Study: Black Misandry on Historically White Campuses

"Assume the Position . . . You Fit the Description"

A new study reveals hatred towards black men both on and off of the college campus. The study also concludes that "black misandry" -- wherein black men experience discrimination simply because they are black men -- is more hostile than that directed at other groups.

The study states: "The present study examines the experiences of 36 Black male students, in focus group interviews, enrolled at Harvard University; Michigan State University; University of California, Berkeley; University of Illinois; and the University of Michigan. Two themes emerged: (a) anti-Black male stereotyping and marginality (or Black misandry), which caused (b) extreme hypersurveillance and control. Respondents experienced racial microaggressions in three domains: (a) campus—academic, (b) campus—social, and (c) campus—public spaces. Black males are stereotyped and placed under increased surveillance by community and local policing tactics on and off campus."

The title of this story was gleaned from this related article.

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MrR., that's a 29-page academic paper!

It's a dense read, and worth it.

The scholars conclude --

"Our goal was to identify specific domains and common occurrences of racial micro-aggressions that produce racial battle fatigue in its psychological form. In the process, we introduced a racial construct, Black misandry, that describes how other groups position, conceptualize, define, and redefine Black males as subordinate,inferior, and/or criminal."

These ethnographers (whose qualitative study was based on interviewing only 36 African-American male college students) came up with three salient concepts --
* micro-aggression
* racial battle fatigue
* black misandry

So, aren't they using academic jargon to say, basically -

black male college students are tired of being stereotyped with cultural assumptions about being black, being perceived as potentially criminal, and being evil males?

Now, how can this scholarship be leveraged or incorporated into the men's movement?

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That black women's claims of being oppressed is pretty much bullshit. Black women were liberated by turning to feminist ideology and turning against black men. Basically they used the Title IX structure for women to ascend to power. Black women solidified this power -- by bad mouthing the black men that fought for equal rights for all blacks -- on their way to freedom.

Black women's claims of being oppressed because they are women are just as redundant as white women claiming the same.

This can be used to show black men that the majority of women are not their partners and that they ARE being discriminated against because they are black, but mainly because they are black MEN. My mission is to eliminate the slave-like player mentality that consumes many lost black men.

At a young age -- like all men -- they were indoctrinated into pussy worship. Taught they had to be a "baller" or a "Playa" in order to get some skank with a funky ass overly used pussy that the previous pimp just banged. Just as white women had white men attacking black men to "protect the white woman's virtue"; black women claim the reason the black man is suffering is because of "the white man." It's a manipulative game women have been using for years. They regularly whip men up into a frenzy and set us at each other while they sit back and spend the money and enjoy life.

At one time one could not go a week without some corporate black woman bashing the very men that fought for her freedom and the right to have that job. Black men must be informed that white men are NOT the enemy. For years women have eluded accountability for their nonsense by convincing men that other men were the only ones responsible; when women have been the ones making all of the rules all along. I will say that feminism helped men see just how greedy and manipulative women truly are.

For at least that much we should be thankful to the harpies.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Mr reality...

"Just as white women had white men attacking black men to "protect the white woman's virtue"; black women claim the reason the black man is suffering is because of "the white man." It's a manipulative game women have been using for years. They regularly whip men up into a frenzy and set us at each other while they sit back and spend the money and enjoy life."

Thats good stuff man..It man be in a womens nature to start fights man against man...

we need to tell these fat little hussies ..."wanna see a fight.. stick you're head up you're ass..and fight for air!!!"

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..a phenomenon that has existed for decades. When are they ever going to do a study, on how white heterosexual men are currently the most hated class of people - indeed, the only allowable target group for hate (as has been pointed out by others). The fact that the study on blacks was done, in itself, at least indicates that people recognize that as a problem and are willing to investigate it.

That reminds me, what ever happened to the guy who used to post here, "Evil White Male"?


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Thats good stuff man..It man be in a womens nature to start fights man against man...

we need to tell these fat little hussies ..."wanna see a fight.. stick you're head up you're ass..and fight for air!!!"

Most men won't do that because quite frankly they are "Momma's boys." Nope, most men will help promote feminism and protect women no matter what. Women know men are suckers and they exploit it. As for me I am certainly glad that those(i.e. Black Men) whom have been made out -- by both feminist hijacking and racism started by women and enforced by men -- to be monsters by society are finally "starting" to receive somewhat of a fairshake.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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When are they ever going to do a study, on how white heterosexual men are currently the most hated class of people - indeed, the only allowable target group for hate (as has been pointed out by others). The fact that the study on blacks was done, in itself, at least indicates that people recognize that as a problem and are willing to investigate it.

All men are opppressed, but to claim that white men suffer more or are more oppressed than black men is quite ridiculous.

Also, the last time I checked white men had an entire movement that sprung up in support of their rights; the men's rights movement. Many have the same hostile attitude towards black men gaining an equal footing as you do.

The only thing black men had was the civil rights movement -- which was not even just for black men(black women benefitted from that. Look at Oprah). Women benefitted from that movement more than any black man. Black men still aren't liberated due to women stealing the benefits of the movement that promised black men 100% liberation. Now white men are claiming to be more oppressed than a man who never received true freedom, has been demonized way before feminism was even thought of(and still is demonized. We don't get a break.), and was oppressed due to him being male and the very color of his skin?

You must be kidding me?

Comments such as yours is what makes me say we need a "black men's movement."


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I did not say that white men were "more oppressed" than black men, I said that white heterosexual males are the only allowable target group for hate. Watch a few commercials, then get back to me on how I'm wrong - how many black men were denegraded or made fun of in the commercials? How many gay men? How many Chinese men? (needless to say, how many women?)

The reason you cannot see this bias is exactly as I stated - people do not even recognize it as hate when it is directed at white males. I have even seen several commercials where a woman and a member of a minority, usually black, will gang up on a white guy and make fun of him or cut him down.

What if the three Duke guys had been black, and a group supportive of whites (maybe an "NAAWP") had stepped into the picture and tried to help get them prosecuted? Wouldn't people be in the streets rioting?


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"Also, the last time I checked white men had an entire movement that sprung up in support of their rights; the men's rights movement."

If the men's rights movement is only for the benefit of white men, then what the heck are you doing in it?

"Many have the same hostile attitude towards black men gaining an equal footing as you do."

Did someone write a post in another thread and sign my name to it? Where do you get these ideas??

We don't need hot-headed reactionaries on this board. I have always been a little suspicious of your posts anyway. They usually sound like rants.


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Okay, I'm back from recording my Coltrane CD onto my iPod.

I will not step away from disagreeing with or commenting on a black, Jew, woman or anyone else, even including bosses, politicians, celebrities, nuns, disabled people, bigger people or anyone else, if the person sounds like an ignoramus. You have been warned!!


PS: good thing I don't have to work anymore.

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I thought you would stop responding after the first "lack of a response" from me. I was hoping you would get it. Yet somehow you have managed to talk to yourself -- and rile yourself up into a klanlike "I won't back down" frenzy -- over three posts that YOU made.

In order for me to debunk your post I would first have to take your post seriously. In truth your posts are more like well needed comedy to me rather than actual facts. You're like the Dave Chapelle of the MRA circuit.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I long ago made it a regular practice, to go back a few pages periodically, to see if any trolls have added anything that would make us look bad. I don't know're doing a good job of that yourself.


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