Coming To A Theatre Near You: Feminist Torture Movie

Read it here.

Watch the trailer for a feminist torture movie opening on January 18. The movie is called "Teeth".

Yahoo Movie description:

"High school student Dawn works hard at suppressing her budding sexuality by being the local chastity group's most active participant. Her task is made even more difficult by her bad boy stepbrother Brad's increasingly provocative behavior at home. A stranger to her own body, innocent Dawn discovers she has a toothed vagina when she becomes the object of violence. As she struggles to comprehend her anatomical uniqueness, Dawn experiences both the pitfalls and the power of being a living example of the vagina dentata myth."

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If this movie makes any money at all, we are doomed as a race. This is so over the top, I am at a loss for words...

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It appears to be a kind of schlocky morality tale with all the necessary cliches. The heroine is the leader of her school's abstinence movement (obviously code for sexually unliberated) and then she discovers her "unique anatomy" when she's sexually assaulted (qualifying her as a victim of the evil patriarchy).

The rest of the "plot" involves her alternately relishing or being conflicted about her special sexual power.

While obviously revolting and goofy, if enough teen-aged boys see this film, it might do more good than the more clinical sex-ed classes they have to attend in HS.

This movie is scheduled for "limited release" which probably means direct-to-DVD.

For a low-budget, limited interest flick like this, the producers could turn a profit with well under a million units in DVD sales.

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...that she meets her match in some devilish fellow with a spiked metal phallus. Lots of rough sex ensues as they 'tear it up'? Doubtful though. More likely it'll be an orgy of the 'splat-stick comedy' variety (see Evil Dead, Army of Darkness etc...). I wouldn't take it too seriously. Don't MRAs have bigger fish to fry then critique lame B-grade movies?

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I sent the link for the movie to RADAR and Glenn Sacks for their perspective on this very possibly, very violent, anti-male movie.

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"If this movie makes any money at all, we are doomed as a race. This is so over the top, I am at a loss for words..."

There was some kind of award with the word "Sundance" on it in the trailer.

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It could possibly show chivalrous men how women are obssessed with violence today and how many of them use sex as a weapon rather than for procreation and enjoyment.

Men are too stubborn to wake up unless they are kicked in the head abit.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I would not be surprised if this was shown in limited release somewhere in Hollywood, or Santa Monica. There are theatres there that often show pure trash for the sake of "art."

I suspect this will also become a gender feminist cult classic like the vagina monologues, and will probably be used in wide release on college and university campuses to raise "rape awareness," etc.

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Men need to also be shown this movie to show how women are obssessed with harming men and how they use "love" as a weapon.

The more movies that portray women as monsters -- which is exactly what a woman with a monster in her pussy is -- the more men will steer clear of women. This hateful, malevolent face women are now showing should be propagated and revealed to all men. Don't keep men in the dark send them this clip along with how women use relationships to secure a financial future for themselves. Enlighten every man you know as to what is happening today.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Quote# 1: The more patriarchal the society, the more deeply rooted the fear seems to be. Men of Malekula, having overthrown their matriarchate, were haunted by a Yonic spirit called "that which draws us to It so that It may devour us."

More focusing on the mythical patriarchy.

Quote# 2: Chinese patriarchs said women's genitals were not only gateways to immortality but also "executioners of men."

Seems like the Chinese were half-right about most women; the portion about the vagina being "executioners of men" is spot on.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I tend to agree with Dutch. However, there are a couple of points I would like to make to Roy. I don't think a female or male's participation in an abstinence movement an "obvious" code for the sexually unliberated. Perhaps it is code for sexually responsible and protective. Perhaps it is a code of sexual respect for your own body and determining that your partner will show you the same respect. You can be sexually "liberated" without liberally being sexual.

Secondly, if a man sees that a woman has been assaulted and assigns her outrage to her "evil patriarchal agenda" is he not missing the point? The point being that an abusive injustice has occurred, one person over another. Real men and women get hurt in this world and it isn't about a "label". I would say the same to feminists. We need to learn to see with our hearts so these things don't happen anymore.

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If would be nice to play it in front of court houses, explaining, "Herein, women use their sexuality to destroy men. Beware those teeth! They're real."

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"I don't think a female or male's participation in an abstinence movement an "obvious" code for the sexually unliberated. Perhaps it is code for sexually responsible and protective."

