UK: Store withdraws man-shaped punching bag after objections

Via Marc A. Story here. Excerpt:

'The Hers Boxing Set comes in pink packaging and contains a man-shaped punchbag and a pair of boxing gloves.

ManKind Initiative said owners were encouraged to insert photos of a man for the punchbag's face.

A picture on the product packaging shows an arrow pointing to a man's groin, saying "kick him here".

Mark Brooks, chairman of The ManKind Initiative, said the fact that Superdrug did not sell a similar product for men suggested domestic violence against men was more acceptable.'

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And the drug chain is not only withdrawing this misandric piece of garbage but is donating any procedes from previous sales to the ManKind charity to promote their work of being an advocate of male victims of domestic violence!

And this happened in misandry loving Britain too!

Do I hear that worm turning???

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I recently received an unsolicited Christmas catalog advertising toys for girls and boys from America's No. 1 employer, Wal-Mart.

The entire expensive glossy full-color 25-page publication is divided into gender-coded sections of products, with all the boy's stuff in blue and the girl's stuff in pink layouts.

"Boy's Backyard" features action hero transformer dolls, lots of model spaceships and trucks and race cars, radio controlled helicopters, and even some dangerous nerf guns that shoot little sponges.

"Girlie-Girls World" is chock full of Barbies, Bratz, and Hannah Montana merchandise, lots of stuffed animals, tons of babydolls that cry, piss, suck and poop, and even a Disney Princess pink cash register. (Never too early to cultivate the gold-digger in your toddler-age daughter, apparently.)

Even the electronics section is gender color-coded in pink and blue for all the digital cameras, computers, MP3 players, etc.

So, my question is -- what does Wal-Mart know about gender hard-wiring that feminists refuse to understand?

And why aren't the liberated girlies at N.O.W. protesting this blatant reinforcement of sexist stereotyping?

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Good!!! The unacceptability of discrimination against men is getting more mainstream everyday. Keep it up folks. Male persons are not acceptable as stereotyped doormats for judges, or punching bags for women. Now if we could only reach the news media dullards who refer to misbehaving, drugged out females as "poor," and male perps as "crap." I heard those two disparate descriptions on FOX today in the span of just a few minutes. That's typical for FOX.

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....The mankind project should give themselves a round of applause for showing up to the battle!!

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...while it's nice to see them acknowledging their error and offering the proceeds to a charity that seeks to assist victims of violence, I still have to wonder how any rational person could sell (or buy, or design) a product that encourages violence against another human being based on hatred. This is why human-shaped targets and photos are prohibited on many civilian rifle/pistol ranges where I live. The idea of injuring or killing another human (even if effigy), except in self-defense, with items intended for sporting activities or hunting is abhorrent to a rational person.

So, while it's nice to see them donating the profits to the anti-DV charity, it's shameful that they felt this product was "humorous" in the first place. Hate's never funny, plain and simple, and I'm glad they took appropriate action. Maybe they'll learn something for the future.

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