Michael Flatley awarded $11 mil. over false rape claim

Story here. It appears that, if you have enough money and time, and access to good attorneys, you actually can win a false rape case! Looks as if this woman is a serial litigator, maybe this will slow her down a bit. Excerpt:

'"Lord of the Dance" star Michael Flatley has been awarded an $11 million settlement against Tyna Robertson, the Joliet woman who accused Flatley of rape in 2002, according to published reports.

The settlement was reached Friday after the California Supreme Court ruled that accusations of rape made by Robertson, who has a son with Chicago Bear Brian Urlacher, were not credible, and part of an extortion scheme, the BBC and London's Daily Mail reported Saturday. '

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In California? You're kidding!

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I hope this is true!

Not as good as getting legislation passed making false rape claims equivalent to rape but it is a great start!

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luek, I agree, most of the world treats false rape accussations with the same penalty for rape...It makes perfect sense in the world of male justice!!

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That's the answer. Punish false accusers like rapists, or more harshly.

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As this piece of work (and her hired shyster)is trying to squeeze more cash out of a Bears lineman (child support), Flatley is more likely to see a space alien than any of that judgement.

Nevertheless, it is gratifying that courts are ruling against false rape charges.

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The only thing that would top this is if the biatch would have been jailed.
Should it not be a crime to make a false allegation against someone especially one of this magnitude.
Oh right, slap me upside the head. The person making the false allegation was a woman.


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Commit identity theft, go to jail. Commit perjury, get a free lunch.

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