Harvard supports false research

Feminists in charge of Harvard have long been supporting biased research (read all about what happenned a few years ago).

Well now they are explicitly working with lobbying groups. The National Network to End Domestic Violence-- a lobbying organization for women who opposed fair funding for male victims of domestic violence--is working with a researcher at Harvard University to make up more numbers about domestic violence.

I found out more about this project at this report (.pdf file).

It's on page 6. The study is going to show how many women are victims completely ignoring men and ignoring how many of these women are kidnapping their children and using federally funded hiding spots to help them.

I did some detective work and found out the researcher is Radha Iyengar and her email is riyengar-at-rwj.harvard.edu. She needs to be told to do unbiased research on not produce more feminist propaganda and call it research. She has a resposibility if she is at Harvard. I sent her an email and hope you will encourage other people to do the same. She should not work with a biased lobbying group to do research in the first place and people should know about the dirty tricks feminists use to break up families.

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why manipulate Harvard with domestic abuse statistics that don't include men? i realize more men are domestic abuse perpetuators (though MOST men aren't abusers), but females who are abusive shouldn't be ignored. men deserve the same rights as women who are abused even though the VAWA suggests differently. those rights have also been violated because of your refusal to acknowledge men in your propaganda infected study. many feminists believe domestic violence towards men is justified by the false theory that the female was simply defending herself or liberating herself from the oppressive male. the aspect of "defending" herself does exist, but it should not be assumed. not identifing the reality that women are often the abusers are doing children a great injustice. they are the ones who often suffer the most. i firmly believe your feminist agenda supercedes even the welfare of children.

i oppose all violence whether its gender, race, etc. however, many feminists seem to ignore violence against men because it detracts from the feminist goal of male bigotry and the oppression of women.(the continuation of thrusting women in the role of victim). the feminist movement will crumble when more men and women become aware that your goals have nothing to do with women, but your own perverse agenda. your perceived (and incorrect) philosophy of male oppression towards women is the foundation of modern feminism. the irony? feminists manipulate women with oppression by treating them like children. i guess its o.k. to manipulate women, as long as its done by a radical feminist.

in conclusion, your false statistics aren't helping anyone (male, female and children) the only satisfaction is gained by your ego and your hate movement. your narrow minded approach regarding gender is deplorable. you hide under the umbrella of political correctness because like most feminists, you are a coward, afraid society has seen through your paper thin agenda. men and women have seen through the lies, manipulation and arrogance of feminism. the extinction of your movement is on the horizon. enjoy it while it lasts.


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Er, with the exception of the name "Women’s Center of Montgomery County" which might reasonably be explained as a legacy issue, the article you refer to is entirely gender neutral. That's not to say we're not looking at a wolf in sheep's clothing, but there are better targets than this. The gender neutrality at least shows they have an awareness of the issue.

Also, Anthony, while I appreciate you mean well, you are writing to an ivy-league academic who will stop reading at roughly the third grammatical error which in your case is in the first line. Moreover, claims of Armageddon for feminism will just get laughed at. Take a deep breath, calm down and take them on at their level. For them to take you seriously, you have to take them seriously.


-- Silence is the voice of complicity.

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JD your ethics are questionable.

It is well known that using "gender-neutral" language is a typical feminist tactic among domestic violence service providers nationwide to camouflage the absence of any "services" or resources for men and boys.

DV services use such terms as "victims, survivors, perpetrators, batterers, adults, children, individuals" etc. to provide the ILLUSION of gender-neutrality and services-for-all.

Upon closer examination, you will find the required "men bad, women good" ideology defining men as perps and women as victims.

A few minutes investigating the web site for the Women’s Center of Montgomery County
( http://www.wcmontco.org/) is all that's required to identify this organization as a dyed-in-the-wool rad-fem Duluth Model cabal of misandrist vampires sucking on the taxpayer's dole.

The ONLY mention of "services" for men and boys is an "educational" outreach project dedicated to brainwashing boys about the evils of male power and privilege:



Working With Adolescent Perpetrators
The Healthy Relationships Group at Melrose Middle School

"A nationwide survey found male students (41%) more likely to have been involved in a physical fight than female students (25%) in the 12 months preceding the survey(Grunbaum et al. 2004). It is because of this unique and formative period in the lives of young people that Emerge recognized a need for dating/family violence intervention and prevention efforts with young boys. In the Emerge Adolescent Program, school staff and community members receive professional development to help them identify boys who may benefit from the group. They are told to look for things like controlling behavior with female friends and classmates, instances of family violence, and generally poor skills around relationship building. It is through these school and community agencies that eighth grade boys are recommended for group participation in a one hour psycho-educational group for 16 weeks.
... As opposed to many adult groups, the boys are in the group voluntarily. Since their participation is not court ordered it can be a challenge to keep attendance high."


