Misandrist capitalizes off rape hysteria

Rapex created by the misandrist Sonnet Ehlers is a medieval torture item that women can insert into their vagina that hooks into the skin of a man's penis.

The creation of this medieval torture item is based off of fraudulent rape hysteria stirred up by women's organizations and the politicians that serve them.

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Hygiene issues aside, consider what will happen to the woman when the man discovers that she has used such a device, either by checking for such things before the rape, or during the rape itself.

Think he'll just "stop"?

Think he'll apologize?

Wrong. Just as tasers, guns and other weapons in a woman's purse are far more likely to be used on the woman carrying them than against an assailant, these devices will only result in women who are actual rape victims being brutalized and or killed by their assailants to ensure that there is nobody around to file a rape complaint when the assailant seeks medical attention, and out of pure revenge.

Good plan, morons.

As for the fact that men are actually more likely to experience sexual violence than women, and that women are far more likely to make false reports thereof, it's only a matter of time before some woman decides to "get even" with her boyfriend or husband by adding penile injuries to her false accusations.

What a great idea - give the already better-armed and advantaged gender (women) more advantages and weapons to use at their discretion.

Regardless, I've always said that a woman's vagina has more teeth in it than her mouth. Now I'm both metaphorically and factually correct. This is one man who will be using his finger to check for traps before consensual intercourse with ANY woman (I'm sure there will be time somewhere between the three witnesses and the notary finishing up certifying her written consent to sex and getting the video camera rolling so it's not her word against mine, and after the blood tests for STDs and contraceptives come back negative and positive respectively), now that this thing is on the market.

Anybody got a picture of that pit from "Return of the Jedi"? It's just a perfect representation of female genitalia these days ;)

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What will happen to a woman being held at knife point, when a rapist gets one of those stuck on his finger? Hmmm, perhaps RAPEX will be out of business, just as soon as the relatives of the first woman killed using RAPEX sues them.

Gender feminists aren't noted for their common sense and without any sane men wanting to help them figure out all the really tough logical things, they may eventually go the way of the dinosaurs.

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Most of the links on this site are vacant.

It is a scam site.

Try to actually contact the supplier of the so-called product.

Try to order the silly "rape condom" device they advertise.

Stupid is as stupid does...

'nuff said.

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If this asinine device actually does exist it would more than likely cause a serious and even life threatening intrauterine infection in the hysteric that inserted it. Gee, wouldn't that be just too damned bad?

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He -- and I -- both see the item as being quite ridiculous and the women that would wear it as being morons.

It seems men are progressing; civilization, technology, etc. All very helpful things and we deal with actual equality, while women are regressing; special rights for one group over another group of people(very klan-like just as when white women were actually in the klan), childish temper tantrums, choosing emotion over facts, inventing lies to place themselves as being more important than someone else, medieval torture devices based on their own lies, hiring people because of their sex and not their ability thus discriminating against another group, and the reverting back to lawless, villainous society.

Anytime a media woman or mangina says "progress" I automatically know it really means going backwards. As women have proven time and time again, they want to go back to days when people worshipped mythical gods -- and "in their minds" when all men served women -- except this time they want god to be "the goddess." The majority of women live in a fantasy world they created in their heads.

Stop reading "The Mists of Avalon" bitches...


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I belive it a genuine attempt (even if its not off the ground yet) but at the moment it appears this is for South Africa only.

Howver it was first announced in 2005. So I guess its failed....

Doing a little reseach I discovered this gem: from http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/11/magazine/11ideas1-4.html

[i]But Chantel Cooper, director of the Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust, remains unimpressed. The Rapex, she said in an e-mail message, sends the retrograde message "that women should be responsible for their own safety."[/i]


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I'm still trying to find where I read this (not a quote, paraphrased):

In traditional society, women were submissive to men who were subservient to women.
Modern western society has freed woman from being submissive, but men are still expected to be subservient.

We have the society feminists want, only that they want us even more subservient.

As far as the actual rapex device... I don't know what to think about it. On one hand, if these women decided to make better choices such as "don't get drunk wearing next to nothing around a whole bunch of men I've been grinding on" then their chances of being rape will drop significantly. But there are still rapes which occur that have less to do with poor choices the woman makes.

