Clinton's "World-class genius" comments spark riotous gales of laughter

Yes, read it here. Bill Clinton is quoted as saying:

'"The reason she ought to be president, over and above her vision and her plans is that she has proven in every position she has ever had in life, whether it was in elected office or not, that she is a world-class genius in making positive changes in other people's lives," he said.'

"World-class genius". Just ask the people of upstate New York whom she supposedly represents what they think of her. First project she undertook after getting elected was to plan for running for the presidency. "World-class" indeed.

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Check out this condescending Hillary (Evita?) Christmas message, where Mrs. Clinton gives all the little people their presents.

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She's a genius at turning a blind eye while you struggle to give her AIDS, Bill.

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More of the same for NY. Maybe if NY had two senators instead of one ("Senator" Clinton is too busy chasing her pipe dream) it wouldn't be in such bad shape.

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Women, and honorary women, will still vote for her in droves.

Note: I don't see any reference in the article about "gales of laughter".


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And they'll get a laughingstock for a President. If you think we're disrespected now, just wait until that pussbag is sitting in the Oral Office.

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at least he is consistent.

"she is a world-class genius"

and "i did not have sexual relations with that woman".

and she wants to make him a traveling good will representative of america when she is elected.

oh where have you been billy boy billy boy? oh where have you been charmin' billy?

i am hiding from my wife, she's the terror of my life
she's a feminist and acts just like my mother.

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