Men say wives use India's pro-women laws to torment them

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'EVERY Saturday evening, a group of male victims meets outside a courthouse here to swap stories about vicious wives tormenting them under India's pro-women laws.

The men, members of the Save Indian Family Foundation, believe they have been at the receiving end of vengeful women for long enough and are campaigning for "men's rights".

At the last weekly support meeting, Avinash Datta, 32, related how his wife threatened to have him and his elderly mother thrown into jail by falsely accusing him of demanding more dowry after their marriage two years ago.'

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/Begin Sarcasm/

Wait! What we need to do is "bridge the gap" between MRAs and feminism and have more men embrace feminism!

Why fight for equal rights when we can just join up with feminists and support misandry and "women--only" feminist legislation?

/End Sarcasm/


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I really hope the men of India stop this bullshit because things become just as bad over there as they are in the States.

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I guess this proves that women lie.

[As an omage to MrReality]
/Begin Sarcasm/
I never knew a woman could be so evil as to lie about her husband for monetary or material gain. Nor did I realize that this kind of bullshit happens all over the world.
/End Sarcasm/

I think they should rewrite those BS misandric laws so that the women have to be thrown in jail too until their husbands are proven guilty. If their accusations are true, then it should be a small sacrifice for them to make. If it turns out they lied, I say release the husbands and let the wives rot in jail.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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