BBC: Semen 'may fuel cervical cancer'

Story here.

I.M.O this is nothing but junk science designed to further poison relationships between men and women by enforcing the premise that such relationships are bad or wrong or somehow inferior to 'alternative' lifestyles, etc. However they have sunk to a new low here by suggesting that the very thing men and women ARE DESIGNED FOR in order for us to continue as a species is a danger to women! Since the majority of women have sex with men there must surely be a pandemic of Cervical Cancer?

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This is pretty low but from what I hear about the BBC and the misandry they spew out it is not surprising.

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"The MRC team exposed cancerous tissue to prostaglandin.

They found that the influx of prostaglandin in semen boosted the normal level of signalling between cells."

The critical point being -- though cleverly disguised in the piece ---

Only women already confimred to have cervical cancer were involved in this study.

And, even more critically, there is no link between exposure to semen-conveyed prostaglandin and cervical cancer.

This is a case of bad journalism by a foolish and unethical hack.

I smell a conspiracy!

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