"Israeli women soldiers recount army trauma in film"

Article here.

I once heard someone say at an MRA event that it's OK to acknowledge the traumatic experiences of women but not men. Another time I heard a therapist mention that the grief of men was taboo but not of women. Things like this documentary only point up these observations. Traumatized men are casualties. Traumatized women are victims. It matters not, it seems, whether the person wears a uniform, but only if that person is male or female.

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Yes Matt, one of those commenters would be me. I say it over and over, a man's emotional pain is taboo and this has serious ramifications on the way men are treated in our culture. It stems from the rigid sex role that men are still harnessed with, that is, to provide and protect. If you can provide and protect very well then you are likely going to be, as Warren Farrell puts it, insulated from rejection. Deviation from this provide and protect will get men hammered with judgment and criticism. A lethal variation from this rigid role for men is to expose your own emotional pain. This runs exactly counter to the provide and protect. Instead of showing strength and saving others you show your own vulnerability. Of course when this happens men are shamed and vilified, called pussies, gay, wimps whatever.

You can contrast that with the female sex role that has expanded greatly over the last 30 years. A woman's emotional pain continues to be a call to action. Instead of being shamed for their pain they get everyone trying to lend a hand and help out. Damsel tied to the tracks syndrome. If those males would only provide and protect this poor little woman wouldn't have to go through this terrible experience. It is this attitude that we see over and over from our legislators. A woman's pain is a call to action. Think VAWA. A man's pain is a sign of his failure and gets him ostracized and shamed.

quote from the article:
"Although female soldiers are kept out of the front line, Israel is one of the only countries to enforce military service for women. Yarom aims to highlight the fragility of some girl soldiers -- many still in their teens when they start their two year army stint -- and the violence into which they are thrust."

The sense of worry and care goes only to the girls. Our young men have been cannon fodder and seen ungodly things in war for thousands of years but no one ever thinks of protecting them from this harsh experience. The producer of this movie chose female victims for a reason. That sells.

This is the double standard we face.

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That's a documentary film made by a woman agitating for the end of compulsory military service for women in Israel. Usual story: a woman claims preferences to women at the expense of men.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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And a great observation it is!

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What are they whining about? They're not even serving on the front lines. Instead, they're staying home and performing torture duty.

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I read recently that each week 122 Iraq war veterans commit suicide. These soldiers (99% male) who take their own lives are NOT counted as war casualties. If they were, the total number of U.S. war dead, now approaching 4,000 in the "official" tally, would more than double.

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As a matter of fact I'll be the first one to laugh. How many times have MEN been shot and killed in war again so that these stinking ass bitches have the "privilege" to do nothing or whine about actually being put into the war?

Don't men know women only expect MEN to die during war? It must be because as they say "women, as a sex are infinitely superior to men." Isn't that how ole E.C. Stanton put it?

Fucking pig ass bitches. I hope they put more of them out there to get gunned down. Then they can start to gain some fucking respect.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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