Innocent Man Sent To Jail For "Missed" Child Support

Story here. Excerpt:

'Systemic problems allowed an innocent Massachusetts man to be labeled a deadbeat dad and sent to jail.
Caliri was sentenced to 90 days in jail after he was accused of falling eight weeks behind on child support payments.

"There was a balance of $2,240," Caliri said.

He has proof of a good payment history. But problems came last spring with his new job at Daniel's Townline Pizza in Weymouth.

Townline Pizza garnished child support from Caliri's wages but never sent the money to the Department of Revenue for his ex-wife and three children.

He went to court last month to explain it all but instead went to jail.'

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...that covered all this. Here's a quick summary:

Vagina = rights and privileges
Penis = responsibilities and penalties

Masculine = evil, to be remedied and punished
Feminine = good, to be rewarded and encouraged

See? Now the court's actions make perfect sense.

Ain't female supremacy grand?

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Fine, just don't be surprised when the poor guy kills somebody.

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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what makes me mad about this, beyond the obvious miscarriage of justice and lack of empathy for this honest, hard working man caught in a bad situation not of his making, is that this typical idiot judge was arrogant and made fun of the poor man's job, from the "honorable" position of the bench.

this judge should be fired, face disbarment, and taken out back by a real man and taught a lesson he should have been taught by his father. these half-men have no honor. joke about a man down on his luck. yeah, whatever feminists want, can do. and we pay these idiots salaries.

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We see in recent days that a massive full-scale attack is synchronously launched in major mass-media against the fascist child-support system. This is just a preparation for the next step: legalizing the Artificial Womb. Our global victory is coming.

Female feminists is just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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The court's actions do make sense since you have enlightened me with your summery!

Thanks for helping me understand this process, I have never understood this way of thinking.

C.U.N.T = Can’t Understand Normal Thinking

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I live here in Massachusetts and have seen this. I am not surprised. If you are a loving father DO NOT LIVE HERE!!! If you are a father YOU WILL LOSE in this state. Those of you that live here now, move away!

Yes I still live here but I am not married and no kids. If I ever do, I will leave this state.

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Judge Jackass

What can be said about Judge Jackass, except, “Family court laws, which are not in the best interest of children, or their parents, are an ass.” Though we often hear Judge Jackass braying his impractical and high-sounding platitudes from the bench, his words often have an ill effect on those expected to comply with his asinine judgments.

Judge Jackass is a ubiquitous character. He is also one of the most insidious criminals loose in American society today and is likely the biggest mass murderer in the history of America. Judge Jackass has lost track of how many decent and innocent Fathers he has sentenced to prison, or driven to commit suicide, but the numbers are in the tens of thousands and more likely in the hundreds of thousands. Those imprisoned Fathers are the political prisoners of Judge Jackass.

Through his wielding of corrupt family court decisions Judge Jackass has put onerous financial burdens on men’s backs that he would, or could, not bear himself. When poor men have been unable to come up with the exorbitant amounts he’s decreed them to pay, or have gotten ill and couldn’t work, or some other mishap, Judge Jackass has kicked many of them towards his beatdead Dad debtor's prison, or their graves. Judge Jackass is cruel, and inhuman and shows no consideration of a bankrupt Dad's inability to pay.

Judge Jackass's desk drawers are full of the seized passports, contractor’s licenses, drivers’ licenses, etc. that good men needed to not only pay their child support obligations, but also to support themselves.

Judge Jackass was last seen in Massachusetts, braying his inane commands at some poor father who thought he would find equitable treatment and justice before Judge Jackasses’ stall. Instead, duped dad found only a cartload of donkey manure where his family and wealth had once been.

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