Mary Winkler's right to visit kids upheld

Story here. Excerpt:

"The Tennessee Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to modify or overturn a lower court's ruling allowing Mary Winkler, convicted of killing her minister husband, visitation rights with the couple's three daughters."
In September, a lower court granted Winkler visitation with her daughters pending the outcome of the custody battle. The court specified the visits be supervised by a guardian ad litem appointed to represent the children's interests and supervised by members of the couple Winkler is living with or by her sister. A subsequent appeal by the grandparents was denied, leading to their Supreme Court appeal."

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"The court specified the visits be supervised by a guardian"

May I suggest that this guardian be armed?

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..she had to kill him before he found out about her checkwriting scheme...
..he would have verbally scolded her, had he found out!!

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"One expert, in testimony, quoted Patricia as saying her mother had killed her father and, "I don't know if she will kill me. I want to ask her if she would do that to me. It scares me, kind of; if she did, well, I guess I would see my father."

Is it me, or do women have more rights than children?

Shouldn't the well being and emotional development of these children supercede that of a murderess? Logic would agree with me, but our feminized society is guilty of crimes towards humanity.

Our legal system has allowed Winkler to kill her husband and now their allowing the slow emotional death of these children.

Winkler will inevitably infect her girls with propaganda that their father actually deserved his death.

Young girls who will develop into man hating women. The feminist cycle of hate.

Hopefully when these young girls grow older they'll see the evil and transparency of their mother.

Feminism's greatest barrier is children do love their fathers. Unfortunately people like Kim Gandy believe otherwise and will fight to convince society that fathers are disposable. They've had a certain level of success with their fascist manipulation which is why where here. All evil is eventually challenged and conquered.


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A man's life means nothing to this feminist police state.

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I've been separated two years now, still trying to agree access to kids and the whole divorce shebang (it's complicated by a vindictive ex who won't agree to anything).

The kids all live with me, and I've never said a word about their mother - who ran us into huge debts, slept around then dumped us spectacularly to go live life as if she were 18. But a few months back my two sons decided to move in with mum because they missed her.

Within a week, she was desperately trying to poison them against me. She said they 'didn't need' to have 'sleepovers' at my house, and just stopping by after school every now and then was fine. She tried to convince the boys that now that they were with their mum dad was superfluous, and she tried damned hard.

Fortunately for me it didn't work, and in fact backfired (one of my sons moved back, just last week, fed up with being told what to think).

You're right - women want men to be completely unnecessary, just walking wallets and testicles to be kicked, should the need arise.

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I hope you are getting child support from your soon to be ex.

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You might be able to prosecute her for child abuse for doing that.

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I wonder if the average woman is at the core of this problem. Feminism is full of irony. The premise of their ideology is based on the victimization of women yet they do the very same thing towards other women. One aspect of such victimization includes false statistics regarding domestic and child abuse. Chastise men and thrust women in the role of victims. Combine both aspects and you have a family crisis. Some might ask "aren't we the victims"? Maybe, but its the women who are at the fore front of this form of re-education. They have given women a psycho-tropic message that resonates with such fear and ignorance as soon as they engage in a relationship with a man. They have convinced women they are the foundation of the family unit while the father is disposable. As usual, I blame feminism and chivalry as the true culprits. Women manipulated by the likes of Dworkin, French, and Greer. This continued anti-father torch has been passed to Kim Gandy. [I hope she burns herself] The impact feminism has had on our society is enormous. I believe political, social, and judicial manipulation are at the foundation of an ongoing gender war. Chilvarious male politicians petrified to challenge any feminist bull shit shoved down their throats. With that said, is it the biological nature of women or societal poisoning that has determined men have no rights in regards to child custody and parental alienation? Maybe a combination of both. I'll never know unless I'm ever married. To the dismay of many here, I haven't ruled out the possibility if I found the right woman.



As always, input from you guys is always helpful.

Almost Forgot about this one! I've been searching for a print or video story in regards to something I saw on a local news station while in San Diego. Its been a while since the trip which might explain why I can't find any info.

