States urged to open adoption records

This is an update regarding a similar article recently submitted to MANN. Excerpt:

'In a comprehensive report being released Monday, a leading U.S. adoption institute says the answer is "Yes" and urges the rest of America to follow the path of the eight states that allow such access to all adults who were adopted.

States' experiences in providing this information make clear that there are minimal, if any, negative repercussions," said the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute. "Outcomes appear to have been overwhelmingly positive for adult adopted persons and birthparents alike."

Opponents of open access argue that unsealing birth records violates the privacy that birthmothers expected when they opted to give up their babies. They raise the specter of birthparents forced into unwanted relationships with grown children who have tracked them down.'

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If a parent is brave enough to put up a child for adoption, it should be up to the parent to make contact.

Publishing that private information is an invasion of privacy.

oregon dad

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