Sacks/McCormick Column: Biden's misguided violence bill

Article here. Excerpt:

'WHEN IT COMES to domestic-violence legislation, the road to hell is paved with good intentions - and Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., owns an asphalt company.

Biden's latest foray into the issue is the National Domestic Violence Volunteer Attorney Network Act, which amends his Violence Against Women Act to create an extensive network of volunteer lawyers to help abused women. They would provide free legal help in crafting divorce or separation agreements and winning child custody.

According to Biden, S. 1515, soon to be heard by the Judiciary Committee and is co-sponsored by Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, will enlist 100,000 volunteer attorneys. The bill is supported by the American Bar Association, the Family Violence Prevention Fund and the National Organization for Women, which is running a campaign in support of the bill.'

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this guy is disgusting.

oregon dad

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So is the American Bar Association. This will be a nightmare for falsely accused defendents.

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And as usual, Sacks pulls his punches; "This is as it should be, if..." He throws away nine tenths of his argument when he does this.

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The continued existance of "Mad Dog" Biden is proof that life is not fair. Every day somewhere decent people, people with value are diagnosed with terminal illnesses but "Mad Dog" Biden seems to be in perfect health!

I guess in "Mad Dog" Biden's world 50% of the earth's population do not matter.

Why don't the men (if any actually live there) of Rhode Island throw this bum out of office!?!?! You would have to be a real sick puppy to vote for this a_hole.

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It's worth reading the summary and full text of the bill, because it illustrates once again how feminist laws lie by omission and use cleverly obscuring language to erase male victims of DV: i.e. -

"Survivors of domestic abuse face enough adversity. With legal assistance often beyond their reach, abused women may experience the justice system as yet another hurdle to overcome.
Tell Congress you agree that survivors of domestic abuse should have access to the same legal resources so readily available to more fortunate and affluent members of society."

Note that this gender neutral language "survivors of DV" allows feminists and legislators to intentionally avoid mandating services for men and boys.

This is the identical strategy they used when VAWA 2005-2010 was passed with weasle-worded language re: "nothing in this bill shall be construed as preventing services for men." (Sorry, RADAR, but you completely fell for this ruse...) Well, guess what? Nothing in the VAWA bill should be construed as giving a shit about men either, let alone funding DV services for them.

Deep into the new bill's text, you'll enjoy this paragraph:

(the bill seeks to) ... "award grants to Internet-based non-profit organizations with a demonstrated expertise on domestic violence to provide state-specific information about statewide legal coordinators and legal services through the Internet."

Once again, this seemingly trivial bit of verbiage -- "with demonstrated experience on domestic violence" -- translates into a DISQUALIFYING criteria to eliminate any new, start-up, gender-inclusive, male-friendly DV services from receiving any funding.

Demonstrated experience = only feminist, Duluth-model-compliant agencies will be funded.

In conclusion, Joe Biden is either stupid, misandrist, or corrupt and getting kick-backs from his subservience to the feminist agenda. (Perhaps all three?)

Maybe he's Kim Gandy's secret cabana boy?

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This is obviously aimed at saving false accusers from being prosecuted for their crimes, when the police choose to do the right thing. "Crystal Mangum Protection Act."

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Joe Biden desperate for Women's vote has no morals. He is the Author of VAWA. And is unfit to be a US Senator. He acts as if Men do not exist in this Republic. And our reason for living is to cater to Women. Erin Pizzey the founder of the modern Shelter movement sent this Asswipe and Scum Bag an email asking him not to promote VAWA. Which uses our Tax Dollars to destroy More Families. Hope the Bastard rots in Hell where he belongs.

This kind of sociopath is what the Democratic Party is producing to run for President. He acts as though Men do not exist. That we are sub human. I see him as evil as Osama Ben Laden.

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In fact I think allot of Politicians’ in America are a bigger threat to national security than any terror group overseas or otherwise.

They either got there heads up their ass, or they just don’t care about the people they serve, only about the vote for their re-election so they can continue to abuse power.

Seems to me this type Politian, is more a domestic enemy than anyone else.
Maybe we will destroy ourselves from the inside out...

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What I don't understand is why the men who are victimized by the system put up with it. If every man who got ground up in family court, hit with a bullshit restraining order, falsely charged with violence or rape, etc. would support men's rights online and contribute a small amount of money every year for the rest of his life these issues would vanish. There are several million people, both men and women, under the thumb of the legal system right now. Some of them are unable to do anything, but why don't the rest become politically active and demand a more moderate system? Why don't the men start contributing?

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I'd be willing to bet the average man who gets hosed in court doesn't even realize there's a MR movement.

That's the thing: Just as women are being taught to be a victim, to band together and fight for their "rights"; men are still being taught to just grit their teeth and get on with their lives.

It's one of the parts of feminist indoctrination I don't see people pay enough attention to. The fact is, it takes a smarter-than-average and stronger-than-average man to get past the fact that he's been raised to believe nobody's out to screw him over and anything that goes wrong is totally his fault. The good news (if you can call it that) is that this is happening enough that guys are out warning their friends about it (I know I am).

It's just one of those things - a problem must hit critical mass before enough people get together to fix it. At this point, it's just been smart men and men who have been victimized who are concerned about the issues. I think things will get worse before the average man gets concerned enough to do anything about it. Think "slave revolt".

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