Kim Basinger Ordered to Visitation Hearing

Kim Basinger is being hauled into court to explain why she has violated a judges order to permit Alec Baldwin to see his own children. In my opinion, this is big news for the mens movement. Finally, we have a family court judge taking action against a female public figure for abusing child custody. It is amazing to me that a family court judge would hold any ex-wife/mother accountable much less a famous/pretty one. This judge has a set on him.

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..that Baldwin probably has lawyers working on the case that most ordinary men can't afford.

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Just because a woman is ordered to appear in court, it does not mean that anything will come of it. Fathers' rights groups constantly complain that though they get their ex-wives back into court time and time again to explain access issues, the judge usually gives the woman a warning and then lets her off on her marry way -- so that she can repeat her behaviour over and over again, without any consequence. What happened with Basinger is neither out of the ordinary, nor is it particularly hopeful.

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When it was just us average "peon" men getting fucked over in family court nobody gave a shit but if this happens to the rich celebrity royality,then it is a grave injustice and must be stopped at once. Welcome to the fucking two-tier justice system: one for the rich and women (no matter how much money they have) and one for "peon" men such as ourselves. They get the gold and we get the shaft. Besides the mouthpiece working for Baldwin is high price and probably has lunch with the judge everyday so that judge is going to go easier on his client than the client of a public defender that the judge has disdain for. Will the average "peon" man stand a chance in family court? Only if he comes into $$$ real quick. Who says classism is dead?

Radical feminism cures chivilary

Some people tell me I need help
Some people can fuck off and go to hell

Debate and defeat

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Anybody here ever actually seen an "amicable" divorce?

You know, where the previous soul-mates take the high road and just split without resorting to emotional terrorism and using the kids as weapons in their warfare?

The ten year-old girl is the real victim in this scenario.

Fortunately, her parents can afford to pay for a lifetime of therapy.

It's amusing to see absolute love turn into absolute hate, time and time again.

Women have become expensive, dangerous luxuries that even rich men can no longer afford.

What exactly is the "upside" to marriage these days?

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Thanks Masculinist. You hit the nail on the head. On a number of occasions I've been in the court house where Basinger and Baldwin have appeared on their divorce matter. Judges and the legal system don't want any attention drawn to the stinky corruption they use against everyday, ordinary types of guys so when a "bigshot moviestar" guy comes along he gets the red carpet treatment. You should have seen all the special treatment that went on at that courthouse (1st and Hill), when Basinger and Baldwin had to appear there. They didn't even have to use the same entrances as you and I.

All that being said, he's still a guy and I think even Alec Baldwin (with all his power and money) has seen to some extent how biased the system is against Dads.

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One thing I noticed is that in this case, the 2 incidents which Basinger may be held accountable for had to do directly with the safety of the child (injury, and nobody available to take care of her in the other instance). I suspect even with Baldwin's money, little would come of it if Basinger were just denying basic visitation rights. Anyone care to figure the odds on this??

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Can you explain what "chivilary" is, that's no word I ever heard of.
If you mean chivalry, that is not cured by radical feminism, but supported, because it needs chivalrous men to justify itself.

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