UK: Minister for Men Petition Dismissed

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'There has been a government e-petition calling for a Minister For Men. It received over 380 signatories. The petition is set out below and the site has been alerted to the government's response. It is, as to be expected from this government which puts ignoring men at the centre of its policies, completely and arrogantly dismissive. It doesn't even answer the question why there is a Minister for Women and not one for Men.'

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At least the UK government makes an attempt at an explanation. I doubt you'd even get that much here in the US.

The main excuse they're offering is the usual: women are making less money. And that may be true-- but who's SPENDING IT? In the US women are making what, 70% or 80% of the consumer spending decisions?

This also doesn't accont for child support and alimony, with men going to jail if they don't pay.

Nor does it take into account the enormous number of workplace injuries being suffered by men (as mentioned in the response), since men are willing to do the work that women either can't or won't.

The socialists always use income as the measuring stick, but if they'd turn it over they'd see that men and women aren't being measured using the same units.

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IMHo that will be how history records this era. women are this and women need that and yet women can do this just as good, even though bla, bla, bla. excuse after excuse after maddening excuse. the poor things make less money because they take jobs sitting in ergonomically engineered chairs on their ever enlarging arses answering phones instead of getting out and doing what needs to be done to make decent wages. nobody pays men more just because they are men. that's stupid. just another excuse. most go from handout to handout. they get $$ for having children, going to school, staying home, or whatever they want, and gov't can't seem to get enough of it.

governments and the msm refuse to talk about these things truthfully unless made to do so by events, such as the Duke mess. then they spin the excuses why this or that is so. usually using lame stats furnished by some equally lame feminist "think" tank.

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Meanwhile, Don Imus's ugly joke about female basketball players is a blasphemy, while Wendy Murphy comparing the Duke boys to Hitler is par for the course.

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It's truly an illustration of Brit civility that an MRA petition with 380 signatures received a lengthy and polite, if dismissive reply.

You think any hack Congressional aide in Sen. Joe Biden's office, let alone the millionaire mangina himself, would ever spend the half-hour required to reply to an MRA constituent?

The reply nevertheless is the usual feminist obfuscation and lying by omission. This bullet point especially --

* "Women still shoulder the lion's share of caring for the old and the young and 90.5% of lone parents are female."

A few seconds of analysis would also suggest consideration of the reality that:
* women commit the majority of senior and child abuse
* the reason that 90% of lone parents are female has to do with the explosion of unmarried mothers giving birth to multiple children via multiple sex partners
* the incarceration rate for fathers is off the charts for ethnic minorities of the non-Muslim persuasion, as is the homicide rate for young men
* and then of course there's no-fault divorce to factor into the state-sanctioned Family Destruction formula.

So I guess the only real question is whether it is better for MRAs to be reviled and dismissed by angry American feminists a.k.a. NOW and its ilk; or if the more polite but equally deadly British knife in the back and a chilly feminist "tally-ho" is preferable?

Can you still say tally-HO in the U.K. without being arrested for a gender hate crime?

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Or, if they wanted to expand a bit, they could get into the fact that we're mere beasts of burden expected to do all the fighting, dirty work, physical labor, risk-taking and dying so women who "expect to be treated like equals and also like women" (i.e. better than men) don't have to. We're expected BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENTS to slave and fucking die like animals so actual citizens (that'd be women, for anyone who's been living under a rock for 50 years) don't have to. Our misery, our suffering, the discrimination and hardships we face DON'T MATTER.

See, this is why I don't waste my time talking to fat, retarded, lazy, overpaid and inevitably female government stooges or feminists. They're mindless, autocratic hatemongers with one-track minds that can't produce any thoughts beyond "men don't matter", "women are better than men", "women are victims", "men are scum" and "how long until I retire on a pension paid for by men's taxes".

While I don't live in the UK, I can say this: since my government chooses not to represent me as an equal, I will not fight or serve to protect it, regardless of the consequences. If women are so much more than equal, and if group guilt for imaginary or real historical injustices is so acceptable, then let women do all the fighting and the dying for the next 6,000 years. We've done our bit for king and country.

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One of the failures of democracy is how some vital issues remain invisible, while others are hyped way out of proportion. For example, in the United States, unemployment figures disregard the number of people who aren't working because they're in jail or prison, which is a very significant number.

Male domestic violence isn't an issue because it's invisible. False accusations isn't an issue for the same reason.

Similarly, the British government is taking one glance at a statistic, women make X money as opposed to men, and presuming that means women are worse off. This doesn't take into account the invisible side of the issue, which is the vast majority of workplace injuries being suffered by men, and men being stripped of their livelihood by family courts. Plus they aren't the ones SPENDING the money.

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