NH CSM May Meeting Minutes Available
Submitted by Scott on Mon, 2006-07-10 15:57
I'm going to start taking a more pro-active effort to announce happenings of the NH Commission on the Status of Men. The CSM web site has now been updated with the May meeting minutes PDF and the mp3 file of Dr. Murray Straus' testimony (22 MB) during the June meeting.
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Strauss' testimony...
Listened to Strauss' testimony; was quite good. I do have one question. To wit, who was the committee member that felt that since women only commit half of the violence and 1/3 of the injuries, they should be ignored when dealing with the issue? Further, what is he doing on a men's committee?
Those, such as this committee member, are just the kind many expected to see in any men's commission/studies effort.
BK, The Commissioner you are
The Commissioner you are referring to is David Lauren. Was that a direct quote from him?
David was the prosecuting attorney in a well-known domestic violence case in NH a few years ago. A woman from a wealthy family filed a domestic abuse restraining order against her husband, and he was thrown out of their home. Shortly afterwards, he flew his private plane into the home, killing himself (with the presumed intent to kill her as well).
It's fair to say that David's background with domestic violence issues has instilled in him certain biases. Given that he and I still need to work together on other issues on the Commission, I would rather not comment further on that.
David was appointed by NH Governor John Lynch. Gov. Lynch's staff consists of many people who were staffers under the Shaheen administration, and a significant number of them have close ties with the NH Coalition Against Domestic Violence. I'm sure this is no coincidence.
The Appointment of Trojan Horses is Testimony to MRA Power
I'm glad another poster who listened to the testimony spotted the imposter on the Commission.
The feminists associated with the NH Coalition Against Domestic Violence must be very, very concerned if they have to go to the trouble of planting spys within this new, barely funded Men's Commission.
I would take it as a back-handed compliment that the NH Men's Commission is feared already!
Some real men are doing real work in that oddly-shaped state! ;-)
Re: The commissioner you are
Thanks very much for the reply.
Regarding the quote, no, it was not a direct quote, but a paraphrase. When the transcript is out, I can put the direct quote into this note stream. To do that now would require going back over the mp3 and transcribing, then quoting.
I understand that you have to work with others on the commission. Your work is immensely appreciated. Still, many of us are leary, after a great deal of experience and research (i.e., these are not unfounded fears), that we will simply get more of the same bigotry and bias. If that's the case, we have, not only oodles of women's programs to struggle with, we now have bigoted men's programs that must be resisted.
One thing you might find
One thing you might find consoling is our first biennial report:
I'm hoping the next one will be at least as good.
The report is good! Should make a good template for fuure commissions in other states.