Australian Blogger Defends Men

Here is a blog entry from Melbourne's The Age concerning the myth of male privilege. Have a read and then join the discussion below. The author seems to have ticked off a lot of feminists. Starts with:

"I argue that men do not enjoy a life of privilege. Far from it, a look at the life of the average man is a fairly depressing sight. What kind of privilege it that bestows on men a ten-year-shorter life span than women, and a higher incidence of disease, crime, alcoholism and drug addiction? What kind of privilege is it that blesses men with a frequently self-destructive need to achieve?"

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Funny, I noted the same quotes that Bert did.
Some of his information is quite out of date. He has some good insights and then falls back on old, tired rhetoric.
He could have done much better.

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Scottie, Are you talking about the statement that "women suffer..much higher rates of domestic violence"? I have all 'zeroes' and 'ones' screened, so I can't see you-know-who's posts! Wait a minute...,

Now I did reset it long enough to give Zero another 'zero'. I guess the above IS one of the quotes you are talking about!!

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