National Post covers divorce on front page

This weekend, the National Post ran a series of articles on divorce and family law, featured on the front-page.

The full index to all articles covers off most of what was written in the print edition.

As usual, and in fantastic form, Barbara Kay's article takes on the plight of divorced dads and misandry in general.

Canadian media is buzzing. Even the Toronto Star has been talking about the plight of victims of divorce, and while most of it has their familiar Toronto Star twist...

- Divorce damages environment, study finds
- Family court in crisis article in the Star stands out: Down in the divorce trenches.


Ed. note: At the time of this posting, there seems to be a server issue with these sites. When you click a link, it asks for the password to the staging server. Just click "Cancel" and the page should load. I am sure the server admins are on it and maybe by the time you read this, the problem will be resolved. But after clicking "Cancel", the pages load fine.

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(Article quote -- "We want to pull away from the idea that parents have rights in relation to their children," said Jennifer Cooper, chair of the Canadian Bar Association's family law section...")

Of course, "parents" = "fathers."

Consider the long list of state-sanctioned assaults against men as a class -- no-fault divorce, child support & custody laws, the domestic violence industry, affirmative action (disguised sexism), so-called equal pay (entitlements for women), same-sex (errr, "equal") marriage,etc.

What is the intent behind these arguably unconstitutional legal tyrannies?

Pretty obviously it is to create and enforce a deep and abiding FEAR in men.

The ultimate irony may be that the more men are systematically oppressed, the harder they work to turn over their tax dollars to their oppressors.

Maybe MRAs should consider a Second Boston Tea Party?

Only this time, they could toss their flaming marriage certificates and child support orders overboard!

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~~The ultimate irony may be that the more men are systematically oppressed, the harder they work to turn over their tax dollars to their oppressors.~~

I might be misunderstanding, but if you mean to say the more we are oppressed, the more we will work? If so, I dont believe it, sure much of our tax dollars go to this shit, but so does everbodies, and there aint shit we can do about that... for now.

I see men pulling away from the whole business of marriage and kids. I see it alot actually. This is gunna mess up the business of family courts and all the money that moves thru there. That will force more legislation to improve the business of marriage, for the men, in order to encourage marriage again.

As for taxes, that wont change untill we get the politics to grow a set of balls and stop pandering to women, but that will never happen as long as women control the money. Women spend more of thier money, and they get more money from govt and other support, so they got the control.

I dont see an end to this, women will always have control of the money, and with that, the power. Its that simple.

The only way to really fight this, is not get married and do not have kids. After a few generations of that, we will be in the same shape as Russia, and feminist will get the bad rap they deserve. Russia is having a hell of a problem, so is Sweden and Finland, where feminism has ruled for decades, and both countries are falling apart.

Time is our only ally...

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"The Sumar family once believed in justice in Ontario.

That was before middle daughter Siddika went to family court in Newmarket seeking a divorce and support settlement for herself and her 6-year-old son."

She wants a support settlement for her and her son. I thought support was supposed to be for the children hence, "Child Support"? So it is true. Get married, have children and the man pays for the kid AND the woman. Maybe that's why the man's paycheck has hardly anything left when he finaly gets it. And of course the woman is working and receiveing her full paycheck. Seems like the scales are tipped and not equal.

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Roy: That's what this is all about. Stalin went after entire classes of people, and now his heirs are going after men as a class.

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It's a fact that Americans across all classes are working harder and longer today to try to maintain the "American Dream."

Men work more hours than women, at more demanding, stressful and dangerous jobs, even after taking into account that famous "second shift" at home that so oppresses the soccer moms. (Never mind that what men do to support and sustain a home -- roofing, plumbing, repairs, mowing, auto maintenance, etc. -- is never counted as his "second shift.")

Women apparently control something like 80% of household spending. Maybe that's why 80% of retail space in stores caters to females.

So, my point was not polemical, merely an observation.

Men give their money to women and the government.

It occurs to me that this is a little like an 1856 cotton plantation slave coming up to the massa's Big House with the few dollars he's earned and saying -- "Here, boss, you take it. I just love pickin' yer cotton. This here lickle money will buy some Confederate bullets. To protect our way of life. Yessir boss...."

Even if the most radical MRA on the planet wanted to make sure his tax dollars did not pay for VAWA, it is not possible, right?

Unless he's willing to live in a cardboard box at State and Randolph. (An upscale Chicago subway stop for the "homeless" men who "live" there ...)

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Which is where the falsely convicted male sex offenders now live.

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~~~Even if the most radical MRA on the planet wanted to make sure his tax dollars did not pay for VAWA, it is not possible, right?

Unless he's willing to live in a cardboard box at State and Randolph. (An upscale Chicago subway stop for the "homeless" men who "live" there ...)~~~

Then we agree, and that statement above really does get me pissed off, but it's true, we can't do shit about it untill the politicians no longer need the women vote.

We need more MRA members, but you and I know men don't work that way. Women do, that's why they are winning politically, which in turn hits us right in the wallet. We are literally paying for our own prison.

How to end this madness before we end up like Russia or Sweden... I wish I knew.

Like0 Dislike0 for men to come together. The whole "strong, silent, loner type" spiel is killing us off. Men DO need to be more in touch with what is happening to them.

Until we stop sitting back letting women run their mouths and supporting their rants, until we stop being willing ATMs, until we start greeting each other(regardless of race) in the streets as brothers, until we get more respect for EACH OTHER than we have for some whore in a mini-skirt looking to use us for financial and emotional support, until we support pro-male businesses and not pro-woman businesses; this movement goes nowhere.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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..Mr. reality...

All the women as victim propaganda that we are constantly exposed to ..Has the effect of turning men against one another...(divide and conquer, and enslave)

..Most men mistakenly think to themselves that they are the "real protectors of women" and every other male is a wife beater, child molesting, rapist!! have been "conditioned" to think this way..from 40 years of constant exposure to "women as victim" agit-prop!!

..The only way to counter this paradigm construction is to build and nurture another one!!Tell friends about, and they will tell friends, and they will tell friends, and we will start the antedote to this constant women as victim media propaganda!!

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