Sydney Morning Herald on paternity fraud, men's rights groups

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'MEN'S groups are calling for mandatory paternity testing of all newborns as it emerges a record number of men are finding they are not the fathers of children they believed to be theirs.

Almost a quarter of paternity tests conducted by one of Australia's largest DNA laboratory companies show the man submitting a sample is not the father, compared to an estimated one in 10 "exclusions" 10 years ago.

Thousands of men are turning to DIY testing kits - available online - to discover whether they are the biological father while they are still in a relationship and without telling their partners about their suspicions.
Professor Margaret Otlowski, deputy director of the University of Tasmania's Centre for Law and Genetics, said: "I don't think mandatory testing is a good idea.

"I can see the argument from the point of view of creating certainty about parentage, but it would stem from a very suspicious premise and there would be huge implications in terms of relationships."'

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'but it would stem from a very suspicious premise and there would be huge implications in terms of relationships."'

So does checking people at TSA screenings for bombs and stuff, but no one really objects to that. Of course need I even make the point that if somehow genetic testing were needed to prove maternity, it would be in place already. You can predict who will support things like mandatory genetic testing of newborns: men will, women won't.

Yes, and implications in terms of relationships are as follows: A sleazy woman will get caught committing a lifetime-degree of fraud against some decent man. Frankly, those implications strike me as good.

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An awful realisation ... Steven Gillespie had his daughter's name tattooed on his chest, only to find out he wasn't her biological father.

Nothing new. Daughter-owners are the unhappiest and weirdest people on the Earth.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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I think it's agreat idea! Men will know if that is their real child. The child will know who their real father is...ooops! That's the reason why it will never pass.

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What is so hard about making women responsible for their lies?

My Board: [URL=]Antifeministing[/URL]

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Unless the tests aren't accurate. Remember the FBI and bullet testing?

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"I can see the argument from the point of view of creating certainty about parentage, but it would stem from a very suspicious premise and there would be huge implications in terms of relationships."

You nailed it, mcc99. Men have good cause to be suspicious, do they not? And the implications for relationships seem to me to be wholly desirable. Lying, cheating women will be exposed from day one, allowing their potential victims to walk away if they choose; while honest women have nothing to fear and will be confirmed in their honesty. These effects can only lead to much more openness and truth in relationships. Men will know if they are being defrauded before they are snared in a net from which there is no escape; or if they are the real father, that will be confirmed for the benefit of all - mother and child included. How can that not be a worthwhile objective?

Of course the liars will scream blue murder, but let them. We have all had quite enough of women getting away with their hypocritical shit simply because they play the victims and howl their heads off.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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"I can see the argument from the point of view of creating certainty about parentage, but it would stem from a very suspicious premise and there would be huge implications in terms of relationships."

But isn't marriage a institution base on mistrust to begin with?

No women have the right to the option of cheating on their husbands.

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Thus they will never agree with this, but who gives a fuck what they agree with?


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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