsibility on herself for the mess she is in."

I also fully agree with Mr. Reality that ... "men also use "anti-male shaming tactics."

(The connect-the-dots between these equally valid remarks for me is primarily about whether you can believe that people can change and evolve and be trusted.)

As I've become a bit too interested in the MRA blogosphere, I've also found it worthwhile to dig deeper into the history of the feminist movement. You can make the case that feminism was not always a zero-sum game, at least in its idealistic, egalitarian version. (That kind of "big tent" feminism was co-opted by totalitarian statist VAWA-style feminism in the 1980's, IMHO. It morphed into a power & control oriented sexist hate movement...)

Still, you can find apparently genuine expressions by feminist women seeking actual gender equality, among many of the 2nd-wave matriarchs, like this one --

"We want to liberate men … as well. We want to share the work and responsibility, and to have men share equal responsibility for the children…. The truth is that most American children seem to be suffering from too much mother and too little father.
… we need free universal day care…. and with laws that permit women equal work and equal pay, man will be relieved of his role as sole breadwinner and stranger to his own children.
No more alimony. Fewer boring wives. Fewer childlike wives. No more so-called "Jewish mothers," who are simply normally ambitious human beings with all their ambitiousness confined to the house. No more wives who fall apart with the first wrinkle because they've been taught that their total identity depends on their outsides. No more responsibility for another adult human being who has never been told she is responsible for her own life …. Women's Liberation really is Men's Liberation, too."

"Women's Liberation' Aims to Free Men, Too"
Gloria Steinem
The Washington Post
Sunday, June 7, 1970


Would I do lunch with old gray grizzled Gloria to inquire about what she meant way back in the day?

Only if she picked up the full tab. ;-)

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It is curious that you don't seem to see how this person is citing feminism and its teachings as the source of her difficulties but is then taking responsibility on herself for the mess she is in..

It is "curious" you don't seem to understand what you wrote.

The "source" of this person's difficulties is the very person that created these difficulties by adhering to such an idiotic, hate-filled dogma. None other than the woman herself.

Life is about choices. She CHOSE(A very powerful word) to hate men and use them. Now she blames feminism for her choosing misandry over actual love. She cites "feminism" as the source of her problems. No, her own arrogance, disregard for men, and self-absorbed pitying is the "source" of her problems. It is what led her to such an ideology that conformed with the person she already was at heart; a selfish bitch with no regard for others unless "caring for others" gets her what she wants.

Now she sees she did not "benefit" from her hate-filled ways in the way she wanted so now she claims to be changing her tune, but at the heart this is the same selfish child making excuses for her negative behavior.

In-Closing: Stop posting comments directed towards me. I grow tired of neutered men -- that is if they are really men -- trying to gain my attention with a bunch of "we feel sorry for women" anti-male diatribes.

As I have stated before further posts from manginas shall be ignored.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Crap I just re-read this thread and I have once again totally contradicted myself!

My alibi is -- and I'm sticking to it -- I'm persuaded by every good writer on this site.

Is the female who penned the original article an opportunist, a brazen gold-digger looking for a mea culpa strategy to secure her next male wallet now that she is beyond her expiration date?

Or is she a sincere and now reflective, wiser, penitent individual who laments the poor decisions she made under the hypnotic thrall of feminism and the widely endorsed "you can have it all girl!" mantra?

Tom wants to see some reason for optimism regarding what she might be, while Mr. Reality wants to call her what she was.

Me? I'm just needing a New Year's plane ride south, very far south, out of wintry FemAmerica for a tropical shabby island where women have never heard of Gloria Steinem....

La lucha continua.

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"Women's Liberation' Aims to Free Men, Too"

Feminism: The Great Lie.

It is usually necessary to use a line such as the one cited above in order to make the unthinking masses believe one's goals are just. It's politics, plain and simple.

The true nature of a movement can be seen once power is obtained regardless of what was said prior to gaining power. Any human being with a brain realizes that corrupt people say -- and do -- anything to get into power.

Enjoy the conversation Roy. The apologetic "men" are starting to make my stomach turn.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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there is not enough information in the article to determine with certainty that the writer is indeed reformed. Maybe she is or maybe she isn't. Maybe her tears are honest or maybe it's just more narcissism and crocodile tears.

Actions speak louder than words, so the only way we could honestly know for sure would be to strap a video camera to her head and watch all her interactions with the world from now on. But wait; even that would be insufficient. We'd need to read her mind to know to truth. Short of that, the state of her reform is purely conjecture.

