Wife stabs husband because he opened a Christmas gift early
Submitted by ItsDan on Sun, 2007-12-23 17:38
Article here:
'Misty Johnson, 34, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and battery, a felony, and misdemeanor domestic battery. Her husband, Shawn Fay Johnson, 34, was treated at a hospital for a wound to the chest, police said.
Misty Johnson made an initial court appearance Thursday in which she requested a court-appointed attorney, authorities said. She was released after posting bail, which was set at $7,500.'
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Another Abused Wife -- She'll Skate with Probation
It appears the fight over opening the Xmas present was just an excuse to accuse her husband of cheating before stabbing him.
She'll no doubt employ the Battered Woman Defense and allege a history of abuse, then cop a plea to the lower misdemeanor charge (dropping the felony), and she'll skate with a year's probation and anger management counseling.
The soon-to-be ex-hubby will pay her court and counseling costs and get stung with a few years of alimony so that she can go to the local community college and get a degree in social work.
Too bad she didn't kill him. She blew the Oprah show appearance and TV movie deal....
That's right.
That's right.
The Scales Of Justice Balance....
I am confident that if the roles were reversed and the man stabbed his wife in the chest with a knife (a deadly weapon) the state would also let him go on a $7500 x 10% $750.00 bail.
Of course just like the wifie poo in this saga he would not be charged with attempted murder only aggravated battery.
(hyperbole run amok)
september bride-december attempted homicide
poor thang. surely she has been abused by this...MAN.
and still on their honeymoon. sounds like an Opie segment to me. maybe oreilly can explain the no-spin angle here on msm not covering this female discount, again and again and....
i've heard that those who suspect infidelity just have a guilty conscience.
bet the whole neighborhood will want to get outta town when one of those anniversaries rolls around. the family and friends will know what to get her for Christmas... sharper knives.
i was mad at first when i heard that the feminists want all women's prisons closed in the us. but i see where they are coming from NOW. it makes perrrfect sense.
these half-wit judges ain't gonna put 'em in prison anyway.
one can only imagine the sentence if a man had done this. what, did the law schools raid a clown circus? i know, what w/ affirmative action hiring they are forced to accept considerably less than the best, but really?
If the wives of the manginas stab their husbands...
...maybe things will begin to change.
Men are so enamored with pussy(they were programmed to be like this from dumb dads and oppressive mothers) that they only wake up after cupcake breaks them in two.
I would not mind seeing even more men get broken. The more men that women break, the faster men are forced to wake up.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
Scary Christmas Movies
MrR -- "Men are so enamored with pussy(they were programmed to be like this from dumb dads and oppressive mothers).."
I agree with your first argument about pussy power. That is the "golden idol" right? The coin of the realm? The actual currency of choice?
But I also think that it is possible for boys to be socialized into this chivalrous shitstem by smart dads and nurturing mothers.
And that....
really scares me.
I wouldn't worry too much
I wouldn't worry too much about all of the women's prisons being closed. The rate of female incarceration is increasing all the time in America.
It's true that there are many, many horrible example of women getting a free pass, but the overall trend is towards locking more women up, and feminists have no one to thank but themselves. They fed the monster, now they can prepare to be eaten.