Randolf-Macon Student Body Calls Trustees "Traitors" for Voting to Admit Men

During the end of this article, CNN conducted a poll, asking if "single sex colleges" served any purpose. Out of 17,968 polled, 60% believed single sex colleges should exist. The irony? There are ZERO all-male colleges in the United States*. Many women attending this college are extremely angry and one alumna even tried to sue the university citing "legal concerns".

I suspect a feminist lawyer was hired and failed to manipulate the administration with false statistics regarding date rape and violence against women on college campuses.

Ed. note:

* This isn't true. There are five men's colleges left in the US. Contrast this to the 65 women's colleges that are operating (hope I got that count right, there are so many!).

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Just incredible-- brazen, open sexist-class-based bigotry unabashedly propagated by a group of people with plenty of other options to continue living in their precious all-female environment, free of the wicked, evil taint of testosterone and penises. Good heavens, now that deep voices may be heard on campus, it may well be the end of the universe! Well, for these bigots, anyway.

I wonder if the trustees of this college are even a bit aware of the degree of ugliness these students are displaying, how they are utterly and enthusiastically steeped in a depth of bigotry that their grandmothers viciferously objected to and lobbied aggressively to bring an end to. Now here they are, wallowing in it without the smallest bit of shame. Just incredible!!

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I found it interesting that in the photo of a militant feminist RMWC student protesting the admission of men she was flat on her back and spread-eagled on the pavement, pretty much imitating a porn star with a fake college degree.

The school's Strategic Plan can be reviewed at the link below, and it's a masterful stew of academic gibberish.

Basically, the college is broke.

They have to DOUBLE their enrollment just to survive.

(From the PLAN) -

"However, further research confirmed that while academic distinctiveness was a necessary component for a bright future for the College, it would not, alone, suffice to achieve the enrollment needed to support the academic quality that all of the College’s constituents deemed non-negotiable. Therefore, this plan also calls for the College to become coeducational and to grow, preserving its commitment to producing thoughtful leaders.

A. To establish student recruitment, admissions, and retention approaches that will increase the size of the student body by 50 to 60% without sacrificing quality or diversity. "


The school is ranked 86th among private liberal arts colleges, and has an enrollment of 712 students who pay $34,000 a year for the privilege of graduating with what amounts to a womynz' studies diploma.

Bottom line --- they need to sucker feminist moms and pussified dads into enrolling their SONS there.

Now, that's a genius plan.

Does Sen. Joe Biden have a grandson he's willing to send on over to the cause?

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