Harry's News: 'Spin Sisters' How the Media Sells Misery to Women

Myrna Blyth's book Spin Sisters reveals how a crusading group of bitter women in control continously sell fear and misery to other women.

An excerpt from the article: "Throughout the 1990s, women’s magazines became focused less on fashion and more on features about violence against women and children, “even though crime statistics were plummeting across the country,” Myrna Blyth notes in "Spin Sisters: How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness and Liberalism to the Women of America.”

Research studies of women’s magazines such as Cosmo, Family Circle, Good Housekeeping, Glamour, Marie Claire, Redbook, Vogue, Woman’s Day and Ladies Home Journal show that during that decade stories and cover lines that touched on social issues and victimization skyrocketed.

“In almost all of the stories, the message was the same: We have a big problem. It’s scary and could affect any woman or her children. … we need government action, and we need it now!”

Blyth says that a major tool of the media is to grossly exaggerate the challenges facing ordinary women as far more difficult and even tragic than they really are to make a political point.

This was a technique employed even by the Clinton administration. Blyth told NewsMax.com that Bill Clinton's team had something called the “Redbook Strategy,” purportedly to reach all those so-called soccer moms.

The networks began to mimic the magazines, writes Blyth, with “hyped-up stories of murder and mayhem, usually at the hands of abusive husbands or boyfriends, evil corporations, or incompetent doctors. It could be you!”

Television executive and "20/20" creator Av Westin, which helped pioneer many news magazine shows, told Blyth: “We started every story with a victim. That’s what we said. We need a victim. Find me the victim.”

Blyth urges readers to notice that shows such as "48 hours" and "Dateline NBC" “all have the same format: high volume on emotions, low volume on facts … because they all want you to feel afraid.”


And then, of course, there’s the “mother network of all victim television”: Lifetime Television Network for Women, a forerunner of "Sex and the City," whose programs tell women that “all men are unfaithful rats, abusive monsters, dishonest scumbags, or all of the above.” Women, however, are “ubervictims.”"

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The media is a huge part of the feminist terror. It's all fearmongering and pitymongering, 24/7/365. That's how they get their ratings, and it's how they dupe women into wasting their money (and that of their men) on crap that they don't need.

Women only see the warped view of the world that the media wants them to see; nothing but child rape and jewelry and wifebeaters and oppression. No wonder so many of them really believe that the American economic system-- the best in the history of the world-- is really a failure, and that life would be more fair if only we put Fidel Castro in charge.

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The present economic status of the United States is a house of cards built on the confidence of the taxpayer and consumerism. The truly wealthy already know that the greenback is an illusion of wealth for the masses which is built on the confidence of the taxpaying poor. The wealthy have always given the poor the illusion of success and freedom.

The United States is simply using debt to get further into debt.

Women actually believe the opposite of what you said. They think this is the wealthiest nation and are running around robbing, lying, and scamming to get "a piece of the pie." Most women don't even realize how fragile this glass house -- which we call modern economics -- is.

Look throughout history records and you will see that international bankers actually accumulate "more wealth" during times of war and when nations are in financial trouble than when they are doing well. They benefit from ruining nations.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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They know the money's here, but their warped, jealous perspective causes them to resent America all the more because of it. The more they get the more victimized they feel.

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If I were paranoid, I would say this all leads to socialism, and helps people accept the idea of a one world gov't, but of course I'm not paranoid, I'm just smart.

In a socialist state, the female is all powerfull, just look at the demise of Russia, which they are trying to turn around desperatly.

Feminism is a political tool, designed to create fear, and that is exactly what the media is doing, creating alot of fear. Driven by dollars funded by womens groups, who are funded by our tax dollars... crazy isn't it!

It's no different than the attempt to make all other countries look like terrorists, but that plan backfired. Remember all that during the 90's?

Instead americans and canadians solidified and were ready to take on any terrorist with thier own hands! Mexican illegals was even pushed back for a bit.

Now that solidarity has been chipped away by feminism and the politically correct agenda. Now illegals from mexico are given comfort, terroists are given reasons for doing what they do and are given comfort, all women are victims and given comfort.


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..Dutch ..you mention russia's feminist seige...

Do you know if they had our level of rape hysteria as a weapon...or is it just the U.S. that has the history of Klan type Rape hysteria.

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I believe it was you ScottKirk that revealed the Nazis were claiming they were "oppressed" by Jews. This is quite ridiculous to anyone that knows history.

It was also Germany that experienced a depression due to worthless money.

In the 1930s, the German government had printed so much currency that its money nearly lost its value. One story tells of a woman who pulled a wheelbarrow full of money to buy some bread. When she came out of the baker's to get her money to pay for the bread, someone had stolen her wheelbarrow and left the money.

Hyperinflation devalues money. And while the social, political and financial environments that enabled Adolf Hitler to be elected German Chancellor in 1933 were complex, his rise to power was in no small part due to women funding him and the middle class man having his savings wiped out.

Anyone see history repeating itself?

Wake up men and smell the motherfucking coffee.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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From everything I have read, the rape hysteria was not as big in Russia, as it is here, in fact no where in the world (to my knowledge) has rape been such a huge political machine like it is in the states.

Russia, already being a socialist country, didn't have the same gender issues, because women already controlled the household from day 1. Men worked on avg 10-12 hour days, just to get by, and I mean barely get by.

Which is probly why alcholism and the suicide rate for men is highest in Russia, compared to the rest of the world, even Africa.

The collapse came when 30 years later (after the 1970's), the leaders realized the population dropped by 50 million people!!!!

How could that be? The feminists had successfully killed the 'Family' in Russia. The birth rate was next to nothing, and the death toll was higher than any other developed nation. Millions of men were on depression medication and couldn't even fukin work.

You might have heard of "Sex day" in Russia a few months back, that was their idea on how to save thier country from collapse. To get the population up again, they gave the ENTIRE COUNTRY the day off, to have sex and make babies. Even teenagers were urged to start thier families early.

The same thing is happening here in the states, the family as a unit is under direct attack, and they are winning. The reason is simple, men are head of the family, take away the family and you lose the man.

There is only one thing standing between the state and the family, that was the man, the head of household. Now there is nothing to stop the state from raising your kids, telling your wife what to think and giving you absolutly no power to do a fuking thing about it.

Give it another 10 years and we will see a huge population decrease. This will drastically effect our economy because its based on 'Fiat' money, which basically means its fake.

Without workers and taxpayers, our money is fukin worthless. I'm sure many of you have heard that european countries are dropping the american dollar, more and more are doing it. If China decides to drop the dollar, we will see an economic collapse that will make the stock market crash of the 20's, look like a liquor store robbery.

Be afraid, this shit is real, and our sons will bear the brunt of it.

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