PBS follows through on promise to show a more balanced documentary

This has been a hot topic on this board for a long time. We have all been wondering if PBS would respond to criticisms of 'Breaking The Silence', a completely one-sided documentary on divorce issues and domestic violence, by subsequently showing a more non-biased documentary.

Glen Sacks' aricle is here.

Although he lauds PBS for the new documentary, he points out that there are still some weaknesses in it.

There is also a proverbial WEALTH of information on related issues at the above link. Enjoy!

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This one part of Sacks' article spells out exactly how men are treated in today's society:

The film showed a meeting of Fathers & Families where two dads briefly described how painful their separations from their children are. One of them is a quadriplegic who can't see his kids because of a domestic violence restraining order. Unfortunately, the filmmakers failed to point out or depict how absurd this is.


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I am not convinced by the documentary's quote from a divorce expert that domestic violence is involved in only a few divorce cases.

It is not uncommon for a woman's attorney to advise her to make a false allegation of DV, because this will typically assure her of custody of the children.

One attorney is quoted as saying that "shared parenting does not apply in cases of domestic violence."

And, as we all know, there is no PROOF required to substantiate DV, merely an accusation.

Logically then, if/when more Shared Parenting starts to become the law, you can be assured that you will also witness a spike in false accusations of domestic violence.

Of course, the divorcing dad could always strike first .... assuming he could make the 911 call and then not get immediately arrested as the "primary aggressor."

Until DV laws require a trial and proof, fathers will likely see little benefit from the proposed Shared Parenting principles --which are still largely just "talking points," and not actual legal practice.

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