12 Warning Signs Of An Abusive Female

1. Did she grow up in a violent family? People who grow up in violent families where they have been abused as children grow up learning that violence is normal behavior.

2. Does she tend to use force or violence to solve her problems? Does she have a quick temper or overreact to little problems and frustrations, such as not finding a parking space or having a bad seat at the movie? Is she destructive when angry, throws things?

3. Does she abuse alcohol or other drugs? There is a strong link between violence and problems with drugs and alcohol. Be alert to her possible drinking/drug problem, particularly if she refuses to admit that there is a problem or refuses to get help.

4. Does she think poorly of herself? Does she prove her feminist independence by trying to act tough and independent? She may think that she is "acting like a liberated woman" but in fact she may be acting like a batterer.

5. Does she have rigid ideas about what a man should be and what a woman should be? Does she think that a man's only role is to take care of his wife, anticipate her wishes, and follow her orders?

6. Does she use knives, guns, or other lethal weapons? Does she talk of using them against people or threaten to use them to get even?

7. Does she expect you to follow her orders or advice? Does she become angry if you do not fulfill her wishes, if you cannot anticipate what she wants?

8. Does she go through extreme highs and lows, almost as if she is two different people? Is she extremely kind at one time and extremely cruel at another?

9. Is she jealous of you - not just of other women you might know but even of your male friends or family? Does she keep tabs on you? Does she want to know where you are all of the time?

10. When she gets angry, do you fear her? Are you afraid to make her angry? Do you find that not making her angry has become a major part of your life?

11. Does she treat you roughly? Does she physically force you to do what you do not want to do? Abuse during dating is almost a guarantee of later abuse and of more violent abuse.

12. Do you feel threatened by her? Are you afraid of her because she might hurt you? Have you changed your life so that you won't make her angry? Are you keeping aspects of this relationship a secret from your family and friends because as a man you are ashamed of admitting that you are intimidated and/or physically abused by a female?

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Forget those. Try these.

#1/ Is she a liar?
#2/ Does she present herself as a victim?
#3/ Is she melodramatic?
#4/ (Important one) Has she ever accused anybody of rape or other forms of abuse?
#5/ See #1 six more times.

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Remember the lying black woman that claimed she created the Matrix and played the "race card" in order to support her flimsy case which she started on the internet(Pathetic to say the least)?

She actually never had any evidence and is still going around jumping on ghetto radio shows -- and posting on the internet(she claims SHE is the oracle from the movie) claiming she won a settlement(LA Times did an article about her lie that she was awarded "a billion dollars" titled "The Billion Dollar Myth"). Less than credible radio shows like Hot 97 and other such "You go girl" stations that rely wholly on word-of-mouth as opposed to facts. What this lying female -- who claims she is psychic -- claims is in opposition to the actual facts behind her long-forgotten case that was dismissed in 2005.

See here: http://www.answers.com/topic/sophia-stewart

Sad to say this but as soon as women see men create something -- and get paid off of it -- the majority of women automatically start thinking of pathetic ways to steal it or as they say "get their share" even if they have no share.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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1. Did she grow up in a violent family? People who grow up in violent families where they have been abused as children grow up learning that violence is normal behavior.

Abusive Ex #1 had a mother that was very abusive towards her father. (he left/returned 3 times)
One could say that abusive Ex #2's mother employed a certain amount of relational violence towards her father.
Abusive Ex #3 had an abusive/controlling father. Her style is to manipulate and then use abuse when manipulation failed.

4. Does she think poorly of herself? Does she prove her feminist independence by trying to act tough and independent? She may think that she is "acting like a liberated woman" but in fact she may be acting like a batterer.

Abusive Ex #1 had touches of a feminist victim complex -- "women do most of the suffering in the world"...

5. Does she have rigid ideas about what a man should be and what a woman should be? Does she think that a man's only role is to take care of his wife, anticipate her wishes, and follow her orders?

Abusive Ex #2 certainly acted like this... Funny on how all the traditional rules that benefited her were to be enforced while those that didn't were to be disregarded. A.E. #3 had her own rules that benefitted only her.

7. Does she expect you to follow her orders or advice? Does she become angry if you do not fulfill her wishes, if you cannot anticipate what she wants?

AE #1, #2, #3 -- of course!

10. When she gets angry, do you fear her? Are you afraid to make her angry? Do you find that not making her angry has become a major part of your life?

AE #1, #2 -- yes, yes, yes!!!

12. Do you feel threatened by her? Are you afraid of her because she might hurt you? Have you changed your life so that you won't make her angry? Are you keeping aspects of this relationship a secret from your family and friends because as a man you are ashamed of admitting that you are intimidated and/or physically abused by a female?

Yes. Been there done that.

My advice is to never date a woman unless you've had a chance to see how she treats people without her having any interest in you.

I think of Asa Baber's advice: Watch how she treats the staff at restaurants, she'll be treating you that way eventually.

Before you date a woman, a man should know the following things:
1. Her mental health status and history. A poor man's psychiatric evaluation or better.
2. Her attitudes towards things -- Does she expect priviledge? Does she feel entitled?
3. Her credit history: Is she in debt? Is she a spendthrift?
4. What are her parents like? In particular -- what is her mother like?

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Arrogant, demanding, self-pitying, and greedy is a formula for disaster.

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I think the majority of abusive women are far too sophisticated to resort to actual physical violence.

You have to understand, women are light years ahead of men in the psychological arts of power-and-control and the arsenal of passive-aggressive tactics that they learned during their adolescent "girlfriend wars."

Women do not have to punch, kick, or playfully slap you in order to inflict pain.

They know how to maneuver a man into total crazy sublimation without ever laying a hand on him.


Well, please add your own favorite tactics to my incomplete list --

* the silent treatment
* withhold sex
* sleep with his best friends
* use the kids as weapons
* spend the family into bankrupcy
* ruin his reputation
* shame-and-blame him
* attack his sense of masculinity
* isolate him from his male friends
* use religious beliefs to control him
* threaten suicide
* subvert his career goals
* express daily that you're not satisfied

etc. etc.????

Note that none of these effective emasculating strategies require any form of physical violence.


Because they work so well...

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I can think of a few more:

Does she view you with distain?

Does she have a mental illness?

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You don't spot those until later, and then it's too late.

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