Op-ed: It's a man's fault

This piece is sickening, and needs everyone to add their comments (most of them are already on the right track).

Basically, this is the situation: A woman gets into politics, the woman gets made deputy party leader, the woman gets offered her choice of cabinet positions, and the woman CHOOSES the position she wants. And of course, the fact that she doesn't choose what some people feel to be the best position, is A MAN'S FAULT.

Almost every single comment supports the MRA viewpoint, which is great to see - I wonder how long it will be before sexist hags like this are removed from the press?

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keep em coming bro!!

..I commented on the piece, and ended with a web adress to mensactivism.org

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Women's stupidity is not a man's fault, it's a God's wise idea. There is no much sense in bestowing a huge intellect to a holed bag for carrying meat products. And now this holed bag can already be replaced by some more technologically advanced devices.

Female feminists is just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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...You suggest the problems lie in fathers with female daughters!!

I suggest just the opposite..The most violent, bi-polar, feminists I've ever met definatelly had daddy issues..meaning they had little to no real relationship with any father figure!!

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and the angel came to God: we are all out of those penis and ball things, what do we do?

answer: oh well, send them out anyway.

angel: and we're outta brains too.

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