Debunk Domestic Abuse Junk-Science

Debunk Domestic Abuse Junk-Science

To describe the effects of the systematic, domestic abuse theory discrimination (perpetrated against all men in America today) as a "tragedy" is actually employing a euphemism. Given the scale of destruction done to the targeted male population, it is more accurate to describe it akin to the beginnings of the holocaust in Nazi Germany, or the institutional persecution of African-Americans in the decades before the civil rights movement.

Tremendous abuse has been inflicted on innocent men through America's misandrist, and corrupt domestic abuse laws. What we see being done to men in our domestic abuse courts, family law courts, colleges and universities, mass media and other societal institutions in the name of domestic abuse law is a gross national disgrace.

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...Go get em Ray!!!

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Thanks scottkirk.

Some people even hide and watch.

Note: The Face in the Lightened Oval

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That's why we see so much of it these days.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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..One of the most effective things an MRA can do right now is turn other men onto this and other similar websites!!

..The current main stream media are not...I repeat, not gonna do it for us!!

Tell a friend you saw an interesting piece on down the address on a piece of scrap paper for them, so they can easilly put it in their wallet!!

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(MR) - "To describe the effects of the systematic, domestic abuse theory discrimination (perpetrated against all men in America today) as a "tragedy" is actually employing a euphemism."

This is really interesting and worth further examination, if only because when we describe something as a "tragedy" it is almost always considered to be something that has already happened. (Case closed.)

"It's a tragedy that the school bus crashed into a train."

"It's a tragedy that men die seven years earlier than women, on average."

So, obviously we tend to accept tragedies as something we cannot change or reform.

"It's a tragedy that VAWA extorts $1- billion a year in taxpayer dollars to fuel feminist legal assaults against men."

Every "tragedy" is a done deal, right?



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"It's a tragedy that VAWA extorts $1- billion a year in taxpayer dollars to fuel feminist legal assaults against men."

Everybody just kind of goes along with this in our society, thinking VAWA is a good law. It's time for the people to start despising this and other corrupt, gender feminist spawned laws (and all who support them) as the evil abusers of men they truly are.

Anyone who promotes VAWA, promotes corruption and evil. Any legal system that recognizes VAWA deserves no respect.

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What is the purpose of that goofy-ass cop being there? Is he keeping the MRA's from raping and murdering women as part of their protest? Or rather, is he doing the correct job, i.e. protecting the MRA's from violent radical feminist nut-jobs who may confront them?


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