Some college in California has some kind of feminist group protesting the sales of Rolling Stones Cd's at the school store. Apparently Mick, Keith, and company are a misogynist rock and roll band. Feminism and censorship is like peanut butter and jelly, can't have one without the other.


With that said, I will end this post with lyrics from the classic Beggars Banquet album.

(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

Oh help me, please doctor, I'm damaged
There's a pain where there once was a heart
It's sleepin, it's a beating'
Can't ya please tear it out, and preserve it
Right there in that jar?

Oh help me, please mama, I'm sickening
It's today that's the day of the plunge
Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge

"Don't ya worry, get dressed," cried my mother
As she plied me with bourbon so sour
Pull your socks up, put your suit on
Comb your long hair down,
For you will be wed in the hour

So help me, please doctor, I'm damaged
There's a pain where there once was a heart
I'm sleepin, it's a beating'
Can't ya please take it out, and preserve it
Right there in that jar?

I was trembling', as I put on my jacket
It had creases as sharp as a knife
I put the ring in my pocket
But there was a note
And my heart it jumped into my mouth

It read, "Darlin', I'm sorry to hurt you.
But I have no courage to speak to your face.
But I'm down in Virginia with your cousin Lou
There be no wedding today."

So help me, please doctor, I'm damaged
You can put back my heart in its hole
Oh mama, I'm cryin'
Tears of relief
And my pulse is now under control

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The average woman replaces logic and facts with emotion, enabling false prosecutions and putting men on the bottom in all situations, regardless of fairness. So I disagree; the average woman is a huge part of the problem.

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I'm not quite ready to demonize either gender based on biological differences whether it includes logic or emotion. Some kind of balance must exist. This might sound ridiculous, but I just finished watching "March of the Penguins". Males and females who equally endure and suffer for their offspring. It seems the only moment of happiness these animals have is when both male and female are with their offspring. Granted, I'm comparing humans to penguins but I tried to apply what I saw to human relationships and the necessity of both male and females working equally for the well being of their offspring. Our species might be too complex for such harmony.


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No, there's nothing wrong with the species. Society is fucked up because it's based on the wrong assumptions, and those assumptions have been taken to grotesque extremes.

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The fundamental assumptions of feminism were adapted from Marxist class warfare ideology. Men are the new Evil Capitalist Oppressors, women the victimized serfs.
(Yes, even if you're an unemployed deadbeat dad, you qualify as an ECO.)

Hence, when a woman embraces (or is passively influenced by) feminism, she has put herself in the position of being forever in an antagonistic relationship to men. Even if she's a normal heterosexual female, as a feminist, she will always feel guilty for "sleeping/breeding with the enemy."

I believe a fair amount of the toxic low-level strife between a husband and wife can be explained by this theory - i.e. feminism demands that women and men be always and forever antagonists.

So, the built-in psychological tension of being female and being a feminist is inescapable. Feminism is even better than the Roman Catholic Church at the whole conflicted guilt trip indoctrination game.

Then, look at the MSM-approved role models for girls in this hyper-feminist era:

* fashion model
* skank-wanna-be-model
* stripper (see above)
* actress / singer /pop celebrity
* TV newsbunny
* sexy doctor, lawyer, broker w/ cleavage
* wife of doctor, lawyer, broker, etc.
* ex-wife of doctor, lawyer, broker, etc.
* gold-digger (see above)
* candidate for President

What do all of these career choices have in common?

(PS) - My favorite Stone's anthem is still "Under My Thumb." Don't play it at the office unless you're seeking a sexual harassment complaint from the "squirrelly dogs" in the next cubicle ....

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A great song that should be the theme at the next NOW convention. I think "Stupid Girl" is also on the same album [Aftermath]

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They wish they were under "the patriarchy's" thumb, so they could absolve themselves of any responsibility for their lives.

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Yes, "Stupid Girl" was on the flip side of that LP.

My high school rock 'n roll band was named "Aftermath."

The girls never got it.

They were like --- "so, you guys are into math?"

No sweeties. We're into your pants.

God I still love stupid girls.

Especially the rich ones with low self-esteem and five pounds they want to lose.

Ten pounds ... not so much.

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