Mother Drugs, Suffocates Her 5 Young Sons-- Goes to Psychiatric Facility

Story here. Excerpt:

'BERLIN — Autopsies were being performed Thursday on the bodies of five young brothers who investigators believe were slain by their mother as authorities searched for clues as to how and when the children were killed.

The bodies of the boys, ages 3 to 9, were found in their home on Wednesday after their 31-year-old mother told a doctor where they were, prosecutor Uwe Wick said. It is believed that they were killed either on Tuesday or on Wednesday, he said.
The mother, whose name has not been released, was ordered held in psychiatric care after the grisly discovery and was to go before a judge Thursday for a ruling on a request by authorities that she be held during the investigation.'

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Make sure to remember which episode of Law and Order was on the TV.

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..If a man did that. it would make U.S newspapers and T.V's around the country!!
..Femi-prop to the hilt!!

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...isn't that a woman is being treated as mentally ill when she might very well be.

It's that men are automatically demonized when they do similar things, and that mentally ill men are frequently denied proper treatment for the mental illnesses that lead them to commit the same crimes.

We can start making progress as a species just as soon as people realize that neither men nor women (nor any particular race or religion or nationality or social caste/class) are fundamentally evil or good. Sadly, it's human nature to assign blame and responsibility to men while seeking to excuse women, and that's what we need to educate people about. We've overcome our "nature" on other issues, so this one shouldn't be a problem either.

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What's interesting is that in the same article is told that a woman who killed her three daughters is taken to custody on manslaughter charges. Does that mean that only crazy mothers can kill their sons, whereas killing daughters is something that can be done by a normal woman?

Female feminists is just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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Remember NOW's candlelight vigil for Andrea Yates?

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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"It's that men are automatically demonized when they do similar things..."

And, as well, women are automatically excused.

Apparently the difference between criminality and innocence is the possession of a clitoris? (This will stand Dr. Freud's theory on its head -- "clit envy?")

The continued willingness of men (yes, men!)to exempt women from being judged by the same standards as men is all the evidence we need for widespread male dementia.

Dementia is properly spelled -


And, it is a socially constructed pathology.

That means it can be cured.

With some degree of lingering discomfort, inconvenient self-reflection, the sacrifice of "sugar-and-spice-and-everything-nice," and hard-won legal reforms.

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missplaced...and some would argue it's reached the state of "perverted chivalry".. is not going to be addressed in any substantial fashion because it is being constantly fed by non-stop biased "women as victim" agit prop in all main stream media.

..Dr. Warren Farrel coined this biased media representation.. women as good/
men= bad...In a most edequite term called..."The lace curtain"

..This media "lace curtain" is starting to be penetrated by only the boldest of journalist's....The last of our nations real journalists!!

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Enabling women to murder their kids goes far beyond chivalry. This is blood on the feminists' hands.

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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This case reminds me of Crystal Gail Magnum, the accuser in the Duke rape case. The reason given for not prosecuting Magnum is that she is mentally ill, and legal action could cause her to lose her kids. OK. She's mentally ill and doesn't have a sense of reality. If that's true, she needs help, not prosecution. Fine. But why do the authorities think that it's appropriate for a woman who is so irrational and too mentally incompetent to be prosecuted to have custody of her children?

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Not fine. "Mentally ill" or not she belongs in prison for the rest of her so-called life.

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