Woman May Avoid Jail After Setting Man's Groin On Fire

A Montreal woman may avoid jail after she poured fondue fuel (mostly methanol) on a man's penis and set it on fire while he slept. The attack followed the well-known female pattern of attacking men with a weapon while they are defenseless and when the woman is in no danger herself. She was convicted of aggravated assault last year, and remains free on bail, despite having committed a violent and potentially deadly assault. Story here, with details here.

If the man had poured methanol on her and set her genitals on fire, hospitalizing her for a month with third degree burns and scarring her for life, would he be spared jail? Would he be free on bail? Will she be spared the "blame and shame", Duluth model "treatment" programs?

I'll take the issue of "violence against women" seriously just as soon as society starts taking the issue of "violence against men" seriously.

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Legal analyst Steven Slimovitch said Rene could avoid a jail sentence, unless she acted with premeditation.

Assuming she decided to do this after he was asleep....

1) decide to light boyfriend's penis on fire
2) grab fuel and matches/lighter
3) walk to bedroom where boyfriend is sleeping
4) uncover boyfriend and pour fuel on genitals
5) light fuel

Considering that act #5 was the crime, then 1-4 have to count as premeditation. This was far from "I'm angry so I grab the closest thing and throw it" type of action, this was cruel and obviously planned.


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may i present the probable outcome of this case:

like most women who want the same "privlidges" as men, they will use the victim role when it serves their purpose. this woman will use the victim card. she'll claim he was abusive (physically and mentally). feminists will defend her actions, applauding her for taking action to free herself from an oppresive man.

jail sentence? maybe. i suspect less than a year in jail. what would happen if a man destroyed a females vagina with acid? no need for me to respond to my own question. we all know the double standard.

demonspawn outlined her premetated actions clearly. she went through alot of planning to commit this crime. we also know women compensate for their size with "sneak attacks" towards men.

i dont know the specifics in this case, but i do wonder. when he was attacked with acid he obviously woke from his sleep in intense pain. if the woman was still in the room, intense pain or not, why didnt he beat the hell out of her? would he be justified? maybe not, while she will get probabtion, he would probably be charged with domestic abuse. i dont support violence against anyone, but if a woman dumped acid on my penis, i would feel morally justified to inflict the very same pain she inflicted on me.



paragon: i did read the comments, and they were disturbing. comments like "weenie roast" were a common phrase. if you guys want to get angry, check out those comments.

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Most of the comments under the story are of the typical "he deserved it for something he did" or "THAT"S TO FUNNY!!" aproach

That reminds me that not only is the men's movement long overdue but that we really need to get the message out there that men being tortured mutilated and even killed is not the punchline of a joke.

Oh, and sine this sicko is in Quebec she'll walk. That's the only province that would accept Karla Hamolka when she got out, they'll love this crazy women and she won't serve one day in jail.

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The man should do to her what she did to him if she doesn't get significant prison time for assault. Also, the really sick jokes posted about this incident are really gross.

She should also be sued in civil court for damages if she has any tangible assets.

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Devil divas, such as this whack-job, torturing and/or killing men who are in vulnerable positions (homeless, asleep, handicapped, etc.) cause me to wonder how much more often females would batter males if males weren't, on average, more physically powerful. Could it be this mere fact keeps many would be battering bimbos at bay? If the situation were reversed, women having more physical strength on average, would they batter men on a grand scale rather than using more insidious tactics such as mental and emotional abuse? Here’s another example of a nut-job who proves how physically abusive women can be given the opportunity:

Article Here

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