I guess the question is, will these really protect her? I don't know if they will.

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..current Rape hysteria..Not unlike KKK rape hysteria is a means of feminist protection of their current full unchallenged hegdemony in the U.S.

*****It seems over the last 50 years..the powers that be have tried to put the welfare of men into the hands of the women, (which they have). ..Mens welfare is of little or no concern in any any U.S. jurisdiction!!

Esther Vilar in her bestseller.."The manipulated man" states that it is a very bad mistake to put the welfare of men into the hands of the women,.... she say's women are more selfish, and callous to anyone elses needs but their own, and women will flush the welfare of men down the toilet in a heartbeat!!

Filter through all the hysteria propaganda, and look at the facts...And you will see that putting the welfare of men and children into the hands of the women...Is disastrously barbaric!!

..Esther Vilar...states her case much more eloquently than myself!!

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Demonspawn advised that women should not "get drunk wearing next to nothing around a whole bunch of men I've been grinding on..."

You sir, are deluded about the actual law.

There is NOTHING, as in NO-THING ... that a woman can do to make her behavior and choices legal "evidence of responsibility" in any court of law.

You have to understand (and you already do) that women in our legal system are exempt from responsibility.


The dirty C-word.


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From Esther Vilar's "The Manipulated Man: "As we women have, thanks to our relatively stress-free life, a higher life-expectancy than men and consequently make up the majority of voters in Western industrial nations, no politician could afford to offend us. And the media is not interested in discussing the issues involved either. Their products are financed through the advertising of consumer goods, and should we women decide to stop reading a certain newspaper or magazine as its editorial policy displeases us, then the advertisements targeted at us also disappear.

After all, it is well established that women make the majority of purchasing decisions. However, I had also underestimated men's fear of re-evaluating their position. Yet the more sovereignty they are losing in their professional lives - the more automatic their work, the more controlled by computers they become, the more that increasing unemployment forces them to adopt obsequious behaviour towards customers and superiors - then the more they have to be afraid of a recognition of their predicament. And the more essential it becomes to maintain their illusion that it is not they who are the slaves but those on whose behalf they subject themselves to such an existence."

Here is a woman basically saying what many MRAs and others have been saying for years and this book was written how long ago?


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Wisdom from Ms. Vilar ---

"Men have been trained and conditioned by women, not unlike the way Pavlov conditioned his dogs, into becoming their slaves. As compensation for their labours men are given periodic use of a woman's vagina."

"If praise is applied in the correct dosage a woman will never need to scold. Any man who is accustomed to a regular and conditional dosage of praise will interpret its absence as displeasure."

"Someday it will dawn on man that woman does not read the wonderful books with which he has filled his libraries, and though she may well admire his marvelous works of art in museums she herself will rarely create, only copy."

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Esther Vilar wrote: "Women let men work for them, think for them and take on their responsibilities - in fact, they exploit them.

Since men are strong, intelligent and imaginative, while women are weak, unimaginative and stupid, why isn't it men who exploit women?

Could it be that strength, intelligence and imagination are not prerequisites for power but merely qualifications for slavery?

Could it be that the world is not being ruled by experts but by beings who are not fit for anything else - by women?

And if this is so, how do women manage it so that their victims do not feel themselves cheated and humiliated, but rather believe to be themselves what they are least of all - masters of the universe?

How do women manage to instill in men this sense of pride and superiority that inspires them to ever greater achievements?

Why are women never unmasked?"

Answer: Men are chivalrous pansies and women have spun so many interlocking webs of deceit that most people don't know the difference between bullshit and reality anymore.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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...It's good to see others have read Esther Vilars.."The manipulated man"

..She's a women who loves men, and is digusted at the vile, vulgar B**ches that are abusing their right to be protected by them!!

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...defending some loud-mouthed man-hating woman. I always say if she does not respect -- and love -- you as a man don't stand up for her. In other words, don't do anything for her she would not do for you. You see movies all of the time where a robber attacks a man and woman. The woman acts helpless and "expects" the man to put his life in danger for her.

