Woman-Only Talk Radio Network Started

Feminuts Gloria Steinem and Jane Fonda are trying to start a talk radio network run by women for women. That's right folks, the femnags are now trying to take control the of the New Media which people are flocking to these days. They finally realized that it's male dominated so, as usual, they have to try and take it over and ruin it like everything else they touch. The ironic part of this news release is their characterization of the, "male dominated talk radio world as hostile and argumentative." What do they think feminists are?

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I do not believe there are any rules against women joining "the talk radio-show world". In fact I can think of at least three women who are nationally syndicated radio talk-show hosts and have a strong audience following. I have never heard of (nor do I imagine such is likely to be created) a men-only talk radio-show network. That would, after all, be a rather gross form of discrimination.

But yet, these women seem to be confident that they can do such a thing themselves. What are they annoyed about, the fact that most of the talk radio-show hosts that are listened to the most happen to be men? How do they imagine they will change that, force the people by some means to listen to them instead?

"No men allowed on our radio show network": That's OK.
"No women allowed on our radio show network": That's not OK.


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I wouldn't be surprised if some of their "discussions" lean toward male- bashing, or at least try to generate even more support for the "women's rights movement".

In their own minds, women will never have equality. No matter how high they rise, it will never be enough.

It will take a massive upheaval in the public's thinking to end this runaway train. I am beginning to doubt this will ever happen, at least not in my lifetime. These people have done PERMANENT damage to the American psyche.


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This is deja vu all over again.

Back in the late 1970's or early 1980's I believe it was, the femitwits started a "women only" bank or a bank that specialized in women's unique needs whatever that meant. If flopped and so will this stupid idea.

BTY: When are these two old nags going to die? Gloria Steinem is in her 70's now (born 1934) and Fonda is close behind, born in 1937. It was really uplifting when Dworkin died at 59 in 2005 and Sontag died at 71 in 2004.

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hello...(couldn't think of a title so i decided to acknowledge the great season Jeter's having)

"information, respect and humor" are these qualities a man doesn't posess or can't incorporate on a radio broadcast? i will focus on HUMOR (even though it has little to do with the overall point of her message, i want to have fun with the comment)

steinem can generalize men and display blatant bigotry. why?...she is not hand cuffed by the propaganda of political correctness. "walk on egg shells" when discussing anything regarding women, but in terms of male bigotry, that doesnt apply.

Jane Fonda??...at one point (maybe 30 years ago) she was a hot chick! she has become bitter towards men becuase they dont find her attractive anymore. im not kidding i really believe this!...are there any good looking feminists? ever see a picture of andrea dwarkin? she might be more attractive as a corpse. if my dog looked like dwarkin, i would shave his ass and make him walk backwards.

may i be politically incorrect?..INDEED! the focus will be on "humor" as it relates to comedy and the reality that men are much funnier than woman.

the best comedy is performed, written and directed by men.

for every george carlin and jim carrey there is not one female equal in terms of making people laugh there ass off!

again, i realize "humor" has virtually no relevance about this insane notion of an all female radio station. but keep this in mind, tina fey was the first and only female head comedy writer for saturday night live. the irony, snl's ratings have been at there lowest ever!. (fey has left snl recently, dont know why) . bye the way, if any of you have enemies, have them buy stock in this radio station.

steinem should also realize many AM talk shows are sports related. these shows are very argumentive and at times hostile. why? because a sports segmant featuring the yankees and red sox for example will always "fire up" a mans competitive nature. i wouldn't have it any other way.

i'm still obsessing about the humor qoute. with that said, i will give my top ten list for the funniest movies i've ever seen. you guys might not agree with my list, but they all have actors, story lines, and direction conducted by men.

(no particular order)

1. Airplane.."surely you cant be serious" "im very serious and dont call me shirley"

2. The Naked Gun..."like a midget at a urinal, i was gonna have to keep on my toes"

3. Dodgeball.. (a recent classic) "if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."

4. KingPin (woody harelson)...i cant think of any quotes, but a funny movie...."roy munson"..

5. anything with bill murray. "ground hog day" "what about bob?"..."stripes"...i can go on and on.

6. Austin Powers.....mike myers is funny as hell...he plays two characters that are hillarious.

7. Something about Mary....isnt it ironic that cameron diaz is the least funny character in the movie?

8. Tommy Boy...not an academy award winning film, but chris farley was a legend. (may he rest in peace)

9. Spinal Tap...if you like heavy metal music, this movie will make you laugh.

10. Blazing Saddles...Liar Liar..Vacation... Caddy Shack

now many might suggest the men in these movies are portrayed as "idiots", but for me, these guys make me laugh.

