I Don't Agree... But I like It!

Of course it's rare, but I love to see women receiving the stupid, paranoid treatment we men are subjected to on a consistent basis.

Some may say that two wrongs don't make a right (spare me!), but in the stupid atmosphere we are in in the U.S. these days, nothing will get corrected until women have to put up with the same treatment we men are so often subjected to. Excerpt:

'MASCOUTAH — A 13-year-old junior high school student was given two days of detention after school officials spotted her hugging friends after school last Friday.

Megan Coulter, an eighth-grade student at Mascoutah Middle School, was hugging her friends goodbye after school Friday when vice principal, Randy Blakely, saw her and told her she would receive two after-school detentions.'

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I can't even blame the school, considering how easy it is to sue over nothing. They're covering their asses.

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Coulter's mother, Melissa Coulter, says she has requested to speak with the School Board at its next meeting, and is mystified about the punishment leveled at her daughter.

Now, if this had been a male doing the hugging you can almost see the headlines:


And this mother is worried about a couple of after school detentions? Wow.

I know, I know...I'm not being sympathetic to the fact that this is just more knee-jerk reactionaryism crap that our society is worried about. If this is the only thing that this school has to worry about...PDA...then they're pretty lucky.

I think they should be worrying about the fact that most of the kids they'll graduate this year (and next) won't be able to read, write or think critically, and that it's entirely their fault.

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Many stories have been posted regarding young boys criminalized by our school system for assine reasons. I think its hypocritical if anyone believes this is justice for us because in this case it involves a girl. I suspect most here think this incident is completely unfair, but certainly not payback for the treatment of boys.

But a double standard exists through out the MSM. Watching Anderson Cooper last night covering this story as a headline topic is a perfect example. Their was such outrage over the treatment of this young girl. We know if it was a boy, it would make page 42 in local newspapers. The problem is the media, but schools treating girls in the same manor is equally unfair.

Essentially I'm 50/50 on the value of such an incident and how it relates to our movement.

This comment is not directed towards anyone here, just a thought on my part. Some feedback from you guys would be helpfull.

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...if men are treated like shit.

That's equality. Like it or not. When will men learn to stop giving their lives, whining, and being overly sympathetic to a gender that does not return the favor? When I see the majority of women stand up for men and denounce male bashing as an outrage while dying in wars to protect us my view "might" change. Not before.

This is why wives are so spoiled; men do it, they let these women get away with ANYTHING and NEVER force them to be accountable for their actions. The woman could care less about you, but you are here balling your eyes out over her? What fools are men. The male gender is doomed due to this character flaw that causes them to worship -- and make excuses for -- their own oppressors.

Kind of like the house negro who loves the slavemaster.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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