Interesting that the 25% of female students involved in fighting did not warrant a re-education program!

The mission statement of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County states -- "The Women’s Center of Montgomery County was established in 1976 as a community-based organization dedicated to the empowerment of WOMEN."

Services offered through the DV program included -

"A 24-hour toll-free hotline 1-800-773-2424

Assistance filing protection orders and advocates to accompany victims to court

Support groups for battered women

Help with locating affordable and/or temporary housing

Emergency cash assistance for women escaping an abuser

Assistance locating emergency shelter


Advocates to intervene on a woman's behalf with an employer or creditor

Counselors who call back to check on a woman and her children's safety

Korean-speaking domestic violence counselors and hotline

Hotline for abused women who are deaf

One-on-one in-person counseling

Referrals to family law attorneys and therapists

Ongoing trainings/consultation with Law Enforcement

Ongoing trainings/consultation for emergency room physicians and other health care providers

Ongoing trainings/consultation for criminal justice system personnel

Advocacy with county and state policy makers on behalf of battered women

Violence Prevention education Programs for School-Aged Children

Education Programs for High-School and College-Aged Students about dating violence and healthy relationships

Speakers/Trainings for businesses, social clubs, religious groups, and other community organizations"


The "gender-neutrality" of this feminazi franchise has all the credibility and honesty of your commentary, JD.

Which is to say -- NONE.

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And there are certainly better targets than me. Sheesh.

-- Silence is the voice of complicity.

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And there are certainly better targets than me. Sheesh.

-- Silence is the voice of complicity.

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JD, you were never a "target."

Fighting and defeating feminism is not a video game where MRA's shoot shills and false experts.

Your logic -- rather -- it's absence -- was an invitation to discourse.

As an Ivy League academic, you might have elaborated a more eloquent reply than --"Sheesh."

What's the title of your Ph.D. thesis?

I'll take the passionate poor grammar of an intelligent MRA over your elite disengaged artifice any day.

Can you spell i-r-r-e-l-e-v-a-n-t?

Oh, I too have "degrees."

They help me distinguish between bullshit and extreme bullshit.

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Whenever we hear that someone is a Harvard professor or a seminal study was done at Harvard it is assumed that with the rubber stamp of Harvard on its ass it is somehow more legitimate, smarter and definitive.

Maybe at one time in the past this may have been the case but now Harvard and the other so-called Ivy League universities are just like any other diploma mill promoting a political agenda. True scholarship is secondary. Just announce that studies seem to indicate that males are on the average better at math and the hard sciences than females and see what happens.

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I guess I did go through a stage where I myself was not getting along with someone on the board.

In 'The War Against Boys' by Hoff-Sommers, there is one place that talks about something called "The Harvard Project on Women's Psychology, Boy's Development and the Culture of Manhood". One of their stated working theories is:
"the relational crisis in boys..involves disconnection from women which is essential to the perpetuation of patriarchical societies."

Also, it is incredible to me that an institute of such high standing, MIT, has a Women's Studies program. What are they even getting into that area for, leave alone specific subject? Maybe they came under fire for having a disproportionate number of male students, since it is mainly they who major in engineering and the sciences (due to their superior development in that area of the brain).


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This is an excellent topic.
In spite of the incredible 'accomplishments' of perpetrators of false statistics in the links at the above post, the all-time queen of horse-shit is Carol Gilligan.
She is Harvard U.'s first professor of gender studies. She mainly studies how girls are being short-changed in the education system. But the point here is not what she studies, but how the studies are deceptive. From "The War Against Boys" by Hoff-Sommers, "Gilligan, who compares her methodology to Darwin's, presents very little in the way of data to back up her claims. Most of her published research consists of anecdotes that are based on a small number of interviews...her data are unavailable for review..
"Despite the glaring lack of published data, Gilligan's conclusions have largely gone unquestioned. The skeptical judgments of the many scholars who don't take Gilligan seriously are buried in obscure academic journals. Meanwhile her bold theories and the 'groundbreaking' empirical research than presumably backs them up are widely referred to and routinely celebrated in the popular media.
"Over the years, scholars have criticized Gilligan for her cavalier way with research data. In 1986, Tufts University professor Zella Luria commented on the elusive character of Gilligan's 'studies': 'One is left with the knowledge that there were some studies involving women and sometimes men and that women were somehow sampled and somehow interviewed on some issues...Somehow the data were sifted and somehow yielded a clear impression that women could be powerfully characterized as caring and interrelated. This is an exceedingly intriguing proposal, but it is not yet substantiated as a research conclusion.'"

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