And frankly, I could care less. I don't know this woman (or even if it is a woman), so anything I could say about her would be more a revelation of my own biases, experience and trust (or lack of) level for women than anything else.

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How do you feel about women who post on men's websites using a man's name? Do you think it's dishonest? Do you think that person has integrity? Do you think that when a woman speaks, there is no difference between what she says and what a man would say in the same instance under the same circumstances with basically the same opinions on the same subject? Do you think that the only difference between a man and woman is their plumbing?

It's easy to change a person's name on a blind internet forum. It's a whole lot harder to change who you are. Women are not men. They don't walk, talk, act, or even move the same.

When I read your posts, I hear a woman talking. And that really bothers me because I not only disagree with some of your opinions, but I don't like deceitful persons.

I think that women who want to make their feelings and opinions known on this website should use a woman's name. It's the right thing to do. If your opinions disagree with those of the others here, we are not going to put up with them because they ostensibly come from a man. You will get an argument either way.

Geez! Someone posts a tear-jerking story by a woman and all the woman feminists come out en mass to stick up for her. At least have the integrity to post straight-up as a woman.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you are a man who thinks and talks like a woman. Maybe you're gay. Maybe after so many years of being brainwashed by the feminist media you think that talking like a woman is superior to talking like a man. My vote is that you're really a woman and I think you should change your name on this board to a woman's name to keep everything on the up and up.

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The question is not the source of her misery, the question is whether she/he is starting to take personal responsibility. I think that everyone can see that she is obviously taking some responsibility for her/his own behavior. You don't seem to be able to see this. Oh well.

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    Tom: The question is not the source of her misery, the question is whether she/he is starting to take personal responsibility.

Yes and that is a question I don't think can be answered here. Whether she actually is reformed or not is between her and her conscience/God/Higher Power (whatever term you use).

Perhaps a more interesting question would be: "Can a middle-aged feminist princess reform herself?"; more generally, can people change? I would say yes I believe so although the likelihood gets slimmer and slimmer with age.

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Yes, I agree with you that it can't be known for certain. The only thing we have to go on are the words in the article and the words indicate that she/he is taking responsibility.

I am not convinced that this was actually written by a woman and based on facts. In my experience it takes a lot more than a glimpse at a college photo to move someone off of a narcissism addiction. It takes a strong depression, a sudden death or some other tragedy to shock the person out of their addiction to habitual self-centeredness. So consider me skeptical but willing to listen to the actual words of the piece and react based on that.

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(Mr. R.) "I grow tired of neutered men -- that is if they are really men -- trying to gain my attention with a bunch of "we feel sorry for women" anti-male diatribes. As I have stated before further posts from manginas shall be ignored."

(Earlier quote --- offered as a caution to men, yes?)

“Men also use "anti-male shaming tactics."

Yes, and when they do, a conversation eventually devolves into a tedious monologue, don't you agree?

Mr. R., I have begun to notice a pattern....

You refuse the interrogative mode of speech.

Why is that?

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Roy, maybe MrR is sick and tired of listening to bullshit? Maybe he feels like manginas are more like traitors?

I have also noticed a few posts on here that read much more like what a women would say, rather than what a man would say.

Either they are actually women, or they have lost thier balls, hence the term "Mangina".

I dont care which actually, I will listen to common sense no matter what the source, even if they want to hide thier identity.

As for the topic at hand, I dont believe she has changed or will change. Like one of the comments left on that blog states, she is simply changing strategies, and I believe thats right on the button.

I hope everything in that story is true, and I hope she rots in her own private hell for the rest of her days. Nothing can bring back what she took from her sons and husband, nothing can be done to fix what she has broken. She deserves the same, leave her broken and leave her to rot.

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Thank you digital hermit!

In your wisdom, you have pointed us all towards the exit sign from what could be an endless mobius thread.

Though I'm a bit conflicted that it's only your moralistic off-ramp that let's me out...

The video head-cam idea is bankable... reality TV high concept!

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Dutch 269 -- "...nothing can be done."

Or, UN-done?

Would you say that this same existentially doomed principle applies to all of your OWN choices?

"Nothing can bring back...???" (That stupid decision I made?)

So, you basically do not believe in redeeming history?

Is "democracy" already dead in your head?

(It's a very old and often discarded idea... just a bunch of old dead books...)

The "nothing can be done crowd" are usually the first to be exterminated. (By the "oh yes we're doin' you now" crowd!)

Everything the MRA movement lacks could be solved if sophomore high school boys were required to read the Greek philosophers.

