Gay man fights for parental rights after being deceived by female "friend"

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Topeka man is fighting a legal battle over parental rights, because his babies' mother says he is just the sperm donor.
Hendrix is a gay man who didn't think he would ever become a father. Then in 2004, the Topeka resident said a longtime female friend named Samantha Harrington approached him and asked if he would father a baby for her through artificial insemination...

So Hendrix said he agreed to the deal. "I thought everything was perfect and I said, 'Do we need anything in writing?" he said. "She said, 'Daryl, we've been friends for 10 years. I'm an attorney. Kansas is an oral agreement state. There will be no problem.' And I took her word for it."
Hendrix said, "When she found out she was pregnant, she called and said, 'Congratulations Daddy."

The twins were born in May 2005 at Stormont Vail Hospital in Topeka. Hendrix said when he went to the hospital to see the infants, a boy and a girl, he was turned away.

That's when he learned that Kansas law gives sperm donors no parental rights unless there is a written contract.

The next day, Harrington filed legal documents asking that Hendrix have no parental rights. Hendrix too went to court".'

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He should have said he didn't want to be the father. Then they would have forced all the parental repsonsibility he could ever want onto him.

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It is idiots like this guy who IMO hinder all men in their struggle for rights! I hope he gets his wish and is ordered to pay child support for the next 18 years!

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Leuk I have to disagree. This is a guy that if nothing else shows that men do indeed have the desire for children, something a lot of women don't believe, because that's not what Oprah tells them. He wanted kids, he found a way to do it, and now he's having legal trouble getting his kids.

I doubt the woman is asking for child support, since she seems to want it treated like an anonymous donation, where the donor has no rights.

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because that's not what Oprah tells them

Yup, women for the most part are herd creatures that nearly "always" go along with the crowd. Of course the media spins this as "women work well together." Although anyone that has seen women "working together" knows it is like a catfight between them 24/7. The truth is women all tend to do the same fucking thing because they simply follow what is popular, they don't "work well together." That's bullshit.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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The way I read this is that at first he agreed to donate sperm with no parental obligations attached but then he had a change of mind after the fact and wants parental obligations. Can't have it both ways.

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«The way I read this is that at first he agreed to donate sperm with no parental obligations attached but then he had a change of mind after the fact and wants parental obligations. Can't have it both ways.»

Yeah. He doesn't have the right genitalia for that. - Old, phased out due to Google's policies. Archives here. - Current.

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