Also, selfish women always use "women and children" in the same line(there is a reason they do that). However, I am sure you notice how they say "women" first. The "children" part is merely more leverage and it is also psychological manipulation, in my opinion. Remember feminist women only want to be treated like adults when it comes to pay rates. Other than that the "women and children" line kicks in again because -- in case you forgot -- women are "innocent just like toddlers" and should not be held accountable for their actions.

Women can hit men, but when men hit back women run and tell. Women can talk about men's bodies but when a man looks at her and says "Good Morning" it is sexual harassment. Are you seeing a pattern here?


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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...The question of the day is..have you told someone about mensactivism.org today??

I carry little pieces of paper with a little tag line...with the web address on it in my wallet, and will even hand one to strangers!!

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Apparently the original edition of TMM was published in 1971, and Vilar wrote a new foreword for a 1990's update that's available from amazon.com (UK).

What I've always admired about her writing and her logic is how she connects the psychological with the economic and cultural aspects of ordinary life.

She argues that men are becoming slaves not just to women via feminism but also to industrial globalized monopoly capitalism and that both forces conspire to subjugate the masculine. (I think the fact that Vilar grew up in Argentina may have something to do with her respect for traditional masculinity.)

This quote is intentionally provocative, like most of her thinking -

"As absurd as it may sound, today's men need feminism much more than their wives do. Feminists are the last ones who still describe men the way they like to see themselves: as egocentric, power-obsessed, ruthless and without inhibitions when it comes to satisfying their instincts. Therefore the most aggressive Women's Libbers find themselves in the strange predicament of doing more to maintain the status quo than anyone else. Without arrogant accusations, the macho man would no longer exist, except perhaps in the movies. If the press stylise men as rapacious wolves, the actual sacrificial lambs of this "men's society", men themselves, would no longer flock to the factories so obediently."

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So, to post-on-post is bad form I know; however -

Vilar seems to be saying that feminists are like modern day Don Quixote's, jousting against windmills .... protesting against and villifying a kind of imaginary masculinity that no longer exists ... obsessed with a virile mythological Patriarchy that died out long ago.

Vilar loves irony. She suggests that feminists are the true keepers of the memory of the traditionally masculine.

And even though they oppose it, at least they can describe it.

Which is more than you can say for Joe mangina-Biden and his ilk ...

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I am new to "Mensactivism" allow me to make my first post to your site, thanks for listening!

I am a newly Retired Soldier, I was raised in a home with traditional values and taught that it was my duty to respect and protect Women.
Is that to be considered a hate crime in the future?

As a child the boys took shop, and the girls took home economics.
That soon changed; ok I understand that rationale, but then they mixed our gym classes, boy scouts, and it seems any other role I can think of...
People often talk about the rites they should have, but what about the responsibilities.

Is it responsible to lie in bed when a burglar invades your home? Obviously not!
Is it responsible for the Husband to send his Wife into the living room to confront the burglar? I think not, yet this is the present day push of Feminist or others with an agenda, to send our Wives and Daughters into Combat!
This has nothing to do with ability rather; to me it is a question of ethics and what is best for that unit as a whole. This is the responsible question to be considered by society.

Personal sacrifice has nothing to do with ones individual rites, it is done most often out of love for others! This action is the glue that holds a society together, not selfish ambition with a disregard for others.

I was a trained Equal Opportunity facilitator in the Army; I understand Merit Promotion, equal protection, and the individual rites of others. However, I also understand self less service, duty, honor, respect, integrity, and doing what is best for the Unit.

Unfortunately, because of the natural laws govern ring our species, men are often distracted by women no matter how much they may try and remain indifferent.
I have witnessed this conflict of interest on ships, in the field, publicly and privately.

In the Military, Unit cohesion is essential, it can determine life from death, good judgment from bad and it affects everyone!
Sexual equality is often compared with the Civil Rights movement, but race and skin color have little to do with men’s performance in a threatening environment.

Remember the old cry of “women and children first” aboard sinking ships?
Maybe not, but this does lend credibility to the moral and ethics portion never mentioned in this debate.

It is my opinion, that any woman that would purposely try to insert herself into a combative role with men, is more interested in pursuing her selfish ambitions, than the psychological or personal welfare of that group.

This action would be divisive, selfish, short sighted and certainly not a force multiplier.

