One in Four UK children do not consider their father to be close family

Story here. Excerpt:

"One child in four does not consider their father to be close family, according to a study published today.

More boys view footballers as role models than their fathers and only one child in 10 said they would go to their father first if they had a problem.

Even among traditional families, fathers are much more in the background of children's lives than their mothers, the research carried shows."

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Based on what I've read so far in Stephen Baskerville's book, "Taken Into Custody", I'm not at all surprised. Every time I see a troubled case on the Dr. Phil show where a child is involved, the child is there with the mother. Rarely is the father even brought up, as though he doesn't exist.

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Just who would have respect for an individual who has the civil rights of a hog? Especially in a misandric driven society like Britain. A nation that has collectively lost its mind!

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It's time for men to be the heads of their households again.

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As long as he gets his wife's permission first.

I wonder what percentage of men get married these days with the idea that they will be taking on a new mother to replace or supplement the old one.

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Get the word out, guys. If you ever post on foreign blogs, tell the men to watch out. Their freedom is now at risk as the man-haters spread their tentacles across the globe.

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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This article neatly illustrates the Catch-22 that feminism presents to men:

If a man fails to become a successful workaholic professional/domestic servant, he is condemned for being a poor husband and father, i.e. a slacker.

But if he is absent from the home because he is working his ass off to provide for his family, then he is accused of being a poor husband and father.

There was a time in America when accepted definitions of masculinity included professions like whaling, fur-trapping, prospecting for gold, building railroads, etc. - all vocations that required long periods away from home and hearth.

The women and children who survived due to these men's sacrifices never condemned them as do our modern entitlement princesses, who want a dedicated wage-slave AND a sensitive "be home on time" sugar daddy.

Today's rules for men are a guaranteed prescription for paranoia, alienation, and premature mortality...

But as MRAs have shown, you can always decide to just opt out of that self-defeating game: do not marry, do not cohabit, do not reproduce, do not work for access to vaginas, do not link your self-worth to women's opinions in any way.

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>" not marry, do not cohabit, do not reproduce, do not work for access to vaginas..."

Based on the way we men were created, this "solution" will never work. We need an acceptable alternative.

What is that alternative? Foreign women. Maybe even moving overseas or if that's not acceptable to most, bringing them here. And changing all the laws that totally solicit to women at the expense of us men. Are foreign women really so superior to American women? If they weren't, Congress wouldn't have found it necessary to pass IMBRA two years ago to make it cumbersome and even dangerous for American men to try to meet foreign women over the internet.

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With respect Dittohd, I have a hard time believing that Chivalry is innate in the male chromosome. It's one area where I tend to agree with the feminists that it is "socially constructed."

It's possible that men are still hard-wired to provide and protect (the evolutionary psychology argument); however, you'd probably agree that part of that bargain of male sacrifice used to mean that women gave men some grudging respect and credit.

Feminism really is at root a "shame-and-blame" ideology based in blatant misandry, and to the extent that all women today have been marinated in some degree of feminist bile, it's best to not be too naive about them -- even the lovely foreign "unspoiled" variety.

I've lived and worked abroad (mostly in the Caribbean and Latin America), and I have observed that women there in general are more feminine (NOT submissive!) and far less psychotically riled up and angry than typical American females.

If you find your soulmate beyond the shores of modern feminist America, it would probably be wise for you to move to her native country, rather than bringing her to the U.S.

The toxic soil of feminism can despoil even the loveliest of flowers.

(That beautiful Russian bride may have read Andrea Dworkin and taken notes!)

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Don't let your gorgeous foreign bride read Andrea Dork.

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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>"If you find your soulmate beyond the shores of modern feminist America, it would probably be wise for you to move to her native country, rather than bringing her to the U.S.

>The toxic soil of feminism can despoil even the loveliest of flowers.

I've been married to a foreign-born woman for many years and can attest to her becoming more and more Americanized throughout the years, little by little, based I'm sure on all the stupid male advertisements and shows on TV. And this is in spite of English being a second language to her which she still doesn't speak or understand that well and speaking Japanese with all her girlfriends. She will never be as bad as an American woman, still doing things that an American woman would consider beneath her, but she's getting too close in some ways and I can't stand it anymore.

For my next one, I plan to do just what you suggested. I plan to move overseas and find me a girlfriend. I will learn her language if necessary. No more marriage. Once was enough. And if she starts taking me for granted, I'll just move on to the next one. Never enjoying dating and being lousy at it, I always hated it. Now that I'm older and smarter, with more confidence and self-respect, I expect to enjoy the hell out of it this next time around.

