Great Article on Male DV Victims

Story here. Thanks to Marc A. for pointing it out.


Men, too, reporting abuse by partners
Published: September 5, 2006

Men are victims too.

It's the message more domestic violence experts locally and statewide are trying to get out.

And it's a fact becoming more evident by the growing number of male victims reporting cases of abuse.

According a 1988 report by the state Attorney General's Office, just 6 percent of those arrested for domestic violence were women. By 1998, the total had risen to 16.5 percent.

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.... but I'll believe it when I see it. Any step in the right direction is a good thing, but there are so many hurdles still to overcome.

This may be one shelter set on the right path but there are thousands left to change and as long as VAWA exists in the US and the Ministry of the Status of Women in Canada North American wwomen's agencies have no incentive to offer services to men but out of the kindness of their cold bitter hearts.

Men definately deserve the same protections under the law that women have and it's nice to see some one working for a women's shelter akowledge that.

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