SFSU Student Paper: Female voters, women's issues more important in '08

Story here. Excerpt:

'From first lady to presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton has nearly come full circle in her image transformation. By running for the democratic ticket, she is challenging her contenders to work harder to appeal to women voters.

“I think that the effect of that is to keep women on the front burner,” said James Martel, associate professor and chair of SF State’s Political Science Department. “I think that it helps to focus people,” he said.

Martel said that women tend to vote for men’s issues, but men do not necessarily vote for women’s issues. “This will work to galvanize that,” he said.'

["women tend to vote for men’s issues" -- Can any of you guys think of one single male issue that's been at the fore front of any political campaign that was of great importance to a female voter?]

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Men are the protectors of women, and they have historically voted accordingly. The Republicans don't want to be seen as woman-haters, and the Democrats are so dependent on women's and minority votes that they are in the process of alienating white men. If Obama wins the nomination I'll vote for him in the final election; but if it's Hilary I'm simply not going to bother voting. I don't want to have to decide the lesser of two evils.

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For that matter, what women's issues is Clinton talking about? She just chatters on about how "I'm a woman-- that's the only thing I can run as-- but I'm not running as a woman." Woman this, woman that, glass ceiling, "I'm your girl," a whole lot of crap rhetoric.

When asked if she was a feminist, Clinton once answered, "I fit the dictionary definition of feminism." Well duh. There are guys on this board who could fit the dictionary definition of it, since that has nothing to do with the reality of it.

This is why it's a student paper; it's not very good.

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Student papers are horrible.

They are usually written by any starving oodles 'o' noodles sandwich munching hack -- since they can't afford anything else -- with two years of college at some bogus U.S. college that teaches outdated economics.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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