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i have worked in the construction business in the u.s. all of my adult life and beyond; and, in recent years have come across friends in the business that have worked a lot overseas. several of these guys have opted for foreign brides, typically after suffering at the hands of western family "justice". in every case they were thrilled with their foreign born wives. one chap i work w/ now swears by his Korean wife. she cleans, cooks wonderful dishes, takes care of their home and, according to him, couldn't be a better wife. he says that men who marry amarikan womyn (he has had two) are crazy. she cooks his breakfast before he even gets up and wakes him up w/ a big kiss and a freshly brewed cup of coffee. jealous, me? oh yeah.

this is not the first friend to say these kind of things. all the guys that have spent any time in the Orient have Oriental wives. i also knew a guy that worked in Russia and he went back and got her after moving back to alabama and missing her so bad. he tells similar stories w/ the same experience w/ amerikan women.

i have to agree that there must be something to these foreign born wives or the feminist lap dogs would not have shut off the tap so quickly. where there's smoke...

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Just out of curiosity, do you know where all these guys met their women? Have you any idea the approximate percentage of them who met their women here in the states and what percentage found them overseas?

I would be afraid to trust one, even foreign born, who is living here in the states, but I'd be very interested to know if I'm wrong to feel this way based on the experiences of others.

I've been wondering whether it would be productive to look for a foreign born woman by handing out fliers to women getting off incoming international airplanes at the airport. I know, I know. Sounds desperate. But I'm one of those who has a habit of thinking outside the box. And it would be a whole lot cheaper and easier than traveling from country to country, although probably not near as much fun.

Crazy? Maybe. But if it works, who cares? To make the idea more "mainstream", it could also be possible to create a business that offers tour services to foreigners that are created to appeal more to women. Ha! ha!

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no, not a problem. good luck to ya.

every guy i referred to earlier found his wife while working overseas. i keep thinking that i will run across somebody who got taken, like they show on TV sometimes, but never have. one old man (just retired) spent his entire career in the Phillipines and he goes there every 3 months, for a little fun and frolic. says it costs $10? for a doctor to give him a script for viagra that costs next to nothing there. the girls start emailing him just before he is scheduled to go. he has worked his entire life to accumulate a nice retirement nest egg (his wife died years ago) and is wise to know he does not want to lose it by being stupid and signing a one-sided contract w/ an old amerikan broad. he gets really excited just before time to go. i kinda enjoy seeing his Pic's.

the women always look a lot better (as a rule) than my friends, and are usually younger.

like my older friend i am scared to sign a contract that could cause me to lose what i have worked so long to save. but i am going to start traveling overseas soon, and i will be looking for a woman that wants to enjoy my lifestyle w/o wanting me to give her a guaranteed income for life, unless i decide that is what i want to leave her in my Will. it will be my decision though. no more stupidity. men need only realize we control our future, until we get married. then we are working for her.

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>i will be looking for a woman that wants to enjoy my lifestyle w/o wanting me to give her a guaranteed income for life, unless i decide that is what i want to leave her in my Will.

If you leave your girlfriend or new wife money in your will or purchase life insurance that has her as the beneficiary, under no circumstance should she know about it before you pass on. I canceled my life insurance after only a few years many years ago. The last thing we want is to be more valuable to our woman dead than alive and for her to know about it.

You never know when she just may decide that she needs the money more than she needs you. Especially if she meets someone else she begins to like better.

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Dittohd ... "For my next one..."

Is that a phrase you use to describe how you are likely subliminally conspiring to screw yourself again by seeking out yet another ideal foreign female?

How will living in your soon-to-be-next-soulmate's country make a difference?

Do you plan to pick the country first, or the woman?

What happens if you meet a really cute Albanian chick, with parents in New Jersey?

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Good Questions.

>Is that a phrase you use to describe how you are likely subliminally conspiring to screw yourself again by seeking out yet another ideal foreign female?

Ha! ha! My wife wasn't ideal for me for a number of reasons and I didn't pick up on them mostly due to my youth and naivete' at the time. My wife gave me some signs that I should have heeded and I ignored them. There were other signs that should have been red flags but weren't, again, because of my youth and naivete' back when I met her in 1971. Being much older now, (over 36 years older), I wouldn't make the same mistakes twice. I've learned a lot over those 36 years.

All foreign women are not the same, so naturally, all foreign women would not be ideal for me, or anyone else. Dating is still necessary to find the right one. But the odds of finding a good one are so much easier when the entire population of women are not brought up from birth in the art of screwing and being totally disrespectful of men, especially when his opinions are different from hers. And overseas, there are countries where the government hasn't yet been brought under the control of the feminists.

>How will living in your soon-to-be-next-soulmate's country make a difference?

How would being overseas be different? You've got to be kidding! Here in the U.S., a woman who wants a divorce and no longer wants the ex in her life because she's found someone better can tell a family court that she's afraid of him and will immediately be given a restraining order, the house, car, alimony, child support, and the ability to keep the man from his children permanently (courts do not enforce visitation rights in most cases) while the man will be thrown in jail if he ever stops paying the child support, no matter what the reason. Furthermore, in the foreign country, the women are not bombarded by misandrist commercials, newscasts, and TV shows all their lives. And the ultimate reason? I'm not a citizen of that country, so if things really got bad for me in that county, I can always leave and move to another country.

