Rudov on Christmas: "Women get Diamonds, Men get the Shaft"

Watch the video.

The holiday is here and you can't go half an hour without seeing a commercial about how men should be buying women's affection and how the woman should be sitting back simply "receiving gifts." Jewelers -- and the female-controlled media -- spend millions to advertise the "diamonds are a girl's best friend" ideology that most men fall victim to.

The misandrist, capitalist corporations have accidentally exposed the bleak reality that women -- and the men that pander to them -- have turned modern day relationships into nothing more than a transaction between a prostitute and her customer.

Lis Wiehl of course disagrees, as you will see in the video. Her position is pretty weak as always. Marc Rudov wipes the floor with her. He even manages to win over Neil Cavuto after Lis blatantly lies and acts as if she would be happy if her husband (i.e. Slave) only bought her "slippers" only to go back and say she would be angry if that was all her male doormat bought her. Pathetic.

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..I almost feel sorry for liz, because she's just regurgitateing what she learned in victim studies 101...

I would like to see marc call some male feminist's on the carpet...

It will happen, It's just a matter of when!!

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I no longer feel sorry for the men who fall for this crap, the only trouble is they are making children, who will probly grow up to be just as spineless and whipped as they are... or worse.

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It's been my opinion for some time now that Marc needs a better TV girlfriend if he wants to keep this "He Said - She Said" schtick going on Fox.

After this last performance, I think he should be concerned about being charged with child abuse.

Because Lis functions at about the mental level of an average eight year-old.

It's not a debate if your opoonent is incapable of logical thinking.

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Seems like they had a much friendlier exchange this time. Maybe that's for the best; people might listen to what each person is saying more.

I think the problem is the commercials. I think most women DO try to get thoughtful, sometimes expensive gifts for their men, but that doesn't seem to translate well over at Madison Avenue.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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A man that wants to buy women is harming other men just as much as the women who exploit men in the first place.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Seems like they had a much friendlier exchange this time. Maybe that's for the best; people might listen to what each person is saying more.

I think the problem is the commercials. I think most women DO try to get thoughtful, sometimes expensive gifts for their men, but that doesn't seem to translate well over at Madison Avenue.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

Warning: The post quoted above is 99.9% bullshit.

Translation of Genteel's post: Be nice to women even if they treat men like shit. Protect women and blame commercials for women's behvaior. Always try to put the focus back on women and their so-called "rights" as if men and women are actually equal(which MRAs know they are not by a longshot).

Everytime this "Boy"(*Tongue in Cheek*) comes online he makes some kind of pro-woman/pro-feminist statement. This site gets invaded by feminists -- posting under male usernames -- quite often I see. I wish Matt had a block feature.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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"It's not a debate if your opoonent is incapable of logical thinking."

What a Patriarchal and therefore oppressive mindset, according to "connected knowing" (women's ways of knowing). To the gender feminist mind, it's not about sound logic, or even truth. It's about emotions, feelings, romance and what their minds imagine should be reality. Following such dementia, Marc loses, even when he wins. As we know, the afflicted (a percentage of all women) have a lot of political power, even though their collective agenda couldn't figuratively wind the rubber band on a toy airplane, let alone practically send a mission to space, IMO.

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It's about emotions, feelings, romance and what their minds imagine should be reality.

You mean we shouldn't *gasp* "think with our hearts"?


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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...Mr. reality...

..Go easy on the newcomers man!!

Boy genteel seemed quite reasoneable to me!!

..You attacked GI JOE a couple of weeks ago also...

How we gonna get more participation if you keep jumpin on em????

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"It's about emotions, feelings, romance and what their minds imagine should be reality."

To Some Women, It's All About Women - Only About Women, IMO

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Just because 'boy' is male doesn't mean he can't be a feminist.

Many young boys grow up hating themselves for being the gender they are.


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Just because 'boy' is male doesn't mean he can't be a feminist.

Many young boys grow up hating themselves for being the gender they are.

True except I tend to think of male feminists as women also. They are both crippled with the same lack of logic.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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...Mr. reality...

..Go easy on the newcomers man!!

Boy genteel seemed quite reasoneable to me!!

..You attacked GI JOE a couple of weeks ago also...

How we gonna get more participation if you keep jumpin on em????

The poster known as Boy Genteel is not a newcomer nor are its "Don't blame women" positions reasonable. You're entitled to your opinion though.

Know this: If men are to ever be free there must be no excusing of female or male negativity when it comes to gender relations. That means stop blaming the environment for women's greed and infantile behvaior. Hold them accountable at all times. All negative behavior must be exposed, detailed, diagnosed and cut out like the cancer it is.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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"Translation of Genteel's post: Be nice to women even if they treat men like shit. Protect women and blame commercials for women's behvaior."

Are you high right now, Mrs. Reality? I favor Rudov in this debate, certainly not Wiehl. I'm just pointing out that they were less snippy at each other during this exchange than they have during previous "debates."

"Everytime this 'Boy'(*Tongue in Cheek*) comes online he makes some kind of pro-woman/pro-feminist statement. This site gets invaded by feminists -- posting under male usernames -- quite often I see. I wish Matt had a block feature."