Your both correct, IMO. It depends on your perspective and the background you're coming from. Conservatives will see it one way and gender feminists and their ilk will see it another, IMO.

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I tend to agree with Dutch. However, there are a couple of points I would like to make to Roy. I don't think a female or male's participation in an abstinence movement an "obvious" code for the sexually unliberated. Perhaps it is code for sexually responsible and protective. Perhaps it is a code of sexual respect for your own body and determining that your partner will show you the same respect. You can be sexually "liberated" without liberally being sexual.

Secondly, if a man sees that a woman has been assaulted and assigns her outrage to her "evil patriarchal agenda" is he not missing the point? The point being that an abusive injustice has occurred, one person over another. Real men and women get hurt in this world and it isn't about a "label". I would say the same to feminists. We need to learn to see with our hearts so these things don't happen anymore.

Perhaps it is a mythical, quite moronic movie about a woman having teeth in her vagina and therefore cannot be distorted and used -- as you're attempting to do -- to gain pity for violent women and the majority of false rape allegations they file?

See with our hearts? Come the fuck on with the spin on the feminist "emotional intelligience" line women have been feeding to men for years. It doesn't work here kid. No facts, no game. Keep it moving.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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"Logline: Still a stranger to her own body, a high school student discovers she has a "physical advantage" when she becomes the object of male violence."

Of course, men must be portrayed as violent rapists, to rationalize the misandry that will subsequently take place in this movie.

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Motherfuckers this is not G.I. Joe. There are no secret codes or codenames. It's a retarded ass movie about a female monster with teeth in her pussy. Let's drop putting your little personal beliefs on how "not" having sex is supposedly "resonsible" or about how "having" sex is supposedly "dirty." People and their bullshit beliefs founded in idiocy kill me.

You motherfuckers argue over the dumbest shit. Worry about men's rights not some retarded ass ideology you have about how people should or should not be having sexual intercourse.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Of course, men must be portrayed as violent rapists, to rationalize the misandry that will subsequently take place in this movie.

It's not unlike real-life in western countries. Women gain the right to murder and maim men by way of mythical instances of rape or abuse. Just as this movie -- which is fiction -- gives the woman the right to see men are rapists and abusers.

Hopefully as I said men will see it and realize what they are dealing with, a monster.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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At least they aren't arguing about the "War on Christmas." Forget false allegations, let's keep Santa Claus fat!

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"Perhaps it is a mythical, quite moronic movie about a woman having teeth in her vagina and therefore cannot be distorted and used -- as you're attempting to do -- to gain pity for violent women and the majority of false rape allegations they file?"

I am suspicious there may be a secret intent in this project to fan the flames of rape hysteria and increase accusations of rape.

Many accusations of rape (as we know) are completely false, or embellished, or based on false memory the morning after a female slut's drunken sex fest.

One thing is for sure, gender feminists, and their academic/legal system/mass media ilk, have to do something to get back on their rape hysteria agenda after the Mike Nifong rape witch-hunt debacle of the Duke lacrosse players.

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At least they aren't arguing about the "War on Christmas."

That will be their next argument. The woman with the male username will say "Well Santa is kind of sexist and 'irresposible'. Let's think with our hearts on how he says ho, ho, ho." The other will say that the detratctors only hate Santa because he talks about ho's which is related to sexual freedom.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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...about a woman having a sarlac pit in her vagina?

Women and their manginas are becoming more hysterical and moronic by the day. Women will only blame this film on some unrelated man too; I say George Lucas since he invented the sarlac pit. Damn him.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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There's no question they'll be many scenes when a man tries to penetrate her vagina which will subsequently cut the guys penis off. With the recent wave of graphic torture movies, how much gore will be shown? Will we actually see the penis ripped apart? Though I haven't seen the movie, it should be rated NC17. The yahoo description states the Genre as Suspense/Horror and Teen. Teen? This means you'll have 14-17 year olds watching this trash. Forget the rating, what teenager can't get a ticket for a r-rated movie? One last thought, the Sundance Film Festival awarded the female actress an award for her performance. They are considered an extremely repitable critic agency. By the way, the movie was written and directed by a man. I suspect a debate between Rudov and Weil. How is Lis going to defend this movie? Glenn Sacks has a responsibility to condemn this movie. Its not out for another several weeks and I'm sure will be hearing much more about this.