>Do you plan to pick the country first, or the woman?

I am partial to Oriental women. Have been since I was a young kid. They are so much more feminine and soft and sexy. And most don't get fat, even in their old age. Some do, of course, but most don't. I prefer my women thin. My wife is in her mid sixties now and could easily be mistaken for her early fifties. She always has looked 10-15 years younger than she is. Still does, even now.

I've been perusing the internet ads of woman in the various Oriental countries and the women who I find the most compatible to the kind of women I'm looking for are in the Philippines. Thailand comes in second. China third. When I was in the military, I either visited or was stationed in Thailand, Japan, the Philippines, and South Korea, so I've seen these women (except Chinese women) in person, although not as much as I should have. My fault there, too. I wish the internet had been in existence back in 1971. It's really funny that I met my wife in Japan as a result of putting in for and getting stationed in Japan in 1970 but when I read the ads of Japanese women these days, I can't find a single one whom I could say might be compatible with me based on her ad. I have little trouble with the women from the Philippines. What a tool this internet is! Amazing!

>What happens if you meet a really cute Albanian chick, with parents in New Jersey?

I would drop her. Looks are important but do not trump other considerations. If a girl's parents lived in New Jersey, I'd assume that she was being taught by her parents the American way of perceiving and treating men and I would immediately move on to the next one. I learned a long time ago that a girl's relationship with her parents or a lack of one is very important to her personality. That was one of the red flags with my wife that I didn't consider to be a red flag at the time that I wish I had known was a red flag of gigantic proportions. I would also assume that it would be easier for her to move to New Jersey and become Americanized. Also, if she was a woman who is particularly attracted to Caucasian men, I would assume that it would be easier for her to move to the states permanently and be able to take me to court in a U.S. court over some trumped-up whiney charge. Who needs that? At that point, I'd have a half foreign, half American girlfriend. Believe me, there are plenty of sexy, feminine, sweet 100% foreign women overseas without having to settle for less than what we are looking for.

Oh, and by the way, there are plenty of younger women in the Orient who desire and respect older men (I'm presently in my late 50's), unlike here in the states where any man who does anything that is in any way out of the ordinary, like an older man having a much younger girlfriend, and he's labeled a "pervert" and often arrested and labeled a sex-offender or sued or both. Give me a break! I'm so tired of being told in one way or another how I should talk and act under threat of being arrested. Personally, I am not at all attracted to women my age and the last thing I want or need is a mother. One was enough. I expect my girlfriend to be a mother to her children if she has any but not to me. Marrying a woman over 6 years older than me was another of my naive mistakes from back in the early 1970's which I'll never do again.

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Really excellent post, appreciate your candor.

I could have written your first paragraph myself - about how difficult it is in your twenties to "sus out" a woman's true character.

It's funny how when a young man falls head over heels "in LUV," all those red flags she's sending up just seem "cute," right?

In my own case, I still recall how my now-ex told me during our first few dates - "You'll never make me do anything I don't want to do; and, you'll never make me say I'm sorry, even when I know I'm wrong."

Instead of having loud alarm bells go off in my head, I thought - "Gosh, her boobs looked really perky when she said that!"

I'd like to see MRAs find a way to advocate for a mandatory sex-segregated "marriage/cohabitation education class" for all young men and women in high school.

Boys would be introduced to the realities of misandry, feminist laws, gender discrimination, and the foolish code of Chivalry.

Every successful graduate of the class would get a lifetime supply of free condoms, or a free vasectomy certificate redeemable anytime after age 18, his choice.

PS - Another dittohd classic: "Personally, I am not at all attracted to women my age and the last thing I want or need is a mother. One was enough."

Oh, I had the same mother. We all did! ;-)

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>I'd like to see MRAs find a way to advocate for a mandatory sex-segregated "marriage/cohabitation education class" for all young men and women in high school.

>Boys would be introduced to the realities of misandry, feminist laws, gender discrimination, and the foolish code of Chivalry.

>Every successful graduate of the class would get a lifetime supply of free condoms, or a free vasectomy certificate redeemable anytime after age 18, his choice.

I'm presently planning something similar... for the college level and above. I can't give details since it's still in the "in-my-head" stage, but you're not the only one with such an idea. I think that vasectomy would hurt men psychologically more than they would help, but all guys need to be educated... and must come together in support of the greater good of all of us men. I'm in the process of starting a nonprofit for a slightly different idea of mine to get me some money to start this other idea. I've found that nonprofits are so much cheaper to start. Would you believe that in Texas, to register a for-profit corporation it costs $300 but a nonprofit corporation costs only $25? Geeez!

By the way, this discussion we had concerning "red flags" has given me an additional idea as to one more subject that needs to be taught that I hadn't thought of before. Ha! ha!

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Deleted by original poster.

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