Yeah, you ARE high. (I'd accept my diagnosis if I were you, because the only alternative is that you're an idiot.) I've been a men's rights activist on here for several years, and I was male the last time I checked. Just because I'm bridging the gap between MRAs and feminism doesn't mean I'm favoring feminism over men's rights. Maybe once you're at this site for a while you'll see that.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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...and break your bullshit in two while "being less snippy"; but I'll just make a few to-the-point comments and ignore you from now on, like I do all morons.

Like most "girls" you're just looking to promote feminism, subsequently fool weak men into joining forces with feminism, and get attention. After this you can go sit your ass down somewhere and read the Pink Bible. Ok little bitch?

1. Bridge the gap between MRAs and "feminism"? The only one "high" here is the poster that attempts to align other men with feminism. That would be you.

2. Being "snippy" as you call it has not affected Rudov's position before as a matter of fact he has won every single debate against Lis Wiehl without being a pandering simpleton that wants to align MRAs with feminism.

3. Who cares how many years you supposedly have been here? I don't. You're stating something that I already acknowledged to another poster(Scroll down buffoon). I already knew you weren't new to the boards Einstein which is why I said as much when someone else commented that your dumb ass may be new.

Know this: There is no difference between you being somewhere for a few days promoting bullshit and being somewhere for a few years promoting bullshit. Why is there no difference? You're still promoting bullshit no matter how "long" you have been doing it. You've been here for awhile. Ok, so has your partner feminism. What's your point motherfucker? That's a rhetorical question in case you didn't know.

4. I could see if you said bridging the gap between "men and women" but you want to bridge the gap between a fucking hate movement(which shows you support it) and men. Then you claim I am the one that's "high."

That's like wanting to bridge the gap between blacks and the klan. Wanting peace between two races(or genders) is understandable as is wanting a cease fire between genders. However, feminism/klanism(i.e. A movement based on hatred) and actual women are two different things.

5. You're also wrong about this "Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN rights." In this country only a woman's rights equals human rights. You have tons of people lobbying for "women only" rights. Thus for you to claim to be an MRA while simultaneously lobbying for a hate movement and joining the ever-present lobbying for preferential treatment of women disguised as "women's rights" is not helping at all.

As a matter of fact it makes you a weak bitch and an imposter that panders to women(exactly what you claim to be a male feminist). That's if you're not a female posting as a male.

Either way you're a dumb bastard that doesn't have a lick of sense. *Sigh*

Idiotic posts such as yours is why I wish Matt had an ignore feature. I'd probably only be reading posts from about 3 or 4 posters. The largest benefit of this forum is also its largest folly; its an open forum and feminist idiots like you are allowed to post their manipulative bullshit. Hopefully the real MRAs here are smart enough not to fall for feminist recruitment tactics. The last time your sisters tried to recruit men and women into feminism was by uing the "feminism is fun" study based on junk science.

Anyway nice try bitch.

It's been bad talking with you. I'll try ignoring your bunk from now on.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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You know, "Mr. Reality" -- assuming you are actually a man and not a female misandrist coming here to make all MRAs look bad -- I really was prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt and consider you merely misguided. I now see, however, that you're simply a huge tool.

Yeah, I think Rudov has won every one of these debates, too. What that has to do with me, I'll never know. Nor will I understand why you're taking an innocuous comment and going ape-shit, but I will now order you to stop hurting the men's rights cause, you "little bitch" (since those are the only words you apparently understand).

"I already knew you weren't new to the boards Einstein which is why I said as much when someone else commented that your dumb ass may be new."

I'll continue to refer to time spent on these boards, A-hole, so long as you continue to demonstrate that you know nothing about them. You say that I "defend women" every time I'm here. That's odd: I seem to recall defending MEN during pretty much every post. Perhaps you refer to my refusal to impugn ALL women or ALL feminists. Whatevuh. As I've pointed out before, it's often the "traditionalist" women we need to watch out for, such as those who peed their pants at the "glory" of TITANIC, when men willingly went to their deaths in order to save any woman in sight. (If a feminist says she's disgusted by the message that men should voluntarily croak just to save women -- and many have --then I'll choose her message over that of the self-proclaimed "anti-feminist" woman who's waiting around for a man to be her butler, ATM, and unpaid bodyguard.)

"You're also wrong about this 'Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN rights.' In this country only a woman's rights equals human rights."

Many people think that "human rights" should only include "women's rights." The point of my slogan -- and you're probably the only one here who needs to have this explained to him/her -- is that that's not the way it SHOULD be.

My history here speaks for itself. Have YOU been published in newspapers, asshole, in defense of men's rights, or the rights of male victims of domestic abuse? Cuz, well, I sorta have:

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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Doesn't she(i.e. Bitch Genteel) know what "you're being ignored" means?

I would think not which may be why she's still ranting even though -- as I have stated -- I ceased paying any real attention to her with my last post.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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1. "She"?
2. Hmm...41 minutes between my last post and yours. You're doing a really shitty job of ignoring me.
3. I HOPE you ignore me. The real MRAs on this board -- the ones who matter -- will pay attention. Most fellow MRAs tend to agree with me.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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