I will see this movie as soon as its released. As an MRA I feel its my responsibility.

From "Film" Blog:

"That’s right, a film which shows penis decapitation has been granted an R-Rating for the MPAA. The official MPAA database lists the film as Rated R For disturbing sequences involving sexuality and violence, language and some drug use. How did this happen? I saw the film at Sundance, and I can promise you, the version of the film I saw could not have been rated R. The MPAA notoriously hates violence mixed with sex/nudity, and that is what this film is. I wonder if Weinstein went back on his claim not to cut the film or if someone bribed the MPAA committee member (hey, we now know who they are thanks to This Film is Not Yet Rated)."

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Anyone who wants to see this trash or any other trash should get to see it, and if you don't like it then don't go see it. It's not your "duty."

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I don't see the problem. I never said as MRA's we all must see the movie. I can care less who watches the movie, its none of my business. I personally feel its my "responsibility" which is an INDIVIDUAL decision.


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I wonder if purchase of the rape "prevention" torture device will increase because of this movie?

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...I don't find this movie offensive to MRA's!!(at least what I've seen from the preview)

..This may in fact be a hit with college age men who witnessed the Duke nightmare, and have seen other males being falselly accussed on their campusses..

The moral of the story..she's poisin...go near her, and face consequences!!!
Isn't that what MRA's are saying???

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Of course it will. Most women are stupid enough and childish enough to let such a negative film guide their decisions. The minority of women that will not fall for this never fell for -- and promoted -- victimology anyway.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Mr. Reality -- "It's a retarded ass movie about a female monster with teeth in her pussy."

Yes, and the Iraq war is just a simple effort to bring freedom and democracy to the entire Middle East.

And feminism is just a bunch of lovely girls seeking equality.

Mr. R. -- it's all about semiotics.... the science of signs and meanings. The hidden layers beneath the surfaces. The hidden curriculum.

And BTW, how come G.I. Joe never had a penis?

Culture is never idiotic. It is always revealing something even when it seems to make no sense.

A movie about a teen-aged girl with a vagina full of teeth might be just as important as any John Wayne flick from the 50's.

And BTW, John Wayne walked like he had met this girl...

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The misandry and victim politics are readily apparent in the film. I never denied that; I simply said the film is idiotic. As far as what I wrote; I am not referring to the inherent misandry but rather the argument that occurred here over sex as is evident in my post.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Except it was only going to be sold in Africa. And last I heard nothing had come of it at all. Unless someone has an update to this?

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No its because sexual mutilation of men is seen as funny and something to made a comedy out of. Let me know when you see a comedy about a man who goes round stabbing women in the vagina's or cuts out their clits? That will never be shown graphically in a movie let alone as a comedy.

Films about men getting sexually mutilated are more and more common and they are not depicted as victims, they are always set up as rapists and is fulling the myths:

Took 10 seconds to find this:

This is installing attitudes in society so next time a women take a knife to a guys bits because he didn't do as he was told its laughed off and she gets away with it.

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empirical knowledge...

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Mr. R. -- My original reference to "unliberated sexuality" was a comment about feminism's definition of liberation.

Apparently I should have made that point more clear and direct. (Though I comment frequently about the idiocy of raunch culture.)

What I really like about you, Mr.Reality, is the honest and street origins of your righteous anger.

Even when you are so terribly illogical, you are right when it comes to your expressions and arguments.

My unsolicited advice?

Moderate and restrain your anger.

Refine and evolve your logic.

Write what you see.

And (to quote Neil Young) ... do not piss into the wind.

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1. An apparent disconnect from reality unless it agrees with his own personal version of reality. Every now and then he makes a good point but more often than not he goes off on tangents almost entirely unrealted to the conversation at hand. Some may call this insanity.

2. Racism waiting to show its face at every turn. He never fails to reveal his obvious racist mindset towards blacks; this has manifested in his comments about every black person supposedly being a junky that -- in his mind -- wants his dusty ass daughters, every black person is "from the street", etc., etc.

Even so he postulates himself an MRA that is willing to get along with any man regardless of ethnicity.

What comes to mind is a racist man whom believes in slavery(and the false claim that blacks are less intelligient than whites) yet dislikes the members of the klan.

3. He constantly alludes to songs as if he that is the source of his oft-utilized delusional rantings. Basing one's life upon a song is like not unlike women that base their lives off of what the misandric group Destiny's Child tells them.

