LaCrosse, WI Gets Feedback from MRAs

If you read nothing else to celebrate the New Year, check out this link.

The MR movement turned out in force with letters to the editor of the newspaper in LaCrosse, Wisconsin -- interrogating to the max the misandrist and gender-biased policy of letting women out of jail... because they are women.

Really read these dozens of posts and take some heart that MRAs are starting to hit the mainstream radar screen!

(And BTW -- a lot of you MANN guys are "guilty" of sending in your comments, because I have parsed your writing styles and can identify you at any airport.)

Good work!

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I sent mine in.

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Since the rationale is that prisoners who are not violent should not be incarcerated according to the article then the fathers who are incarcerated indefinitely in some cases because they can't pay their goddamned child (mommy) support should be let out. If they did do that then there would be room to keep the violent women in jail where they do belong.

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No shit. Let the beatdad dads out of jail and lock up the moocher moms instead.

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This shows the effectiveness of raising awareness through internet activism. From the convenience of an easy chair, you too can be an MRA.

With all these new people being exposed to MRA blogs, were gonna have to get our facts, and lincs in order for when they come at us!!

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The blog creator, Reid Magney, sounds somewhat like a dumbo. He seems to disagree with the MRA's who wrote in but doesn't really offer an effective argument. Here's one of his statements:

"This women's alternative program actually equalizes some disparities that keep women from getting out of jail like men are able to."

Okay, for all I know maybe it does. But it creates a lot of other letting all women out of jail, while men remain confined.

Am I missing something? The guy's probably a eunuch, I'm surprised he posted the letters.


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"From the convenience of an easy chair, you too can be an MRA."

Sorry, it's too hard to balance a laptop while sitting on a barca-lounger, and you're not really supposed to move the computer during hard drive activity anyway. You might be okay if you get one of those slide-in dinner tray stands, that sits on the floor and goes over top of your lap, but I think it's "not available in stores".


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You know I havent heard from NOW on this subject, but recently the Gov of California decided to let thousands of non-violent criminials out of jail to save millions of dollars.

NOW wasted no time objecting to this, saying that it would increase the violent crimes against women..haha..even though he clearly states he is only releasing NON-VIOLENT criminals.

The fukin hypocricy of women and the bitches at NOW never cease to fukin amaze me!!!!!

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What he seemed to be saying was that men had access to 'early release' programs that weren't as widely available, or available at all, to female prisoners. Now if that's true, that's certainly something that should have been fixed. But you fix that by offering the same programs to both, or making them share the funding, releasing proportionate amount of prisoners from both groups.

Also, how about we just count the lesser prison sentences that women receive as 'early release'?

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"This women's alternative program actually equalizes some disparities that keep women from getting out of jail like men are able to."

Bull fuckin' shit.

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Funny how they arrested and jailed so many people over the last 10 years and they have now found they cannot afford to keep them in jail.It has been exactly the same in the UK although they are very devious about handing out gender statistics.Some have reoffended.
Is there some world conspiracy going on?

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Ok, maybe women did not have equal access to these early release programs (though I doubt it as the overwhelming majority of subsidized and low income housing is offered to women first so his argument seems weak right from the get go), but he did not mention the FACT that women also receive DRAMATICALLY shorter sentences for the same crimes when compared to men. In fact, even with these supposed early release programs that were mostly available to men, women probably still spend but a tiny fraction of the time behind bars that men do in WI. Oh, and at least the programs he offered were available to women as well on a disproportionate basis, men have ZERO access to the "I have a kid", or "I am pregnant" early release programs that keep millions of women worldwide out of prison while fathers rot in their cells.

There is NO EXCUSE for closing womens prisons unless they also close all mens prisons. Fair is fair and equal MUST be equal.

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To let all female prisoners out of prison just because they have no Y chromosome is like releasing all white prisoners out of prison just cause they're white. It's the same thing. I'm glad that the letters we sent are starting to have an impact. BTW I agree that the women's "early release" program has always been in effect, as they always receive only a fraction of the punishment men get for the exact same crime. I'm glad this shit ain't flyin.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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