Mom Gets Probation for Attempting to Sell Son to Pay for Wedding Dress

Story here.

What bonehead let this girl (I hesitate to call her woman as that implies maturity) have custody of the kids?

And for a $200 tab? Couldn't she just get some short-term gig to cover that? Excerpt:

'DAVENPORT, Iowa — A Davenport woman received five years of probation Thursday for attempting to sell her 4-year-old son to help pay for a wedding dress.

Marcy Gant, 32, was convicted in October of purchase or sale of an individual and could have been sentenced up to 10 years in prison.

Gant was arrested in October 2006 after offering her son to a retailer to settle a $200 bill for the dress. Police said Gant offered the trade at least twice.'

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Amazing. Anything is acceptable, so long as it didn't come from a penis.

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Gotta wonder about the financial logic of this enterprising mother.

Why did she prefer to sell her four year-old son, instead of the ten year-old son?

Maybe she was less "bonded" as a loving mother to her younger son?

Or maybe the ten year-old was already bringing in household income?

Why not propose a two-for-one discount?

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good thing she didn't murder one or both of them, God forbid. she might have gotten some serious counseling time. maybe double probation. poor thangs. pampered amerikan women. such victims. oprah next so all women can feel her pain?

any man would have been lucky to have gotten just the ten years for trying to sell children, and oh the media would have had a field day, eh ms. grace?

just when you think the judiciary can't get any more lenient w/ women, or stupid.

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