4. He continously derides logical refutation as non-factual even while providing no fact-based retort. In other words he is like the village idiot spewing vitriol and spreading myths about science being meaningless while showing no counterpoint to valid scientific evidence.

5. He has a deep-seeded hatred of Mr. Rudov.

6. He's a storyteller and obviously enjoys embellishing on those stories, especially when the "extra portions" show "non-white" personas in a less than favorable light.

7. He always gets broken in two by Mr. Reality.

I am thinking it was a combination of six of the seven elements revealed above that resulted in him being banned from Men's News Daily.

Then again I may be wrong.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Except it was only going to be sold in Africa. And last I heard nothing had come of it at all. Unless someone has an update to this?

And should it only be sold in Africa would that make it any less dangerous?

I fail to see how the "Since I personally am not in danger fuck it" attitude helps all men. Wherever it is sold it will fly off the shelves since misandry is universal and not confined to the United States.

I am just as concerned for African men's rights as I am for my own here in America. NOONE should have to suffer under misandry; simply because something "may" only be sold in Africa does not make the concern over such a misandric item any less valid.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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OK, fellas, stop. The personal attacks and swearing are not helping anyone either see things your way or likely to create much cooperativeness among MRAs, and we need that.

Think before you post. Some 4-letter words here and there are sometimes called for and criticism of ideas is always welcome, but when someone's posts degenerate into little more than cursing and name-calling, it hurts the readability of the site and undermines its whole purpose: circulating opportunities for activism and keeping up with all manner of news that is relevant to MRA topics or points up the reasons why MRAs exist in the first place. In addition, lots of posts that do little more than bash other posters, especially with plenty of cussing, only lets the lurking feminists have a good laugh at our expense and make the poster look like a fool. In Japan, they have saying in business: the first man to raise his voice loses the argument. We could take in some of that age-old wisdom.

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In addition, lots of posts that do little more than bash other posters, especially with plenty of cussing, only lets the lurking feminists have a good laugh at our expense and make the poster look like a fool.


The only thing "giving feminists a good laugh and making men look like fools" is the unwillingness -- by men(and women that are passively agreeing and reaping the bloody benefits of misandry) -- to stand up to women and male feminists that have made men into simpering fools and disposable ATMs. They are also getting a kick out of seeing MRAs measure their success by what corrupt women(i.e. feminists) think. Have men learned nothing over the years?

Women are dying laughing all of the way to the bank as men sit around trying to "not offend" the same harpies that are either robbing them or sitting around agreeing with feminist doctrine and misandry claiming "it's their right" as the robbery continues. If men can't stand up to women and their male robots then men deserve to be oppressed. It's really that simple.

I also see you didn't publish the study that concluded "women marry for money." Sad, really.

I guess I should be thankful that you posted the stories that were "least offensive to materialistic women." It's a shame that not only women -- but men -- must construe any factual revelation of women's double standards as "misogyny" and attempt to censor it under than name of a lopsided version of equality. I have seen more protecting of negative female behavior on this site than the opposite which would be to reveal it for what it is and show men how not to tolerate such nonsense.

I guess that is why my site is not that far off. Both the majority of women and the chivalrous man will have something to really worry about once yet another true pro-male site -- that does not protect female tyrants -- exists online.

If I'm still here I'll be sure to announce it...


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I'm looking forward to seeing your site.

And in case you want a story published that I didn't approve, you can always add it to the comment section of another story. Just because it doesn't get headlined on the site doesn't mean no one will read it.

In fact I encourage anyone who wants something posted but who can't get a moderator (of this or any other site) to approve it to just go ahead and add it to some comment section where the mod is unlikely to notice it. For this or any other site or cause, just getting your word out there is the key to eventually getting your viewpoints into the consciousness of people.

Adding things to comment sections is a great way to get past those pesky site mods.

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I apologize if I come across harsh at times. I am simply trying to make sure that men don't make the same mistakes we have in the past.

Censoring criticism of women's negative actions and ignoring the behavior -- while focusing only on male or the government hand in this -- is a losing strategy.

