Child Support Not Reaching Children - Gov't Just Keeping Most Money

A new report shows what MRA's have always advocated - the current child support system is a scam, a cash cow only for those who implement, collect, and manage the support payments.

According to this latest report, fathers, and the children/mothers they are supposed to be helping, are ALL suffering - embroiled in a futile, crooked system that promotes itself as "helping" children receive stability and justice from deadbeat parents. Who's the real slime bags? The alleged deadbeat parents, or the crooks taking the child support payments and putting it in their own pockets rather than the children's?

J Soltys

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Child support has never been and isn't for children's support. It is a wealth transfer scheme. Even if the money bypassed the government completely a goodly sum would go to buying lotto tickets, beer and cigarettes of the custodial parent which is statisically always the mother.

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give me the feeling it's all about to come crashing down.

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...stats on 'deadbeat dads' are generated using data supplied by the custodial parent, I wonder how this influences those numbers.

Ask mother "are you getting your full child support?"
Her (honest) answer "no".

Not including how frequently women lie about it.

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From the NYT piece - "Of the nation’s total uncollected child-support arrears of $105 billion in 2006,fully half was owed to the federal and state governments to recover welfare costs, rather than to families."

The child support extortion racket is very similar to the Domestic Violence Industry, in that both are tax-payer funded feminist bureaucracies purposely designed to harvest men's wealth and transfer it to the vampire bureaucrats who profit by re-victimizing the victims. (How many of VAWA's annual $1.5 billion dollars never reach actual victims of DV because of all the feminist functionaries whose salaries must be paid?)

The current welfare system makes it almost impossible for a poor couple wishing to maintain a nuclear family to stay together, because the mere presence of a father in the household disqualifies the mother from getting assistance.

So, fathers are exiled from their children, persecuted as criminals and exploited as indentured servants, and then thrown into an unconstitutional debtor's prison when they break.

Mission accomplished and fully justified "for the good of the children," now effectively wards of the State.

Marxism 101 anybody?

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Excellent points, Roy. We're in a pathetic state.

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...they really mean just "women." The children portion is just used as a method to gain sympathy -- and preferential treatment -- for women and the crooked courts that support them.

Anytime I hear someone say "donate money to help women and children" I keep walking. It's a shame kids have to suffer because women -- and the manginas that kowtow to them -- are simply using them as a means to an end. I only give when I know it is for children alone and even then the money probably goes to JUST the girls.

It's all cyclical and goes right back to the female gender. They use others to get things they want. Just as women and their government hacks used black men to gain unwarranted pity -- and more freebies -- for women.

Anytime I hear "women's issues" mentioned in connection with something else I automatically know it is really for women. Any other issue is "always" secondhand to women's self-created issues.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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You're right. Perfect example: the pathetic outpouring of sympathy for child murderer Andrea Yates.

FEMINISM-- Fuck Every Male Idiocy Now Is Socially Mandated

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