For political reasons, men and soldiers can not, and will not address this issue, "in this manner".
My wife and many other females that have seen military service are quite uncomfortable in serving in combat, yet would be afraid to voice there opinions openly even from an ethical point of view; and so are most men because of being marginalized.

I am not saying that women make bad soldiers; on the contrary they are very much a force multiplier! However the needs of the men, as well as the women, need to be addressed.

Perhaps female forces of combat ground, and air borne units, could be instated as reinforcement to their male counterparts; thus eliminating the fear of compromising male combat units.
This would allow for the “rites of men” as well as the “rites of women” without putting unneeded stress on the American Fighting Man, and insuring that Women could also be apart of that fight!, Whoopee!

I would like to add in closing, that I am sure that some women could kick my butt with no problem, but that is not the issue I am addressing.
Also I realize women have fault beside men for centuries, but I wrote this article to consider the rites of men like myself.

This is not a "hate crime", for I have written this out of love for God and Country, and the values that my wife and I hold dear. Otherwise the need for men to protect and defend, become obsolete, along with any traditional roles or responsibilities strictly given to Men.

Sorry Feminists, but men do have a responsibility to God to be Men, and to provide security and leadership both at home and abroad. We do not live in a “unisex” society, and their will always be a need for men to step up to the plate on behalf of the Family and their Countries.

Governments or technology may try to not make distinction between genders, but in doing so they are denying the natural make up of most men.

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"As absurd as it may sound, today's men need feminism much more than their wives do."
Thats what Esther Vilar states also!!

I believe you are correct. The most feminist males i've ever met seem to bring their anti-male hysteria to a type of perversion!!

...Are these men in fact so desperate, they will gladly choke 8,9, year old boys with "rape" charges if they think it will bring more female attention!!

I would say these man have in fact crossed the line of desperation into a type of perversion!!!

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..Old GI..

For political reasons, men and soldiers can not, and will not address this issue, "in this manner".
My wife and many other females that have seen military service are quite uncomfortable in serving in combat, yet would be afraid to voice there opinions openly even from an ethical point of view; and so are most men because of being marginalized.

..That is a very real concern!!

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Well, I'm not sure I would label it "perversion" when men become self-loathing.

In my view, it is merely a logical outcome of being indoctrinated in a seamless Matriarchy called "education."

How could you expect a boy to survive with any kind of confident masculine self in the face of a twenty year-long assault against his gender identity?

Mom, sisters, aunts, day care providers, elementary teachers, high school teachers, college professors... all predominantly female authority figures, right?

From birth through college, where are the men? The role models?

They are absentee slaves, indentured servants with a marriage license, always working, working, working....

Visitors in their son's & daughter's lives, even before the divorces and the visitation orders occur.

One could go on and on about this tragic misandry that is destroying America far more than any war on terror...

We as a people are conducting a very dangerous experiment.

How can you explain the psychology of a privileged nation that is so intent upon pursuing its own self-destruction?

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It seems to me that one result of feminism, has been to weaken our military and has affected our ability to win wars. I would even say that in this regard, the radical feminists have blood on their hands.

Do you think it is going too far too say that? (I was in the Navy for six years).

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Old GI the nation I presume it is the US, you put your life on the line to defend has cheated you or rather the society that makes up our present culture has cheated you just because you are male. You have the legal standing of a hog in this nation's family court system if you happen to be so unfortunate to have a falling out with your wife and get divorced. You have been suckered into believing you have this god ordained duty to defend womenfolk and the misandric culture that we presently live in. You are out of the military now and you are free to objectively and honestly view the present society we live in. And if you are honest you as a male would have to agree your civil rights as a human being simply don't exist. This misandric ridden society and culture needs to fall and the sooner the better!

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Yes GI, I'm afraid that the values you fought for are long gone, never to return. You can't turn back the clock. From now on we're stuck with "equality," which we can perhaps redefine. But the good old days are history. You can't reverse so-called feminism. The tumor can be removed, but the damage has been done.

As men, we must be the chemotherapy that kills the cancer. The patient will live-- but the scars will last long after the disease has been stopped.

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In 1965, Senator Patrick Moynihan was condemned for his observation of the consequences of family breakdown:

"From the wild Irish slums of the 19th century eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: A community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any rational expectations about the future -- that community asks for and gets chaos."

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