Unfortunately, their 85% female teachers have no interest, even a certain antagonism, regarding evil patriarchal philosophy.

Unless it's about the next sale on Grecian 600 thread-count bed linens at the mall.

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I've always been more of a Who fan. Considering your married, enjoy the lyrics from the classic "My Wife". [sung by the late great...John Entwistle]

My life's in jeopardy
Murdered in cold blood is what I'm gonna be
I ain't been home since Friday night
And now my wife is coming after me

Give me police protection
Gonna buy a gun so
I can look after number one
Give me a bodyguard
A back belt Judo expert with a machine gun

Gonna buy a tank and an aeroplane
When she catches up with me
Won't be no time to explain
She thinks I've been with another woman
And that's enough to send her half insane
Gonna buy a fast car
Put on my lead boots
And take a long, long drive
I may end up spending all my money
But I'll still be alive

All I did was have a bit too much to drink
And I picked the wrong precinct
Got picked up by the law
And now I ain't got time to think

Gonna buy a tank and an aeroplane
When she catches up with me
Won't be no time to explain
She thinks I've been with another woman
And that's enough to send her half insane
Gonna buy a fast car
Put on my lead boots
And take a long, long drive
I may end up spending all my money
But I'll still be alive

And I'm oh so tired of running
Gonna lay down on the floor
I gotta rest some time so
I can get to run some more

She's comin'!
She's comin'!

Happy New Year


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I find it perplexing that you question my gender when I actually use my real name. Are you afraid to use your birth name out of fear of retribution from your wife? I assume your affiliation with MANN is based on a miserable marriage. Instead of wasting time chastising the men here, grow a ball sack and stand up to your wife. Unless ofcoarse she removed your testicles on your wedding night. Does she have them preserved in a jar of phamaldehide? What are your plans for New Years Eve? I suspect your wife will have you scrapping the warts from her feet.


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Wow Roy, all this time I thought you were a grown up... man. I guess my instincts fail me at times, though it's rare.

First, you took me out of context with your first sentence. I said "NOTHING CAN BE DONE TO FIX THE SON AND THE HUSBAND". If your gunna quote me, do it right. I never said, "nothing could be done about her". Maybe she can change, but I highly doubt it, and I am entitled to my opinion... or is that only for women?

And yes, I can use that same doomed principle to all my OWN choices. How you ask? Because I have never treated any human being or animal the way feminist treat men. If I did, then I deserve whatever I get, period! You will not see me crying about it.

Lastly, if you are in fact a man, then you must understand a little thing called, "crossing the line". When someone has done something so bad, so heinous that everyone you talk too agrees it was bad, then you have crossed the line. Common sense should also tell you when you have crossed the line, obvioulsy she has none.

Ruining the lives of 2 men (her son and husband), is crossing the line. They will NEVER get a second chance. They HAVE to life with those scars for the rest of thier lives. What is she doing to fix it?

And here you are, trying to forgive her. Here you are trying to tell me I shouldnt feel the way I do. You are insane!

She deserves no comfort, if she had any sense of justice at all, she would spend the rest of her life making up to those 2 men she ruined, but you and I both know she won't, and you still want to comfort her.

Your pathetic Roy....

You Roy, have lost your balls, assuming you ever had a pair.

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"I am entitled to my opinion... or is that only for women?"

Now theres a little rhetorical gem..

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I have no problem with anyone here. Regardless of who's to blame I'm done engaging in these battles. They're boring and senseless. With that said, I offer an apology based on my contribution to these ridiculous posts.

dittohd: I shouldn't have insulted your wife.

Mr. Reality: I wasn't happy with your post but my response was excessive.


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I have nothing against him. I guess I was trying to continue these attacks by insulting a man who really does know what he's talking about. Maybe I was trying to anger Reality by disrespecting a man he adamantly supports. That was wrong. I really enjoy how he destroys Lis Weil.


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I'm 25 and have less life experience than some of the older guys. So instead of insults, offer some of your life experience. I'm affiliated with MANN for many reasons, but learning might be the biggest reason.


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Based on your comments, I had you pegged at between 17 and 20. Have you been on drugs the past 5-8 years, thereby stunting your maturity and educational development?

My wife and I still got married way before you were even born, as I previously figured and stated.

If you're seriously interested in learning from others older and more experienced than yourself, I would suggest you clean up your penchant for vulgarity because us older guys have been through that stage in life a loooong time ago and at least I, for one, find it extremely repulsive. Using vulgarity and acting younger than you are attracts only persons of like age and mind.

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