* honorable mention: Revenge of the Nerds

ive never admitted this until now (except to my therapist) that revenge of the nerds is funny...i dont care what anyone thinks

in conclusion, i forgot the topic of the article, but after listing these movies, i'm sure i forgot about 50 or 60 others. "humor"?...sorry gloria, men have humor. infact steinem, you have humor...considering the men in here think you are a clown.



i almost forgot. the demographic of female radio listeners has fallen? maybe, but keep in mind it has been proven that women watch more television than men. my theory on radio listeners?...many listen to the radio while they drive. hasn't it been proven that men generally drive a greater distance while commuting to work?


i havent posted in a few weeks. i see we have a rating system now. no disrespect to the administration of this web site, but im not a big advocate of rating anothers opinion. that might be because anyone can find out who rated their post. some might find it insulting if another member rated their post a 1 or 2. i doubt if i would be insulted, but with that said, i wont rate any other posts.
im certain most of you wont lose any sleep over this.

i just realized this post is way too long...i must stop typing!

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No, not the Greenstone Gloria/Jane all-fem radio network. It's still too soon to form an opinion.

But you can check out what the ladies are up to by listening to live streams or yesterday's achived shows at --


Yesterday 9/11/06 of course was the obligatory rememberances of the Twin Towers disaster, described by the "Radio Ritas" as --

"the WORST horror our nation has ever experienced!"

Hmmmm? Already I sense feminist exaggeration.

9/11 was terrible yes; but worse than:

* the Civil War (620,000 dead)
* WW I (117,000 est. killed)
* WW II (292,000 dead)
* Vietnam (58,200 killed)
* the flu pandemic of 1918-19 (675,000 dead)

(War stats above are just for U.S. combat deaths -- 99.9% men.)

As always, you can count on "feminist objectivity" to put all things in their proper perspective.

Can't wait to hear what the radio fem-squad thinks is the FUNNIEST thing that's ever happened to our nation!

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The media is the single greatest influencing factor when it comes to public opinion. Not many people have the time or inclination to research the issues of the times; rather, their opinions are largely swayed by what they are fed by the media. Gone are the days when seemingly unbiased reporters, mostly men in dull suits, just reported the facts. Today, the media is a circus performance with women playing an ever increasing role. Not content with just reporting the facts, they put their feminist spin on story lines either through words or the more powerful body language (disapproving facial expressions, body shrugs, rolling of the eyes, etc.). They don't want to report the news, they want to be the news! Some of the most argumentative media personalities are women. Take Nancy “In-Your-Face” Grace for instance. She will stoop to any level cross examining her "guests” to boost her ratings. Her latest browbeating resulted in a suicide.

Story Here

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These women are all so flaky and OLD, the only women they will appeal to are the 60+ man hating lesbian hippie crowd, and I think most of them have OD’d or committed suicide by now, the ones left over I don’t think they even listen to radio, they are to busy maintaining the commune.

I give it one year till it’s cancelled, if its not cancelled its ratings will stay low.

If anything, it should make for a lot of great prank call ins!

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1)Starts as an incredibly talented model and actress, making high-brow films such as "Barbarella". (One is forced to theorize that her seething hatred of men, is a reaction to these years she spent as an "objectified" woman).
2) Poses for a photo during the Vietnam War, sitting in a Russian tank wearing a Vietcong outfit. Inflames veterans and decent people everywhere.
3)While in her hippie-to-yuppie transition phase, marries Tom Hayden, one of the original "Chicago Seven".
4)Harkening back to acting, stars in movie about nuclear power plants which melt their way through the earth to China. Also stars in "Rollover" with Chris Cristopherson. Audience wishes she would roll over and play dead.
5)Later, now considering herself a complete yuppie, marries Ted Turner. Later brags of "beating him about the head and ears with a cell phone". Her hatred of men is at it's peak. Later makes a bundle in divorce settlement.
6)Now in her waning years, she refuses to forego the spotlight (as well as her hatred of men). Along with Gloria Stain'em, she proposes womens' network channel. Agrees that men don't have much of a sense of humor. (She must be a liar, knowing Hayden must have had a sense of humor when he ran for Congress!).


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Kate Millett, who last I heard was running a Christmas tree farm in Idaho.

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BTW: When are these two old nags going to die? Gloria Steinem is in her 70's now (born 1934) and Fonda is close behind, born in 1937. It was really uplifting when Dworkin died at 59 in 2005 and Sontag died at 71 in 2004.

In the spirit of my earlier post about the annoying longevity of femitwits, it is with a heavy heart (hyperbole alert on) that I announce the sad fate of a femitwit who was actually elected (one term only and barely elected)governor of Texas. Ann Richards (an recovering alcoholic at time of death) assumed room temperature today at the ripe old age of 73.

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