Purdue Student Paper: "Females initiate some abuse"

Via Marc A.: "This is the 7th university newspaper story (we know of) that resulted from our news release in the past month."

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men are not always necessarily the initiators of domestic violence.

A recent study has shown that men and women commit acts of domestic violence at similar rates.

"Domestic violence is a human problem, not a gender problem," said Marc Angelucci, president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men. "But unfortunately it has been misframed as a gender problem for decades by the media and by gender-driven political ideologies."'

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It is always good to see that men's rights concerns are making little dents in the "lace curtain" that feminists have so successfully put in place in the MSM to filter out mens' perspectives.

But do not confuse this limited media play with anything substantial.

VAWA is still the law of the land, and every man is still defined as the "primary aggressor."

Your wife, your girlfriend, that cutie you met at Starbucks today?

They all have 911 "I'm afraid of him" on their cellphone speed dials.

It works 99% of the time even when "they initiate the abuse..."

Be forewarned.

Feminists have already decided what category you belong in --- (and the "nice girls" agree while protesting that they're "not like all the others....")

Your classification as a man, according to our feminist Congress?

You are defined as "prey."

Some trivial fool about to be harvested.

(And be taxed for the privilege!)

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Or did this article, along with the title itself, seem to grudgingly admit there was a problem that cuts across gender, and then downplay it?

It was almost like it said, "Ok, ya got us on this one. But it's only a little problem. It's nothing like you big, scary men beating on your wives, girlfriends, etc."

It's like Orwell said in Animal Farm: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

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We do see alot of "budging" on the part of feminists, giving token recognition when they have to, but then still emphasizing women. And I guess there is some "grudging" too.

But with student newspapers, I think I've seen more sloppiness than anything else, at least among the 7 articles that printed. Tons of careless errors, sometimes with total contradictions within the same article, going both directions. One of them took a quote from me and attributed it to the Centers for Disease Control. The Purdue one didn't even give the study that the entire news release was about, and instead referred to some small study done by Fiebert with only a 1000 sample size. Then it said the studies show men and women commit the violence at comparable rates, but the title says "Women commit some abuse." I know the title is usually done by the editor and not the reporter, but it's still an example of sloppiness from those papers IMO.

This particular one, at Purdue, I see as kind of trying to take the feminist and masculist quotes that don't directly disagree with each other, as though they don't want to show any controversy but show harmony in some way. That's the feel I get from it. We have seen that or similar type of "get alone" type of writing in some of the others.

So I think yes there is a combination of grudging, trying to avoid controversy, and some bias, in some of these, but most of it, in my opinion, is simply sloppiness when it's in the student papers. I guess they're busy students meeting deadlines while doing their exames, and I can understand somewhat. For some reason the university newspapers have been far more open to this topic than mainstream, which I think, and hope, is at least somewhat indicative of a cultural shift. But who knows.

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I've read a lot of campus newspapers over the years and they often contain errors.

Personally, I think getting this much focus in student newspapers is great. It is on (taxpayer funded, college and university campuses where the misandrist brainwashing begins. It is college and university campuses that have thousands of misandrist women's studies programs and one of their main projects is creating and spreading misandrist lies about domestic violence.

Even though some students, and others, may be confused by collegiate paper sloppiness, these aforementioned articles at least raises significant questions about domestic violence against men. The only question I have now is, "What are we going to do to drive home the truth to these highly impressionable and energetic students in college and university? It would be said to leave the clarification of points to the women's studies professors (brainwashers) and their ilk.

Reject Women‘s Studies Junk Science
Reject Women‘s Studies Intolerance
Reject Women‘s Studies Prejudices
Condemn Women‘s Studies Male-Bashing
Reject Women‘s Studies Propaganda
Condemn Women‘s Studies Curriculum
Defund Women‘s Studies Curriculum

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At least it's getting some press, but man!

If that article had waffled on the issue anymore, I would swear that Bill Clinton had written it for a Congressional Inquiry.

"It MAY be that SOME women instigate..." Psh. Congrats on that completely non-committal report.

But I do agree with you that it is a start.

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