RADAR ALERT: OVW Response to RADAR Shows Many Male Victims Neglected

In a report to Congress on services provided to domestic violence and sexual assault victims, the U.S. General Accounting Office identified a number of grant programs whose funds are used to provide direct services to victims.

RADAR then submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking data on the services provided to victims, categorized by gender. On October 23, 2007, the Office on Violence Against Women responded to the RADAR request.

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Oh no, that isn't anti-male bias or anything. Schmucks.

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If you have some time to go take a look at the Office on Violence Against Women website -- it's part of the Department of Justice -- and the actual agency that decides who gets VAWA's $1 billion per year --

you'll soon discover that it is almost impossible to get VAWA funding for any "gender neutral" DV services.

You have to dig a bit into the language that defines who is actually eligible for VAWA money. They have rigged the qualifying criteria so that virtually no services for men will be funded.

Recall the silly language game that played out back when VAWA 2005-2010 was being reauthorized?

"Nothing in this bill shall be construed to prevent services for men?" (Paraphrase.)

Well, nothing in the bill mandated "gender neutrality" or assigned a proportionate amount of funding (minimally 36%) for male "victims."

The fems and Joe Biden pulled off a neat bait-and-switch gambit and convinced more than a few people that some kind of major reform in VAWA funding had happened.

It didn't.

And, it won't.

Feminism views any rationing of services for men as a zero-sum game.

Any crumbs thrown to men takes money away from the DV Industry's ability to further its primary mission --

demonizing and incarcerating men.

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This VAW crap is particularly bothersome to me in that blatant sexism of any kind disgusts me. My question then is where are the sex discrimination lawsuits? Under equal protection, both genders should be able to benefit equally from the VAWA. As distasteful as we all find lawsuits to be, if this were the other way around (ie: if there were a pro-male benefit of this size), there would be lawsuits galore. What pro-equality groups are exploring this route? I would be happy to contribute to such a cause that has any chance of actually changing these laws!

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