Cougar Feminism: Kenya’s Sex Tourism-for-Women

The Concerned Women for America are expressing moral outrage that rich women are flocking to Kenya to get their grooves on, by paying young African men for sex. CWFA’s Dr. Janice Crouse calls it "the ugliest kind of feminism ... a throwback to colonialism and the days of slavery." Since these "relationships" happen between consenting adults, the Kenyan government says there’s nothing illegal going on. Audio can be listened to or downloaded from here.

(Note – “Cougar”: Noun. "An older woman in her sexual prime who prefers to hunt rather than be hunted. Man is cougar's number one prey.")

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I read about this. Sheer prostitution.

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Consenting adults huh. I guess women can never consent, because a man hiring a prostitute is hauled off to prison and the prostitute is given a warm bed to sleep on in a shelter to help her get over her "victimization". Oh, and of course she keeps the money. - Old, phased out due to Google's policies. Archives here. - Current.

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Yeah, the obvious contradiction is that when women hire a male prostitute, it is "consenting;" whereas when a man employs a female for sex services, it is a crime.

In the U.S., presumably most of the male prostitutes are gay, so it would be politically incorrect to criminalize them.

This whole sex-trade-for-women business was romanticized a few years back in a profitable Hollywood movie, "How Stella Got Her Groove Back."

I recall she went to Jamaica to rekindle her libido, rather than Kenya.

Having lived in Jamaica for a while, I can say with some amusement that the island's "Bamboo" industry is still flourishing, thanks to aging rich women who can afford airplane tickets and cabana boys.

Can we take up a collection for N.O.W.'s Kim Gandy? Her preoccupation with being victimized suggests that she might benefit from a therapeutic trip to Nairobi or Montego Bay ...

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Or maybe Saudi Arabia? No, she's not interested in what goes on there.

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Yes, it would be quite a sad poetic vision to see Kim Gandy in a full Muslim burka. (Supersized... to contain her ego.)

She would have to experience the blinkered, logically veiled brain-dead blurred vision of equality that NOW has promoted in America for women and men.

Of course, Kimmy Girl would enjoy being chauffered around town, and she would never realize that it is because she cannot legally drive a car.

Did I fail to express that I really, truly despise Kim Gandy?

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So you're saying you have a crush on her?

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I wish he would just go ahead and contact her via e-mail or something -- instead of talking about her all the damn time -- and shut the fuck up already.

As far as women going around the world paying for sex; there is nothing new about it. Men actually back-up the double standards perpetrated and lobbied for by women. We support their bullshit. It does not end until we stop supporting it and stop labelling any man that calls women on their bullshit "a misogynist."

Until men get that in their stubborn heads they will continue to get their asses kicked by a pair of pink boots bearing the government seal of approval. Got it? Good..


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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