Our attack plan must hit all components of the misandric machine -- not just those that impugn men -- we stop negative female behavior and the entitlements that come along with it by exposing(and lambasting) it for the nonsense that it is, educating men on how to spot this behavior(thus shunning those who act in said way) while shining light on women that adhere to such childish behavior, and finally not accepting it as a society. This is done in unison with dealing with the media, the flawed government laws, etc.

Also, feminism is a negative blight on the world and must be done away with. Looking for "equality" from a modern movement born in the hate-filled membership of the Women's KKK and entitled nonsense is like trying to get real chicken from a cow.

Sometimes the seriousness of our situation -- as men with little to no rights in an unfair system -- can have us at each other's throats.

Hopefully once I do get the site up and running -- it may take awhile -- you will create an account there.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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...mercilessly. :)

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Actually it was more my belief that the FILM is unlikely to be seen widespread in Africa therefore the association will be limited. Weather or not you agree with that belief, nice attempt to paint me as only caring about certain groups (shall we say white?). Not only did you miss that point but it was more a bi-line to my main point is that AFAIK, its not available period.

That was one you missed too....

Also if possible when replying could you consider the relevant reply button otherwise its a bit hard to track who you're replying to sometimes.

And I don't live in the US btw., so im quite aware its a world wide issue.

Thank you.

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Mr.R - "Then again I may be wrong."

Yes, you are. But, as usual, you are projecting. (Your dark side...)

Oh crap!

Was that a racist comment?

I meant ... "grey" side... that's OK right?

BTW -- you attribute way too much significance to my ramblings. My bad!

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..We need another pro male web site run by a black man!!

I read outside the wire, and like Bob Parks style of

...laying it out, the way he see's it!!

goto.. and buy a web domain name...They can walk you through it!!

And start to lay it out for us man..Tell us how MR.REALITY see's things!!

..It might just get to be a popular site!!

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How can someone be a "living example" of a myth? Besides, if it's a myth, tell that to the guys in Africa whose wives are allowed to wear those anti-rape devices in their pussies.

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..We need another pro male web site run by a black man!!

I read outside the wire, and like Bob Parks style of

...laying it out, the way he see's it!!

goto.. and buy a web domain name...They can walk you through it!!

And start to lay it out for us man..Tell us how MR.REALITY see's things!!

..It might just get to be a popular site!!

Don't worry it's coming! The first website -- hosted by a black man -- that will not entertain any preferential treatment for women or manginas!

Get that misandry out of your systems now ladies!

Empirical, I "always" hit the correct reply button.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Hey Mr. Reality, you can contact me at my account: opensourceror. I've already set up several wordpress blogs for myself and friends, so adding another one to my servers would be a piece of cake.

Of course wordpress isn't the only game in town. There are plenty of other free open source content management systems available if you have any preferences. I'd suggest trying out their adminstrative interfaces to get a feel for how they work if you haven't already.

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Hey Mr. Reality, you can contact me at my account: opensourceror. I've already set up several wordpress blogs for myself and friends, so adding another one to my servers would be a piece of cake.

Of course wordpress isn't the only game in town. There are plenty of other free open source content management systems available if you have any preferences. I'd suggest trying out their adminstrative interfaces to get a feel for how they work if you haven't already.

I'm thinking of using Drupal; I believe that is what Matt is using? I've utilized PHP Nuke before which had tons of bugs that I had to iron out. Drupal also looks cleaner than PHP Nuke.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I'm not talking about the comments, but this horrible trend of male sexual mutilation in movies. I'm also sick and tired of seeing women do this to men. Not that if a man was doing it, it would be any better, but imagine if it showed a man ripping a woman's labia off, or cutting her boobs off. It would never be released. I'm sick of this double standard. Ironically enough, it's always a male mind that conceives this kind of trash. I think the writer of this movie should be hung by his nuts, maybe then he won't think of male sexual mutilation as entertainment. I refuse to watch this abomination. I sincerely hope everyone who had a role in making it burns in hell, if they don't grow the fuck up first.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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This is why it is mandatory that men learn not to care what a woman thinks of them. Basically "Fuck those bitches."

Until men learn that lesson they will continue playing "Who can please the whore better?" against other men.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Hey Mr. R.,

Maybe you and I played some "southside"
b-ball back in the day?

I'll certainly support your web site and your other endeavors.

BTW, I would have been the only white bwoy on the corner lot. Taking a long jumpshot and trying to remove myself from the damage under the hoop.

No harm. And damn sure no fouls were ever called.


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