Dearth of male teachers likely to continue

Story here. Excerpt:

"Teaching traditionally has been dominated by women. But the gap has widened. The National Education Association recently announced that nationwide, 24.9 percent of teachers are men -- a 40-year low. In elementary schools, just 9 percent of teachers are men.
Some researchers said the lack of male teachers does not matter.

But Fusi and other educators said it's a disturbing trend because no,more than ever, children need a strong male figure to look up to.

Boys also have fallen behind girls in graduation rates and have more trouble reading and writing, leading some to wonder whether more male teachers would improve boys' classroom performance."

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"Other groups are tracking the decline as well. MenTeach, which promotes the recruitment of male teachers, found in a 2002 study that men don't teach -- or leave the profession early -- because they believe teaching is "women's work" and they don't possess the necessary nurturing skills; they're afraid of being accused of harming children; and because of low pay."

Notice how they sandwich the only reason reason-- they're afraid of being accused of harming children-- in between two bogus reasons. Oh yeah, I'm sure that men aren't teaching because they feel they "lack nurturing skills." Like men even think of it as "nurturing." That's woman talk.

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You only need male teachers if you live in a society that values what males can teach.

We no longer inhabit such an enlightened society.

Hence, no reason for male teachers.

It is not complicated, watching a zombie nation exterminate itself.

(The Saudis are laughing all the way to the bank. They are inventing new words to describe the self-castration of America...)

President Hillary ???

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Can you imagine being one of those male elementary school teachers, with 91% of your co-workers being women and all of your students being kids? Having to suck up to everybody because the reality is that any one of them can make up a false allegation about you and destroy your life, without a shred of evidence to back it up?

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I think there is a dire need for more male teachers, especially as far as role models - since the kids' dads are overworked and too tired to play with them or teach them a hobby, or even teach them any values (the mother cannot be expected to do this, because she has an "ethic of caring" which doesn't give any credence to an "abstract concept" such as justice); and also since the fathers are looked at as evil clowns by the family for which they are a wallet, so the kid is better off not using that as a model anyhow.

But I don't know if performance would improve that much..any new male teachers would be expected to play along with the girl-favoring, boy-admonishing mentality currently in use by our fucked-up school system. The type of change that is needed can only come via administrators, and the only thing that will move them off their lead asses is if enough parents complain.

Remember..the school system is run by the government, so in addition to the employees being prejudiced as we have been discussing, most of them are also lazy inefficient morons.


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Paul Beare, dean of Fresno State's school of education, said he doesn't think the fear of being seen as a pedophile is a significant deterrent for men to choose teaching, but it's had some effect.

I don't know - fear of being seen as a pedophile would deter me...

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A translation compliments of Mr. Reality:

"Paul Beare, dean of Fresno State's school of education, said he doesn't think. He just goes along with what women tell him to say like a good dog."


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Paul Beare is a liar.

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You have to read between the lines to interpret how this article blames men for the feminist assault that has driven men out of the teaching profession.

Men are blamed for: (1)seeking a reasonably non-hostile gender workplace (2) seeking respect for men's ways of expressing care for children (3) seeking to not be criminalized as a potential pedophile due to his gender (4) seeking a living wage ---

bad, bad men!

The great majority of K-12 teachers are married to a MAN who makes more than they do and affords them a comfortable lifestyle with a burdensome 9-month work schedule.

"Honey, while you're at the office, I'll be on vacation June, July, and August!"

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I read your post about "Turkey Wars". It seems this is an important issue for you. Its an underrated MRA topic. It certainly needs more exposure. Infact the lack of male teachers and the education of boys could be a defining issue for MRA's. The education system is oppressing our boys. Just one guys opinion.



Google spell check can now identify misandry.

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Does the Word spell checker now identify "misandry"? (I have Vista on one of my computers but that one's in storage until the first service pack comes out. Despite the OS's initial flaws, the graphics do look much better than anything previous).


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